Killer is dead

Good game? Worth playing or just meh?

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I wanna get it from Steam but I don't know if it is a good game or not

That's almost identical to my situation

Nice game if you like Suda, though suda didn't work much on it
It has a nice artstyle and the gameplay is more in depth than NMH
Gigolo missions are kinda meh but they're fun for the first time
Soundtrack is pretty great just search it on youtubes
If you're getting it for PC make sure to search the 60fps unlocker

I got it on steam last year and never played it.

I'm debating this or bionic commando rearmed 2.

Just meh. Story doesn't go anywhere, gameplay feels shallow, some annoying missions.
I didn't hate my time with it, but I wish it was better.

I played 30mins and uninstall.

I liked it, granted it my first Suda game. But pretentious fags say it's his weakest. Either way I thoroughly enjoyed and platinum'd it.

too short to warrant a buy worth pirating tho

I like suda and I think its a game for people who want a very shallow version of him. I'd say it's worth 20 bucks.

Yeah, definitely get it cheap
Also i like to think of it as a FSR spin off

I perfered lolipop chainsaw than to killer is dead. I wish both games weren't super short. At least they play like video games unlike western triple a garbage.

She makes a cameo on the dlc mission
>tfw no Travis cameo

I liked Shadows of the Damned best of these three games. Never played any other Suda game.

It's a fun beat 'em up game that's all about style. Story is a massive piece of Suda51 nonsense, but there's a lot to unpack especially if you're as obsessed with his SudaVerse (or whatever it should be called) as I am.

I have this whole crazy thing about this game being a successor to KILLER7.

I paid full price and played the whole game.
It's not worth playing even if you like Suda.
It's just boring.

Sadly, he confirmed that KiD is not part of the Kill the past series
That's why i consider it some sort of spin-off, the mission structure and not getting paid at the end of missions is kinda similar to FSR

Where does she make an appearance in that mission? Played through it many times.

>I liked Shadows of the Damned best of these three games. Never played any other Suda game.

user probably means he played only three of those and liked SotD most among them.

Personally I've never played any but I can get it dirt cheap from a friend of mine. Is SotD good?

>especially if you're as obsessed with his SudaVerse as I am


If you enjoy suda games then the aesthetic alone will keep you going. Otherwise its just mediocre gameplay coupled with a purposefully vague story that doesnt have any payoff because it doesnt make any fucking sense. And the gigolo missions suck.

You're just boring.

I probably would have a hard time explaining to you so just have this