What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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It ended up being too good.
Too many awards, too solid gameplay, too much popularity so it attracted normifags.

That stupid fucking boss fight with the two golems.

Who the fuck were they? Felt so out of place.

dumbed down because of consoles

>Bad sound design
Weapons sound like wet farts, even the mighty BFG makes a mere electronic PFFT. Enemies do not have their iconic cries, or even recognizable cries- at the end of the game the only enemy I had learned to identify by sound was the Pinkies. The basic zombies are louder and scarier sounding than most of the late game demons.
>Bad visual design
Most of the demons are indistinguishable masses of grey humanoids that throw orange/red fireballs at you.
>Bad level design
Every level is a series of arenas that lock when you enter them until you kill all enemies and microsaves between doing any two things. Most of said arenas have a lot of blind spots and vertical design that make keeping tabs on the enemies extremely difficult.
>bad enemy design
The simplicity of Doom's enemies is what made them effective. D44M makes them fast, aggressive and capable of leaping four stories at a go, with most demons possessing numerous attack patterns that you have to be looking directly at them to decipher but they can initiate from behind cover or out of sight. Fighting hordes comes down to luck.

There's more but I don't care to write it all out right now. It's still a fun game but its flaws become very apparent when playing on Nightmare.

>shit enemy design
>scripted boss fights
>cyberdemon and spider mastermind can't be placed in snap map because they were literally built in as scripted garbage fights
>summoners can't be placed in snapmap because lol too complicated
>that literally who boss fight with the hammer guys
>most guns feel like peashooters
>too much reminiscing on Doom 3 even though it was universally agreed that that game was hot garbage
>no pain elementals or arachnotrons even though they're classic enemies
>abysmal multiplayer
>dumb antagonist
>meme pandering like the skyrim references and RIP N TEAR DUDE

>The simplicity of Doom's enemies is what made them effective.


The original Doom had heavy autoaim and was entirely console-ready out of the box. A console shooter is thus entirely capable of being better than a PC shooter.

Sup Forums hates D44M now?

>heavy autoaim
>better than a pc shooter

When you see an Imp, you know it will throw a fireball at range, or claw you up close. You can turn away from the imp to fight something else and predict with fair reliability what the imp will do while you are not paying direct attention to it. This allows for massive horde battles and open arenas where the complexity comes not from the enemy behavior or AI patterns but from the multitude of enemies and the arena layout. D44M eschews this for "smart" demons with multiple abilities which cannot be effectively predicted and require full focus.


Yes sir, Doom is better than any PC exclusive shooter you can name. By all means, continue posting silly reaction images, because there's absolutely nothing you can say to defeat that fact.

okay? don't see how that's better...


It's popular, so now I have to read shitty threads about how it's shit made by people who haven't played it.

its about as good as you could hope for in 2016, way better than DOOM 3


gg no re

your contrarian shit taste

Couldn't have put it better myself.

Dumb boss fights.

They should've made the cyberdemon, spider mastermind and that other boss normal mobs like in the original games.

Using an already existing IP and not innovating.

That's its only mistake.


"What would you have done differently for doom 3 and doom 4"
-"I wouldn't have made them"

adds many unnecessary "upgrades"
overly streamlined and scripted
gameplay and balance is over-designed and over-engineered
in one word Inconsistent
you mean vertical aiming? of course the only other example is the rocket launcher and plasma gun which is more of a hindrance and a far cry from any kind of modern aim assisted snapping
any fucking mediocre fps game from 96 to 2007 is better than doom, that includes doom 3 too

Lad, Doom was always a normalfag game

>>>bad sound design
My friend do you not have ears
>bad visual design

This is some lazy contrarian posting.

this so much

Shut up

Uh oh, a game I like is popular, but now hated on Sup Forums. How will I ever fit in now?

>bought it due to it winning all sorts of GOTY awards
>its so utterly generic and bad
>music is god awful
>plot/narrative is "go do these 3 menial tasks" like 5 different times in the story
>so much artificial difficulty i just turn it down to ez mode difficulty because theres nothing challenging or fun about the fight designs or combat mechanics
>retarded enemy speeds up to you and swipes you 1x and takes off 80% of your hp even with like 100% armor
the game isn't even fun
whoever thought it was good was a nostalgiafag
and the checkpointing WAS SO GOD DAMN AWFUL

fucking no way to manually save so im forced to redo entire sections of the map, because it only checkpoints you before and after taking down the nodes and theres like 30 mins of fighting to even get to the node

fucking console game, thats what it was, entire thing reeked of consolitis

>had to turn it down to easy
>artificial difficulty
Jesus Christ why is a board for video games populated by people ducking awful at video games.
You are fast as fuck, your weapons are op as shit, if you get hit it's because you ran into an enemy or attack and didn't see it or in your case were more than likely just bad. Git gud you fucking casual, you can literally run circles around enemies and don't even need to be in lunge range for anything except the chainsaw.

Holy Christ I can respect people not liking it's objectives or forced cutscenes but complaining about the difficulty of an incredibly not difficult game?
Fuck off.


>i'm bad at a game, so the game is bad

They forgot to put in pain elementals

>he criticized a game I like, so he must be bad

Jesus Christ Sup Forums what the fuck happened with this? It can't be that bad, can it?

>literally says game is too hard
>says DOOM of all games was too hard
You're fucking bad. Fuck off.


this argument only works on Sup Forums.

stalker is overrated shit

>those boss fights with health bars

I haven't cringed that hard in a long time.

>Using an already existing IP and not innovating.

they tried to innovate with doom3, we all know how that went

Health bars made you cringe?
I'm not even going the you can disable them route, I just don't see why you'd get hung up on that.
The rip and tear intro was the only thing that really bothered me. Besides the DLC being multiplayer only and SnapMap a poor stand in for actual modding I mean.

The boss fights were just trash and felt out of place.

They should've made the 3 bosses into normal mobs and not scripted garbage.

NuDoom is even a great litmus test.

Anyone who hated it is a whiney fag who enjoys shitposting on Sup Forums more than playing actual games.

Keep in mind, if NuDoom released 20 years ago, your fucking head would have exploded at how awesome it was and you'd have dedicated your life to showing it off to everyone you met.

no one cares about monsters/creature shooters unless its scary

>playing DOOM in anything less than Nightmare

Since you think DOOM is challenging, I wanna see you play Dark Souls 3.

>I don't care about monsters/creature shooters unless its scary

You're the only one with that opinion and for good reason, its a shit opinion.

QTE the game, awful looking and badly designed late maze levels, it's like id hired modders to finish their shitty game, sequel bait, weapons had no impact, biggest offender was shotgun which acted like water gun

>I haven't played the game, but here's my shitty post


Well fuckin said, user.

hahaha great post, kys or play the fucking game my man

I personally think it is a god game, 7/10 on a normal scale... 7.5/10 with Snapmap on some days.


>Weapons mods being unbalanced, meaning one is ALWAYS picked over the other for 3 weapons.
>3 shit designs (Cyberdemon, Imps and Cyber Mancubus)
>Arenas got repetative near the end
>Samuel's fucking office
>Snapmap is released without ANY mod support
>Too many upgrades

Other than that, I found the game fine.

Best part was the lore of the game. Jesus, a game that actually makes me care about Doom lore.


>I haven't played the game, but here's my shitty post
i finished this piece of shit game id should be paying me for suffering through this garbage
another shitter who sucks id's cocks