I had fun with it. why the hate?

I had fun with it. why the hate?

Did you play the other two that had way more content and interesting mechanics?

yeah the other two were just better

Broken promises

Story was complete garbage. Dog was garbage compared to 2. Characters weren't as fun as the first 2 games. Combat felt way less satisfying than 2, cant rememner what 1s combat was like. Why the fuck did I have to go back to that stupid map room so much for no reason? So much busywork rather than actual fun quests.

One of the only games franchises I can think of that consistently removed features with every release.

The entire expression system reduced down to one button commands with III. And then there was that fucking pause menu system.

>cant rememner what 1s combat was like

*gallops towards you with a bow drawn*

And people thought Fable 4 was going to be good.

The cancelled pitch sounded great. Fable is a pretty unique game and there's not much like it out. What a shame... would like a Fable 4. I even enjoyed Fable 3 but yeah, it was fucking abysmal compared to the first game and even the second.

Am i the only one having an hard time liking this series?

Well, to be fair I'm talking about 2, haven't tried the others yet. Simplistic combat, generic "yer the chosen one" story, annoying dog companion, and the Sims-like interactions get old fast

One of the main selling points is that you can shape your character like you want, but that can take to undesired results
>Eat food for healing
>Now you're getting fat lol
And the morality system is most annoyingly simplistic too
>Meet ghost
>He tells me his fiancee was a bitch that betrayed him on wedding's day, breaking his heart
>He wants to make her feel as bad as he felt
>"Well, ok"
>Quest: pretend to love the girl and then refuse her marriage proposal
>It's silly but i guess she deserves it?
>Meet the girl
>The epic twist is that she's actually a lovely angel and it was all a misunderstanding
>Now i can either break her heart gaining evil fame or the quest can never be completed, you can't get back to the ghost to explain the situation
>If you di enough questionable things you turn into a literal devil

I only played Fable 2 and I loved it for the gameplay/gimmicks but the fact that it was so fucking short made me want to kill myself for buying it

Is the Fable 1 remaster on PC worth buying if I liked the gameplay of 2 just not how ridiculously short it was?

You know you could actually marry her for the good ending?

>Now i can either break her heart gaining evil fame or the quest can never be completed

There should be a good ending to that if I remember.

In fact, I think you can marry her. One of the few potential waifus with a personality.

Yeah I'll add on to my post here where i only talked about gameplay

The thing that really annoyed me in Fable 2 was how the evil faction was like ministry of silly walks-tier comedic shit. Your initiation is to eat 5 baby chickens or whatever it is, it's like the game is parodying its own moral choice system where your only options in any given situation are to be a perfect saint or to be a money grubbing goon who eats baby chickens while they're still living

However I could tolerate all this shit if only the game wasn't so fucking short

Fable 1 is the only good one in the series

So if you liked 2, you'll love 1

with 2 Molyneux decided he wanted the series to be more intellectual, with a more challenging narrative and decisions. Simultaneously, he wanted to massively streamline a lot of the controls, hence the 1 button does everything set up.

Fable 1 (TLC) is much more straight forward and conventional with its combat and RPG mechanics, and it's story doesn't really strive to be more than a loving parody of classic RPG stories. It's definitely worth checking about, and the only real downside with it compared to 2 is the lack of the dog (and the Highwaymen outfit).

Don't even think of trying 3, its abysmal

fable 1 is very worth it, you honestly owe it to yourself if you like fable 2

Fable II was worse than I, but it wasn't the worst thing I ever played.

III though was just fucking horrible.

Yeah, i know
But this way I'm forced with a girl i never asked for

Yeah, i think someday I'll try 1

Sweet, I'll ask again though is the remaster with the modern graphics the way to go or did they fuck with everything and make it terrible like certain other remasters?

Suppose you actually want to be the good guy unlike your bro Logan and you keep making all the mr. goody-two-shoes decisions, and then it hits you with this impossible choice of not being a dick and getting your nation killed vs being a dick like bro and surviving the dumbest threat to mankind i've ever seen in a game. What are you gonna do, play the flute for 10 hours to make enough gold to not be a dick?

They fucked everything, the remaster makes everything look like if it was made of play-doh

Buy some buildings and collect the rent as the days never advance unless I do the shit the fag in the vault says

The artstyle is slightly different and they cut back a lot on the glare

I personally think its an improvement and looks much better at higher resolutions

Some people prefered the shiny cartoony look of the original though

You literally can get all the money you need playing the pie minigame for an hour.

There's also the demon door that gives you an insane amount of money.

The original with that shininess looks like vomit in higher resolutions though

The art style in both though is trash in my opinion but at least the remaster won't burn your eyes

Buying building requires gold, which you have to grind up through dumb grinding. Exactly what i wanted to do for hours when i thought about playing this game.

The flute minigame gives more money than the pie one, and yet i grinded for an hour 'till i farewell'd the game, reaching only 1/20 of the needed gold. Besides i don't want to entertain or bake pies for npcs for hours. Just wanted to kill shit.

I guess I will just play the remaster, seems like the main debate is about which art style is better and having not played the original I don't really care so much.

Its a shame we'll never get another fable game, all the fucks need to do is take the good bits, yes even the couple of them that 3 had, and just merge them all together. You wouldn't even need to add anything new.

What are the good bits of fable 3 you ask?
Well I honestly liked spell weaving though I hated how it made the magic system even more simple. But lets you add an elemental twist to already existing spells could be a really neat concept if done correctly.

Also I like the base idea of having to make sacrifices to be good. I think in the end it was implemented poorly since you just could make pies all fucking day or whatever and the kingdom is saved lol, but giving the player reasons past personal selfish ones to be a dick is a good direction.

And while I think a lot of people disagree with me on this, I quite liked the pause waiting room thing in fable 3. probably the most unique thing to come out of the game.

>Buying building requires gold, which you have to grind up through dumb grinding

There's literally a welfare demon door that just exists to hand you a boatload of cash.

Well the whole story falls entirely flat, and there's no challenge to combat at all making it a hotpocketwalk.

Art is beautiful as usual, music is nice, soundscape is perfect, animations are pretty good, side quests are hilarious and have incredibly high quality writing (those fucking gnomes), but everything else sucks. Also fuck micromanaging a kingdom. Also fuck that "press A to do anything but the prompt takes a second to appear".

It reminded me of a Ubisoft game. Everything is fine about it, except the fucking main story which is always absolutely terrible because some "big name" who never wrote for vidya before wrote it even though their own in-house writers are able to write dope side quests, missions and lore that outshine the main story, and the gameplay is absolutely atrocious and it's absolutley done on purpose because it takes mere hours to fix it with a mod, and they couldn't even be arsed to add an additional difficulty mod.

I'm sad this series had to go, it had plenty potential it never delivered, and which could be done today. Now it'll never happened, Lionhead will sink and Molyneux will never shine again.

>reminds me of a ubisoft game

Only ubisoft game I've liked in a long long time is Rainbow Six: Siege and they're doing a good job of trying to get me to not like it

didnt have the magic of the first one, nothing could

Imo side quests that award a decent amount of gold would've made the game more enjoyable, not demon doors or charity work. Demon doors have been in the franchise since the first game, yes, but they've always been optional and you could choose between ignoring or solving them. Making it almost mandatory to solve just so you could be the good guy kinda beats the purpose of "optional".

If you ever try 1 just make sure you the lost chapters

it barely improved over Fable II and made a lot of new mistakes and failed to be better than Fable 1

Game franchises are generally only one second chance if the latest game is worse than the previous one. Two games in a row both worse than the first and that's it, you've killed most of your fans interest.

Compare Devil May Cry where the second game was worse than the first but the third game was better than both.

I hated the fact the best weapons were rare drops and could only be obtained by either MP interaction or doing a new playthrough.

Other than that... I liked some things better than 2.

2 was so shit I didn't even try 3.

>way more content

How is it even possible for a game to be shorter than Fable 2? Is Fable 3 really 4 hours long?

Trust me, don't get the remaster.

I was in the same situation as you and bought the remake thinking it was just new graphics and controls. In reality, the framerate is horrible (even the camera noticeably lags, no joke) and the game crashes frequently.