Four years

Four years.

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The next cancelled game

blade runner: the game

Has it really been that long?
Well it must be coming out any day then

As opposed to the actual great Blade Runner game that actually came out.

>white ppl still exist

Has there been ANY news?

is anyone truly convinced cdpr will either botch this or kill it? i just cant see them not hitting this cash cow with such a positive gam3r audience behind them.

Don't be silly.
White people perished long ago due to their women preferring BBC.
The "white" people shown in the trailer are Jews, which have flourished

>dat feel when it's apparently been in pre-production for years

Didn't they say they were in full development with a team bigger than the witcher ever had?

>what is hl3


This is the reason why you don't announce shit until it's 1. actually going to happen and 2. is in a state where it's going to be ready for release in a realistic time frame.

did valve ever come out saying they were actively doing work on it or did people just assume they were gonna follow up episode 2 with something? i actually do not know because i never played the games around their release.

East euros will be fine.

they're really promising the sky here
they've always delivered in the past but that doesn't mean they won't fuck up this time

i mean they're promising a game bigger than tw3 with more content per square meter and a multiplayer

slavs are barely humans

Apparently its gonna have the city scale of a gta game too, with flying cars and shit

Im not too worried, cdprojekt never bites more than it can chew

>This game is going to be a much higher budget game than W3 since the Polish government is funding it
You can already tell it will be GOTD

With our birth rates?
We might not allow the darkies in but fucking nobody's making babies.
Last year was probably the first in 2 decades when the rate of the population decrease slowed and people celebrated that as a victory.


I doubt CDPR has multiple teams that can carry large scale development. It's more than just likely that full production didn't begin until Blood and Wine was done aka last year

>is anyone truly convinced cdpr will either botch this or kill it?

No. Whether you like their games or not it's really hard to deny how much more proficient they've become as developers over the course of just three games. And that's actually while trying new ideas and not just making the same game three times.

still white. :^)

Its not like you should be surprised. I'm pretty sure from the start they announced that this game was going to come out some time after TW3. I don't think it is cancelled, but I think they announced this game years before they should have.

CDPR has 400+ employees, with a goal to DOUBLE that, and multiple studios now. With added GOG revenue they're in a very comfortable spot.


The original plan was for 3 episodes.
Episode 2 took way longer than planned and Episode 3 never came out at all.

theyve got more money and people working on this game than they did for tw3. government grants for research too.
due to the games conceptual scale it will have to be a much bigger game and much more intensive. they did a good job optimizing tw3's open world. but even with its level of detail its still mostly grassy plains and forest.
compare that to the idea of having a cyberpunk metropolis, tall buildings, heavier populace, possible underground, multiplayer. no easy feat. but if i had to bet on one publisher to give it a good shot without sacrificing too much then it would be cdpr. inb4 shill. i just want a good game and for it to do well.

>CDPR putting all manpower on this instead of new Witcher game or even just another expansion for W3

Just got familiar with CDPR with The Witcher 3 which I got on sale. After hours of playing of it and loving it, I want to see how great their next game can be. They're such a passionate and talented developer.

cybercucks btfo

I wonder if they'll self-publish the game. We know they only partnered with publishers for marketing and distribution, not only ownership or input in development.

If memory serves, they do have an experimental / talent incubator team, but the only complete titles they produced were the board game and the phone MOBA (don't know what happened to that one).

Big point of contention for Cyberpunk 2077 is how much they'll change it based on Witcher 3's success compared to what it was supposed to be originally.

Man I just want my open world cyberpunk game

Love me some RPGs with guns

yeah well you have to admit that tw3 wasn't hand-crafted on the level tw2 was
i was okay with no interactable objects on every two meters because it gave a sense of scale, but the same wouldn't work with a metropolis

i agree with you on that. but id argue that it would be nigh impossible to achieve tw2s level of detail in an open world setting. tw3 felt like it hit the spot for me. obviously the game isn't without its flaws but thats for another thread im sure.

What was it supposed to be originally?
I remember reading that it was going to be party-based, turn-based and as true to the p&p ruleset as possible, but I can't find an article about it so maybe I just imagined it.

I'm just skeptical because for the game to work, they'd have to deliver something nobody's done before.

Imo Novigrad is easily the best city in a video game ever, but if the game was only set in Novigrad it wouldn't cut it. The game wouldn't work with GTA / AC/ Novigrad level of detail, the world would have to be much more dense and detailed than that.

Song is great. Maybe one day we'll see gameplay.

Man I want a Vesemir / Lambert spin-off so bad.

standalone Gwent looks so much worse than the original
don't know why they had to change the visueal design

Yeah it would have to be closer to a mirrors edge looking world with better tech and more accessibility to put it lightly.
Skepticism is a necessity for up and coming games nowadays because hype trains are usually a mistake. But i sure am excited to see what they come up with.

wonder what her butt smells like

thats what i thought ever since saw the gameplay. ui is crap. they should have been import the game ui even that was fine to play

>mfw that picture was spammed along with the "crap"texturing around it when tw3 came out
>now its generally accepted as a damn good game with the complaints being the shallow combat which is still serviceable if not good


It's going to resemble something like this

and I'm worried about the usable vehicles. It better not be GTA: Night City.


maybe because if you actually live in a first world country you might wanna pursue your career instead of having to deal with children and being chained down by marriage?

what a fucking autistic comment.


the population may shrink, but honestly, so what? it's not like the entire population will go extinct, you're looking at this without any long term perspective. it'll reduce itself to adapt to the new environment. as long as we don't go full retard like germany or sweden we will be all right.

you're looking at things from an economic way of looking at people as nothing but numbers. infinite growth. unless it grows it's bad. but that's just a theory, and this is reality. a population can't always grow, people are not cattle despite what politicians want to believe.

it will grow when the situation is dire and poverty is everywhere. it will shrink when the situation is good and resources abundant. then it will stabilize at a lower, more sustainable number.

do you really need 15+ million homeless gopniks littering every street and/or commiting crime because the new industrialized reality removed any jobs they could have, forcing them into that situation?

It'll be Magnum Opus of CDPR, everything they learned going into this.

wait, did this get announced before TW3?


>Four years.
What did you expect.
At the time this trailer was released they were hardly working on Cyberpunk yet.
I'd be surprised if we see this game released before late 2018 tbqh

Mark my words, it'll play like Division/any Borderlands-like FPS RPG

Everything swings back and forth like a pendulum.
Why do you think that birthrates are an exception to this?

can you be any more wrong?


user i love my country but i wouldn't call it first world.
also, establishing a living before marrying is fine, but putting career ahead of family is selfish and retarded. my parents had fuck all when they had me and my sisters ('we had our bare asses hanging in the wind' as my father puts it) and it turned out alright. my dad drove around in a polski fiat and not a lada 2107, big fucking whoop


at this point i'll be surprised if we see gameplay before 2018

>might not allow the darkies
I like the implication that they actually want to come to any of the East European hellholes like Poland

I hope there's not a lot of driving. Open world games always have trash car handling, GTA games are probably the best with it but even then it's not great

this is what scares me
so many potential features to fuck up

>Apparently a bad thing

More foggy cyberpunk pls

Completely different from what i had imagined
It's not bad but i really hope they don't go with this

better that you think it's a hellhole, at least you won't come here and pollute it with your harebrained western faggotry

how are they supposed to go on a global jihad if they skip some countries?

not that what you say is false. they hate it here and take any chance to border hop to germany or sweden. and we usually help them get out.

It's also their first game with shooting, I just don't know how the gameplay is going to be any good when all they've done before is Witcher games

What makes you think this has anything to do with CP?
Is this guy a cdpr employee or what?

>East euros

Others will user.

You need to be as much against westerners especially Americans, as you are against the darkies.
Because the westerners are their enabler, again especially Americans.

I don't know about the guy who posted the vid but i don't
I should've been more precise
I really hope they don't go with something like this*

if they don't get as autismal about guns as they were about authenticity in TW, it's going to be fucked

This will be shit :
CDPR can't into gameplay.
Also they can't use their pre downgrade trailers now.

I've read somewhere on Pollacks Interweb they Got Rdr/GTA crew for vehicles.
Anyway Im more then sure that cbp2077 is being made as a direct competition for Mass Effect. With W3 devs plus dozens of talents brought by chance of legacy and decent bucks its gonna be the new best game ever after Bitcher.



>Tfw Sup Forums doesn't know that cdpr is still hiring leads on 2077

They got a shit ton of people from all over.

I'm interested to see what CDPR can do now that they aren't specifically bound by a book series.

It could expose them or it could be fucking amazing.

There is no in between.

Oh yeah and then there's the actual city. How many games are there where the city actually feels populated and dense. When the areas are divided into small levels like in Deus Ex they can have more going on in the maps and more NPCs, but if it's going to be GTA scale it will be really hard to do. I almos feel like it's going to be some kind of Sleeping Dogs: Future Edition with Witcher style quests. We'll see

Oh and forget turn based, working at other Sup Forums vidya game company and have a chance to peek at project months ago.
It seemd like Deus Ex with proper Fps combat and insane graphics even with placeholders.

>implying im a westerner
Have fun dying of lung cancer by the way. So glad I left lol

That's a cropped Sam Worthington from Avatar, isn't it?

>Picture for ants

Very much this. I'm still scared though I've never been so hyped for a game, even if I think they could pull it off

At the very least we're guaranteed a solid game with a lot of value behind it. Gameplay would be nice in the near future.

Forrests are probably one of the most demanding things for a gpu to render.

>Anyway Im more then sure that cbp2077 is being made as a direct competition for Mass Effect.

cyberpunk and space opera are two entirely different genres

>we're guaranteed a solid game with a lot of value behind it
>what is development hell

Man CDPR hasn;t gone into dev hell with a game yet even if they actually are behind the scenes.

TW3 had lots of problems, but it still got put out in three years.

>Coming: When it's ready


>Actually gets released in 2077
how mad would you be

this tingled my dinkle

considering my lifestyle, i'll be long dead by then anyway




>this is a 6

Game is coming out this year