Now: Epic shitposting
Next: Baiting for (You)s
After: lol you underage fucks don't care about anything until smash in 7 hours who gives a shit
AGDQ 2017
Other urls found in this thread:
Anime = allowed
Post penis girth
nth for bored as fuck
when did it all go wrong Sup Forums?
>Zoe Quinn gave $160
Oh, are you're fucking me, right
Greetings from Arbys!
Zoe Quinn just donated
Why is he so cute Sup Forums?
is this the worst AGDQ to date
Left: 4.5 inches
Right: 3 inches
Anime was a mistake
4.3" ;_;
WTF I hate mickey mouse now??
5.3 desu
>Zoe Quinn
How did that get through?
>Zoe Quinn
we say this ever year
>What do you mean you're still a virgin, user?
>You haven't even got any speedpucci?
4.5 inches. Fucking pathetic. I hate it.
Anything absolutely memetacular occur this gdq yet?
What did the donation say?
thats every gdq
god look how happy everyone was back then
feels so bad man
hey u r cute let me dominate you
I still dont get this, is this real autism?
he wore the hat on a stream with hundreds of thousands of people, did he really think no one would remember and he could just claim it didnt happen?
Why don't hot trannies want to fuck me?
>wasting time doing the optional mini-games
6.5 inches
girls love it
yes, yes we do
>go to AGDQ
>someone sleeps with my wife
Who cares about girls? What about boys
It was $169 dollars and said something about taking a road trip to arby's.
But I'm only half listening so I might be wrong.
5.5 that bad, lads?
I want to be your bathroom
4 """""""""""females"""""""""" in some kinda Tetris/weeb mashup game with manlier voices than the actual male that was racing against a tranny
Oh boy corporate shill time, welcome to Trump America
>hitting on someone based on only their penis girth
I'll pass
*shames you for not having NATURAL hair, denyin your BLAQQ roots, being a race TRAITOR*
who is pvtcb
the audio problems and issues with incentives have made it particularly fucked though
I'll be honest, I was expecting it to suggest 5 guys as the currency. I'm disappointed now
Well Sup Forums
>Implying America wasn't corporate before Trump
>PCF is a great organistion.
its dead
They are just attentionseeking straight men
Real speedtraps can't resist a dick
And then the Tetris "Grandmaster" choked against the tranny and had to kiss >her feet afterwards
Never had complaints, especially from older women>
Depends on what you are gonna post next
5 guys would be too obvious
Arby's serves roast beef
i got banned from twitch chat for saying zoe quinn 5 guys burgers and fries
>Bringing a MAGA hat at all even though it's obviously controversial
I'm not saying what happened was right, but he's obviously retarded.
I hate everything, so yes.
And who made me laugh with Zoe Quinn?
>men willingly asking him to fuck them because is a tranny
>tfw your gf left you because she found your 2d stash
I get the feeling this person's never actually had anyone ask if they'd top them.
Go hit on the girl in the PJ bottoms 5 chairs to your right
i got perma banned for saying cringe haHAA
also most mods are transgirls so they hate cis scum
No one likes faggots
Trannies are women. It's straight (not gay).
I'm not virgin, i was raped when i was 7
We're the real victims.
Flash your dick on cam
theswole time
haha that's epicly epic *brofists*
give me your badge, i'm punching the hole in it to verify that you are banned from the event.
Inauguration hasn't happened yet, this is still obongo's america that has been destroying gdq his entire second term.
>Mickey's DANGEROUS Chase
>just Mickey's Chase in title
oh, you're actually sitting in the middle, not on the far left.
Post hype monitor
>using twitch chat
you deserve rape
If you see Uyama please sucker punch him for me
How old are you?
What the fuck was that clap, user? It's like you wanted to but realized everyone else had stopped
Honestly wish I was a chair
do it
>WR holder hasn't run the game in 2 years
Doesn't exist
Dude nice
here we go again
Lol @ that fat guy who thinks he's /fit/ in the back
I'm not allowed to say :3
In this case the guy being yelled at never actually wore the hat.
If you look at the VOD it's the guy in the center who holds the pillow and eventually wears the monkey hat.
He eventually proved his case but then the staff instantly banned him again for supposedly breaking tech's computers.