>tfw you want to stay up and play vidya but it's 3am
Tfw you want to stay up and play vidya but it's 3am
It's 6am here, check your time privilege
>tfw you want to 3am but you stay up and vidya
>>tfw you want to stay 3am and play up but it's vidya
So do it you fucking reddit faggot. Good job making another pointless thread.
I have to go to work in 4 hours. What the fuck am I doing?
It's only 2am stupid.
>tfw you want to stay up and play vidya but it's 3am
>tfw you actually can because you aren't a wageslave
why do you get to define what's "pointless". this is just as valid as most topics on Sup Forums.
>tfw always playing vidya at 3am because I work 7-7 night shift
kill me
>tfw you're a permaNEET but still try to keep a reasonable sleep schedule but it's starting to slip so you're up at 3am
>tfw am wageslave but can play at 3am because I have become a follower of suffering.
Pretty good.
>tfw a slave but my overlords gave me 2 days off in a row
>tfw you want to jack off but you can't stop playing vidya
>tfw wanna play videogames every day but too tired from working to play
Being a waitress is suffering
>tfw been sitting in your room all week wanting to play vidya but can't find the will to start up any of the games in your backlog so you just waste the entire day shitposting on Sup Forums and generally doing nothing at all except masturbating once in a while
>tfw you want to go to sleep but you can't so you stay up until 3 am
3 AM isn't so bad yet. I spent 7 years lazing around in a university, only taking exams and attending a mandatory class once a week at most. During that time, my sleep cycles were all over the fucking place.
The comfiest sleep cycles are 3-5 AM to 1-3 PM. As long as you get up at 2-3 PM you're still good, at least I was. After it started to slip from there I'd always want to sleep longer despite having already slept 9 hours that night and just couldn't bring myself to get the fuck out of bed.
I used to all-nighter once every two or three weeks and in retrospect I have no idea how I coped like that. I just all-nightered for the first time in half a year to fix my sleep cycle after the holidays and it was quite exhausting.
wouldn't that mean you're working at 3am?
>holidays come around
>sleep schedule generally ok because spend time with gf out and about
>she goes on vacation with family
>stay up until fucking 4-5 AM, wake up at almost 2PM every day and waste all day, not to mention back starts to hurt from sitting in front of PC all day along with carpal tunnel
And then I try to "fix" it with an all nighter but I always end up falling asleep at some point
>tfw want to play something but haven't got the energy due to alcohol withdrawals so I'm just sitting here watching a stream and refreshing Sup Forums hoping I'll be able to get enough sleep for work tomorrow
That's about when I usually take the 1:30 break they give me
Also I can't be bothered to switch my sleep schedule on the days I get off like today
>tfw you want to play vidya but you can't stop browsing Sup Forums
>tfw 2 hours of sleep because you play vidya all night
that's me every goddamn sunday night.
It's pretty fucking hard to get into a normal daily rhythm after having been practically a NEET for years like I was during the uni years. Both the sleep cycles and the way you have so much less spare time. I'm now at the point where I can keep a steady sleep cycle again unless I fuck it up by drinking and staying up until 9 in the morning on New Year's Eve.
Even then, though, I have no idea how I'll manage to work 40 hours a week one day. I've been doing 20 hours a week as an intern for a year now and I already want to kill myself thinking about working twice as much even if it meant getting paid well.
I wish I could just spend 15 hours a day at my computer again.
tfw going to bed at 7am every day
/r/ gondola version
>tfw you want to stay up and play vidya but it's 9pm
You neets/students don't know how good you got it
user i stayed up til 8am
what do
>40 hours a week
I fear this myself. I wouldn't mind if it was a comfy schedule like 9AM-4PM because then I could still make use of my day but I know that's really wishful thinking. At least I'd be able to afford everything I've always wanted, including a proper gaymen PC
I work 10 hours a day on average and still go to work sleep deprived
I worked 40 hrs a week career programming job for a couple years. Its easy, you "just do it" and your life becomes about your job, and things like 5pm-10pm are just filler until its time to go to work again.
Some people like that kind of predictability, its easy to succeed if you just show up and work. But you have to give up lots of other things.
I'd rather have a job than stay up until 5 am every day like I do now
why even wear that outfit if you're just going to be embarrassed and make yourself look stupid
What kind of work? I do 11-13.5 hours a day of physical work and just couldn't make it through the day if I went to bed later
Don't get me wrong, I'd sooner off myself than return to being neet, but it does have its advantages.
>Want to play vidya
>Want to watch AGDQ
>Also want to watch The Lego Movie too
I should buy a second monitor
8 hours a day isn't sudoku tier unless you commute for an hour both ways, because that way you're looking at work days lasting practically 11-12 hours. One hour spent waking up, two hours spent commuting in total, and eight hours spent working, as well as an hour spent shopping or lifting if you do that. If you want to sleep some 7-8 hours a night that leaves you a grand total of ~5 hours of spare time per day.
Now, if you were to commute only 15-20 minutes per direction, it'd suddenly be a lot less terrible.
Yes, if it's a job you don't hate it's not so bad, but I don't feel ready to have my life revolve around a job unless it actually makes me feel fulfilled. I could maybe do it if I could have a "unique" job that makes me feel like I'm needed and have a unique set of skills. That might be possible if I can actually get a job that makes use of both of my degrees.
Other than that I'm actually considering an academic career just to have some freedom. By doing research you at least feel like you're truly contributing something and creating something tangible that won't go away when you switch jobs/get promoted.
I never tip unless I'm a regular and I always get a select few of male waiters that are good at their job
If you have a sub-4k monitor now, you should have two at least
>I never tip unless I'm a regular
pretty much the only time you should tip, or if service is exceptional
>Want to keep playing Overwatch
>Its just win 1 game, lose 1 game all day
>Lose 27 points
>Gain 19
Its just not worth it.
source on this?
Normally sitting on my ass in the office, but right now I'm surpervising a logistics center which is a bunch of walking.
>tfw not a slave but going to get kicked out of the house soon anyway
>want to play vidya but apartment is so cold that fingers start to freeze and slowdown
>shivering so can't keep mouse steady
Just kill me already.
Man I'd kill for that right now
>he fell for the AMD meme
Kill a moose and play vidja in its body like the Native Americans.
>work nights at fucking fast food
>sleep all day
>wake up and go to work after a few hours
>get home
>too tired and depressed to do anything
>tfw you want to stay home and play vidya but it's 10 AM and you are already late for work
Tell your boss you saw a skunk outside your house and you were fearful of it spraying you.
Iktf but with 23 o'clock
Dress in layers.
I don't pay for heat & remain perfectly content through winter with the proper gear on. Obviously I don't mean to stack so much shit on that it's uncomfortable or difficult to move anything but double your socks, wear house shoes, consider thin gloves if necessary, wear a cloth hat, & comfy ass north face jackets exist.
You lose most of your body heat through your hands, head & feet.
>tfw you're a neet
>tfw you lost sense of time
Between 8 and 9 for me. Step up, nigga.
Stop playing multiplayer-only games, casual scum.
>tfw I've been floating between studentfaggotry and NEETfaggotry since 2009
more like MAD