
With Scalebound's cancellation, would it possible for Platinum to scrape off some of its assets/engine to make an actually playable Drakengard game?

I know Taro is just a freelancer, but holy sweet fuck would it be great to see him work with Platinum fulltime

Was Drakengard 3 that bad?

It depends on who owns what in the microsoft/platinum relationship. Even if they can't take anything, there still exists the possibility that Taro has Platinum make DoD 4. Kamiya and Taro would be such an absurd combination.

Holy shit yes. Among the three Drakengard games it had the most interesting story, but the god awful gameplay (even worse than 1) and the fact that half the story was locked behind the most painful requirement hurt it alot

Damn. Haven't played it yet but bought it for like 30 bucks last year.

Ah. Copyright issues. That. Still, the experience from developing Scalebound might give some pointers in the right direction.

Still, I recommend playing it, although in short bursts. The voice acting and the in game antics are worth the pain, although don't binge on the game because that's just going to make you want to tear your hair out.

>DoD3 gameplay is worse than 1
Are you brain damaged by any chance?

he's right, the dragon gameplay was worse than 1's, and the framerate made the game unbearable to play sometimes

Whats more unbelievable is anyone saying 3 has a more interesting story than 1 (much less better directed).

70% of 3's story isnt even in the actual game

>Kamiya and Taro
I will literally buy 10 copies of that game just to see that happen

I have DoD 3, and the most important DLCs (extra missions and jap voice pack). I pretty much binged my way thru DoD 1 on PS2, and actually enjoyed that clusterfuck of a game. I still have to complete the hardest part, which is, unlocking the final ending.

Is really DoD 3 that much worse?

It's worth a play at the very least.

So far as Taro games its very divisive, some love it and others like me dont care much for it. I thought the voice acting was the very least of its problems.

>Drakengard 3
>most interesting story

If Nier Automata sells well it's a possibility, if it bombs though not a chance.


>but the god awful gameplay (even worse than 1)
D3 plays miles fucking better than 1. One was designed so that you have as little fun as possible at any given time. D3 is just a sub par action game.

>Scalebound is cancelled
Holy shit Xbox only had ONE good exclusive on the line up, and now its shit canned. What the fuck is happening with Microsoft?

Yes, Drakengard games are intentionally trash.

I actually like D1, even if it lampoons musou games and Panzer Dragoon. I played a little of D2, and found it a bit less enjoyable and harder.

old and fake, I just used the logo to convey a point

42 here, I was talking about 3.

1 is my favorite so far.

Its almost like they dont want money.

242 here, I was agreeing with you on how divisive Taro games can be. DoD 2 has better, more polished controls (but not really that much). I believe part of DoD 2's its problems is that it tries to make sense. DoD 1's batshit insanity is what made it a cult classic, the same with Suda 51's games.

It's the total opposite. It had good enough gameplay but inane story. The only thing it had going for it is waifus.

>suffered through DoD 1

Well then, I think DoD3 is not going to be a problem for you lol

What said

I think that does it a disservice. While 3 had a bucketload of waifus, I found their personailities (I got the prologues) a lot more interesting then Caim's party of murderhobos. Same goes for the disciples.

The problem with 3 is that you actually need the DLC to make the story functional, that's not a good look when you see how both DoD1 and Nier did their bit in a single game without overextending themselves.

Good to know, I guess. I did learn the hard way what someone else here said: don't binge on it.
Or to quote AVGN on Bible Buffet:

>What the Hell am I playing? I kinda like it, but I gotta turn it off before I go insane.

DOD is playable. The ground combat is generic and mashy but it's all totally playable. DOD3 has a nightmare framerate that makes it a chore to get through. Also the literally Star Fox dragon sections are awful.

Maybe it's just me, but I kinda felt like all of the Intoners were pretty one note and uninteresting save for 2 and Cent and the prologues go a long way to making them pretty fucking unlikeable. I don't like the characters so much as I like some of the circumstances surrounding the characters and a lot of that doesn't even start to come up until pretty late game. Also holy fuck the writing of DOD3 is so fucking divisive. If you like it then fine cool whatever but if you don't it's gonna suck you right out of the game because it doesn't feel like a DOD game at all and is really annoying.

If Taro is actually responsible for Platinum's revival I will fucking laugh

I hope not.

Scalebound's aesthetic and assets look nothing like anything Drakengard related

Plus, I'd rather have a Treasure DoD game desu fammo

Ayyy, Yupiel.

my hentaifu