Battle Station Thread!

Battle Station Thread!

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damn dude nice desk. can you point me in the right direction on how you got it?

please be gentle

lmao put that chair back out on the lawn, it looks fucking ridiculous

great desk, but paired with garden fucking furniture chair

im struggling

I like the grass, it's really ergonomical and really green. It flows really well with all the other colors.
OMG did you get that cutting board from Jo-Ann's? was it expensive?
I feel like you're really crafty. Did you make that red chinese dream catcher? It's so adorable.
I like the combination of cork and white board, it's so organized. You're definitely crafty.

That lamp is so fucking gay.
No but like with joy. I'm loving your battlestation ;3 kiss~

user that tumblr poster...
please tell me its up there as a joke

did you get it off of ikea?


>that chair
>that meme neon wall thing
>all of that coupled with that wall color

At least you tried some steps in the right direction.

What kind of wood is that desk

old pic but mostly the same, just more books

oh btw I'm not flip but they certainly are the most powerful in this world :heart:

My dog is dead but thanks anyways



Was my battlestation for a week. I miss it already.

We got a fucking comedian over here

Nice, would come and get wrecked in fighting games.

oh snap its a /toy/ and Sup Forums hybrid!


are you some kind of assfaggots master?

Time to post it again!

I also have some Sup Forums shit on the other side of the room.

I'm an abomination!

whats the first reaction you get when people see the room?


Is that a 34 inch?

They don't think much of it, as most people would. Its a hobby like anything else and people outside of Sup Forums really don't go out of their way to shit on peoples hobbies and interests, and it always helps to have social skills to handle when people are actually interested in the shit I have around the house.

I know it was a loaded question, but thanks for trying.

>curved screen

for what reason?

actually it was never intended for insult or being a dick, i was just curious
you should see the reactors i get for the warthog hotas replica


Do you have a curved dick?

I've noticed that the more elaborate or interesting the item the better the reaction.

Bumping for that answer OP

Yes - Microboard M340CLZ.

Because straight 100hz 34" 3440 x 1440 monitors don't exist.

Yes, but it's an 1800R curve.

welp morning posting is a bad idea

some people do of course have a chip on their shoulder when they see it
>he have toys on his desk

>warthog hotas
mah nigga what do you play with it?
i used mine for scam citizen during trial and it was awesome
also mechwarrior 3


One with more light

That's a great use of all those pixels.

>autobots instead of based decepticons

Is that shaq fu in the corner?



I like cute boys!

disappearance is a fucking goat anime film

this looks nice but laptop

>yu-gi-oh playmat
>not holiday version of EVA

In bed, waking up.

I love your wallpaper familiar, anyone know where i can get dat wallpaper in high quality?

good morning gentleman




t. strat player

Are those cut boy legs I spy!

Different shelf for the cons.

where'd you get the fucking desk OP?

Looks like something from Ikea.

>tfw the nearest Ikea is 45 miles away

i live 10 minutes from an ikea and haven't seen a desk like that


Amazing how the only decent android phone explodes and the 2nd best has a giant useless chin bezel on the bottom. Lol.

Yes user!

hey man i have seem to found the slab of wood

its a karlby countertop

Maybe you could look at my figures and setup, though there's no cute boy legs.

I LIVE for the comfy.

>kano computer
Is it worth the purchase? I've thought about getting one

>That J. Jonah Jameson figure

holy keks

You got a steam?

I only add cuteboys!

lol then that's probably not me

>awesome desk
>decent monitors
>good keyboard

Literal SHIT-tier lawnchair. What the fuck nigger? Couldn't steal yourself a nice chair too?

>every single thread this faggot with this garbage shows up

If it makes you feel better he's fat and draws porn for a living.

t. Känner honom.

It's a good base set for anything raspberry, but it might be possible to get it cheaper if you buy stuff separate.

shut up faggot

Don't be upset you're too ugly for me, user!

I had a gaming pc but as I rarely used it for anything other than work I moved it to the office, current setup is easier for me.

Dude shave your legs

Why would I do that? I'm not a trap

that lovely manlet foot. How does it feel being short?

How many petitions for console games have you signed on your overpriced irrelevant dead trash?

>Don't give user my steam
>He samefag insults me

Don't be upset user! I'm sure there's plenty of people out there for you!

I didn't say you were allowed to talk. Shut the fuck up faggot. Go make another trap thread on Sup Forums, then shoot yourself in the fucking knees.

>Get rejected
>Damage control

Mine is shit

>implying people dont take others photos and use it as their battle station.

-363426013 why dont you google how to check for samefagging you fucking short manlet newfag.


I dunno you got my vote

What champ is that

>Being this triggered I won't ERP with you

I see this shit in every single battle station thread.
And I love it.

>Implying PC's are only for gaming

I was watching Sneaky stream, he usually plays ADC so it's probably Varus.

I'm somewhere between a casual Pokephile and whatever is above that, I don't obsess over the perfect nature and IV's and I don't constantly soft reset. I just play the goddamn games.

I used to main Rumble before I stopped playing, I always get to itch to go back just because his playstyle was so fucking good.

Now I miss League, thanks user!

>being so jealous that you make a 6 minute long video
I wish I could trigger people this hard

Literally the only thing I thought as I watched the first 30 seconds of the video

I'm thoroughly impressed at that mans dedication to his anger tho, I usually just shitpost. That's advanced.

That just looks cramped as fuck more than anything else, man.

Sorry user! Maybe you should give him a try and pick up the game again?

real estate definitions

I want to build a PC or get a laptop for as cheap as possible for shit like Dota/League and whatever f2p time wasters I can find.

Where do I go? I have never owned a console, PC, or laptop before. I have no idea where to start.


crash course: don't listen to Sup Forums and buy amd anything, you don't need more than 4 cores in your cpu don't get an i7 don't get a K variant you won't know how to use it

buy a 900 series gpu but a 500W power supply to gold standard so it doesn't explode, don't water cool it's a waste just use stock fans, get 8 gigs of ram

will run anything just about

if you don't know what any of the jargon I just used means google it, this is a good place to start

Thanks, user

here's my specs

cost me like £800 2 years ago, runs anything I throw at it

this is overkill for you, keep that in mind

biggest mention: make sure your motherboard is compatible with everything else you're buying, pcpartspicker will tell you if it isnt
