>good Japanese studio partners with Sony
>makes the best and most kino game ever made
>good Japanese studio partners with ms
>game cancelled, studio in the prink of dying, and the director is having a mental breakdown
>good Japanese studio partners with Sony
>makes the best and most kino game ever made
>good Japanese studio partners with ms
>game cancelled, studio in the prink of dying, and the director is having a mental breakdown
More like
>Good Japanese studio partners with Sony
>Makes good game
>Overrated Japanese Studio partners with Microsoft
>The expected happens
From soft never partnered with Microsoft.
Also remember what happened when D4 was a timed Xbone exclusive?
Don't trust microsoft
>studio in the prink of dying,
Nah man it's fine. They got payed for what they did on Scalebound. If not they can take legal action.
>and the director is having a mental breakdown
Where did you hear that? His twitter has been dark since the holidays.
Are you ok?
Everyone on this site had a fit and said scalebound looked like shit after the e3 footage so why do you all of a sudden act like it was going to be any good at all? If I payed a studio to make a game and it came out looking like scalebound I'd be pissed off too.
Kamiya has been having a breakdown for years
Are you?
That's a weird a question.
If by breakdowns you mean banning people asking stupid questions he already answered.
Yes. "breakdowns".
>why do you all of a sudden act like it was going to be any good at all?
Because it gives them an excuse to shitpost.
That's literally it. The one guiding principle behind 90% of Sup Forums threads is "How many (You)s can I get if I say this?"
May of had something to do with the fact that Platinum was working on multiple games at the same time, that and Kamiya is a big bitch when he doesn't get what he wants (not implying that M$ doesn't try and take too much creative control).
FromSoft also have been in the game dev business far longer than Platinum or even Clover has, and are overall more talented developers.
Actually they did.
Ninja blade was born.
Cringiest game about ninja i ever see, i couldn't believe japan did it.
I guess microsoft keep tell from how they must make a true nnja so froms just gave up and made that shit with muh-brother-rivalry QTE-bosses.
They also made Metal Wolf Chaos. I don't think the guys at From really care about what they're doing half of the time.
That's not what I meant at all you raging faggot
Oh. Then you meant literally nothing. Because he doesn't.
Great shitpost bro.
>half the time
>demon souls and bloodborne are amazing
>dark souls 2 and 3 are soulless cash grab crap
>dark souls 1 is amazing but takes a nosedive halfway through
the math checks out
>the director is having a mental breakdown
rip in peace phil fish