Chooses to work with MS and create Scalebound instead of directing or having anything to do with Bayo 2

>chooses to work with MS and create Scalebound instead of directing or having anything to do with Bayo 2
>misses out on working on Star Fox Zero, his dream, to work on Scalebound
>game cancelled

Man, is there a more JUSTed man in Sup Forumsidya right now than Kamiya?

I thought scalebound was his dream or passion project at least

shit product gets canceled, big deal

Yeah, and now not only is it cancelled, he missed out on working on Star Fox and Bayo 2.

It's not like he couldn't have prevented this. This is Microsoft, and it's the current year. He knew what he was working with.

And you forgot
>The game is his dream project
>MS gets to hold the IP and won't do anything with it

I wish Taro gets back to working on Drakengard.

Do you honestly not think Sony or Nintendo wouldn't do the same shit?

The game would have needed a budget he didn't have much of a choice. Nintendo would have censored it and filled it with memes. Sony would have likely done the same thing as Micoshit.

It was doomed before it began.

Good. Star Fox is fucking ass.

And why in the fuck should be work on even more sequels? He didn't work on DMC past the first. The man is at his best when he does original games.

if he went right back to Drakengard now it would be too forced
you gotta give him some time to get new ideas for it

Taro seems like the kind of guy who thinks way ahead. Im betting he already has a pretty indepth idea for it. Hell, id even go as far as saying he has a baseline idea for a Drakengard 5.

Don't forget the game looked like total shit from every piece of in-game footage released.

>Platinum game gets canceled
And nothing of value was lost.

We didn't got to see much from the game. Wasn't this supposed to be a big scale RPG?

Maybe he should have just stayed with Nintendo.

>smarmy, wise-cracking, sarcastic, overconfident and arrogant protagonist
>wearing headphones
>cuhurazay combat
oh look, it's another Dante but this time he's got a fucking dragon as pet.

Maybe you should eat a bag of sticks. Heck off Nerfherder.

Must be why he stopped tweeting a long time ago.

Sounds cool man, what's the problem here

It was too ambitious for Platinum, they are not a AAA studio & they were acting like they were

>>misses out on working on Star Fox Zero
Only because the game was being held hostage by Miyamoto and he wasn't going to butt heads with him.

>Japanese Dev actually wants to work with Microsoft exclusively
>Shoot them dead in the water

The granblue game is what scale bound would have been if it didn't use the shitty dragon concept

It has the open world. It has airships to fight dragons. It has multiplayer where people aren't the same fucking character.

The difference is it isnt ruined by what Kamiya thinks is cool.

probably because sony told kamiya to quit because it was shameful to work with foreign merchandise (microsoft) as a Japanese man just so sony could continue hording exclusives games for themselves.

>Nintendo would have censored it
Like Bayonetta 2?

I doubt it. Japanese devs are so incredibly fucking bias against the west it's not even funny. They'll just use this as another excuse as to why they don't want to work with the west, even though it's probably Platinum's fault for mismanaging the time and money they were provided. it's obvious the game wasn't far along in development, and Platinum's had their hands full with other projects that they couldn't dedicate the time it needed on it.

I was going to say Kojima but he's actually the complete opposite.

He gets to continue flying around the world in first class doing "research" for his game while Sony write him blank cheques and he shitposts on twitter.

>Do you honestly not think Sony or Nintendo wouldn't do the same shit?

Yeah, Sony isn't exactly known for bankrolling pet projects and keeping them on life support.

I didn't know Kamiya missed out on developing Star Fox.
Fuck that sucks for him.
I hope Nintendo gets them to port and develop Scalebound for Switch instead.

>spend 4 years making one game
>Microsoft finally asks where the game is
>claim you need more time

Fuck 'em. If you can finish a game in 4 years then good riddance. Is Microsoft expected to keep funneling money into that pit forever?

That's because he bet on Sony and not Microsoft.

Doubt it would run on the Switch desu since the Xbone was struggling above 15fps

Meh it doesn't look that impressive, I'd say the Switch could run it.


Sony is the opposite this generation, they actually toss money to keep games alive even if they don't perform well, but anything for that console exclusivity See No Mans Sky, SFV, Last Guardian

Sony didn't pay for NMS though.

at this point, i wouldn't be surprised if their just pulling the same shit that vine is. pretending to shut it down just to get free publicity and seem like the good guys when it comes back. if not, then i wasn't going to play it anyway so no loss.

Why did it get cancelled? and why does so much xbox shit get cancelled?

the combat shown at E3 looked like Monster Hunter if the monsters just stood there and took it and the hunters were fighting with kitchen knives.

I mean, both of those things do happen in Monster Hunter but you get my point.

Burn the coal, pay the toll. Fuck Kamiya. He deserves everything he got.

Microsoft cancelled it because platinum have NEVER made a good game under contract.

Fuck you Microsoft. I wanted to play and enjoy this. Please god let someone from that team leak the PC version.

>pretending to shut it down just to get free publicity and seem like the good guys when it comes back
That seems like a really, really dumb publicity stunt. It's not like Microsoft would even need it, even though literally no one cared about the game.

Given it started as a Wii title, they could just scale down on scene geometry and resolution and it probably would run ok

>Given it started as a Wii title
So who owned Scalebound back then?

I don't know, they changed enough things that wii-scalebound and xb1-scalebound could be different IPs

Be honest now, did you really care about this game at all?

The only reason people cared was because Kamiya was directly related

>xbots have scalebound and recore in 2016 to compete with Sony
>Scalebound delayed
>Recore is shit
>Scalebound now gone

PS3 may have been memed as the no game machine of last gen, but at least it got a few good titles. The Xbone? Holy shit Microsoft.

W101? Bayo 2?

I wanted it badly. I don't care for it being some big exclusive but I love the formula of Platinum games. They have had what seems like misses to the general public but for me each game has had a fun combat system that kept the core formula of Bayo but twisted it to fit whatever series they choose(aside from Starfox which could never soundly follow it). My only gripe was TMNT and I'm willing to lay the blame square on Activision for that. Given the chance I don't think it would be some second coming of DMC or Bayonetta but a decent entry in the action genre and one that would likely later have a large cult following.

This game looked bad it's a shame we will never find out why it was cancelled but I honestly don't think it was going to be a good game

>it's a shame we will never find out why it was cancelled
MS was probably forcing multiplayer co-op shit to a game that has always been single player only

At least they still have Halo.

But how does it make sense to pay for 4 years of development just to cancell the game a year or so before release?

Why not finish it and at least make some money back?

I remember that in its reveal trailer, kamiya sound bored as fuck.

I liked the idea. But the music and Windows store put me off so if anything I probably would have pirated it.

death need not be the end of hope

PS4 is getting memed this generation too because the Xbone had more exclusives in the first year of launch.

What people tend to ignore is those exclusives were fucking shit and Microsoft has produced nothing decent with the exception of Forza.

Halo is dead now for its original fans and Gears of War 4 is another example of Microsoft hammering an IP to death until it's not even recognizable anymore.

If the Uncharted series was a Microsoft IP it wouldn't have ended with 4, it would be on Uncharted 6 now and it would be set in space.

Don't even get me started with the Dead Rising series.

I hope 2017 is the year that Microsoft finally wind down their xbox division and just throw that console in the trash where it belongs.

Nintendo and Sony, that's all we need. Microsoft have done nothing but bad things for the industry.

I would have bought it simply to dust off my Xbone
At least I got that piece of shit for free.

> MS giving the IP to SE


when they revealed it at E3 I was watching it with my uncle who only plays racing games and shooters and I told him that anything made by kamiya is guaranteed to be good, so yeah, his name alone is enough to make people interested.

Hell If he made a game using some sticks and stones he found on the roadside I wouldn't think twice about giving it a try simply because of his track record. The man has never made a bad game. Now saying all that I wasn't really thrilled by the concept as I think dragons are meh but I'm sure he would have made it good

But seriously now. Does the XBone even have one good exclusive?

I see literally no reason to get one. And I don't have a PS4 either.



Except Microsoft own the IP and it would rather let it die and not make money instead of selling it to somebody else so they could make something out of it. Look at Lionhead.

Obviously that's not going to happen.
But they can take whatever gameplay system they have now, slap a new main character, and then call it a new IP.
Sleeping Dogs was originally True Crime 3 under Activision, SE just changed enough to call it a new IP.

>Does the XBone even have one good exclusive?
If you ignore PC it has Forza Horizon 3

Halo 5 if you're a die hard halo fan

Sunset Overdrive?

>Good. Star Fox is fucking ass.

The point is it might not have been if Kamiya had been there.

Does Rare Replay count?

>If you ignore PC
Why would I do that? It feels like every one of their games is on PC too. And it's not even like with the 360 where multiplats run better on their system than Sonys console is it?

Dealing with Microsoft is a death kiss.
So many good games were killed by Windows LIVE.
Not to mention Xbox LIIVE pioneered:
>DLC jewing
>paying for playing multiplayer P2P

Those things pretty much killed gaming in my eyes.


Sony helped fund/create the abomination that is No Mans Sky, fuck them in whatever else they do after that shit

Why cancel a mostly working game?

At least release what you have so far for free or something

What a waste

That was the US Sony Branch
Sony Japan funded Demon Souls.

>is it?
Microsoft games from Windows Story come encrypted so you need a very powerful CPU to decrypt the game on the fly as you play. So yea, if you have a lesser CPU the games are either going to run like shit or be full of stuttering

If MS leaves, valve steps up into the console market, both destroying what's left of the PCgaming community and poisoning the console market's waters with their legion of cumdrinking valvedrones.

I don't want MS leaving the market, at least not until Nintendo gets their shit together so whoever replaces MS doesn't automatically win while shitting up the place.

I played over 80% of those games back on the original hardware, but it ought to for those who didn't.

Scalebound was announced long before a number of other projects which have since been released and Platinum have a good track record of working well within the time and budget given to them. Considering Microsoft's history of interfering and ultimately driving games into the ground, it's much more likely to be Microsoft's fault this time around too.

Who even owns a xbox one?

Not what I was asking.
PC ports are shit most of the time people are used to it.

Last gen the 360 at least ran 3rd party games better than the PS3 so you could excuse the lack of exclusives. But now when all their exlusives ar on PC and 3rd party multiplats don't even run better on the Xbone than on the PS4 what reason is there to have one?

Don't forget talk to hollywood guys all the time who he seems to have convinced that he's in the same league as them.

this was probably the only reason to buy one for me and it was coming to PC so I don't really fucking know what microsoft is doing

But user, he's working on Drakengarde right now. The epilogue of ending E specifically. :^)

There is none. And i don't understand why the scorpio is still a thing. Who the fuck will buy it? And what for?

I was going to buy a friend's old Xbone for $100 when he upgraded to the One S, which is a bit more than he'd get for a trade-in. Then I just figure fuck it, if I'm going to willingly give myself cancer, I'll just throw Windows 10 on spare HDD and just use that for Xbone games.

I was actually hoping Scalebound would be a decent multiplayer game since it was scheduled to be Cross-Play. Fuck that idea I guess.

Like the other user said, the Xbone has a few decent exclusives if you don't count the shitty PC ports. KI for one. It's literally the same shit that happened with the PS3 and 360 unless you have a high end PC (i5 shitters need not apply).

Because the game is probably unfinished as fuck and the devs show incompetency in being unable to solving technical problems. So Microsoft would need to finance not only at least another few years of dev time but also increase the size of the dev team to hire people that make shit work.

>if you don't count the shitty PC ports
If you don't count multiplats being on PS4 the Xbone many decent exclusives.

Nintendo helped W101 and Bayonetta 2 every step of the way.
They went so far as to encourage him to make it a brand new IP instead of basing it around Nintendo characters like originally planned, knowing that it would lower its marketability.
Don't assume NoJ and NoA are the same thing.

Only reason really. And it was supposed to release last year too.

Sony usually let the studios they work with have a large degree of creative control. Just look at Bloodborne; they let From work with Japan Studio, gave them a deadline to stick to but then just let them do whatever the fuck they wanted and didn't interfere or meddle.

NoJ are the guys who said Bayo2 wasn't lewd enough.
NoA are the guys who censor everything

>I don't really fucking know what microsoft is doing

Laughing maniacally and twirling their mustaches because their plan to spread their malware OS succeeded beyond expectations so they don't really need a console anymore now that they can market shitty flash games with microtransactions to literally everyone in the planet.

But you don't own a high end gaming PC you stupid sonyfag. Very few people do.

>Do you honestly not think Sony or Nintendo wouldn't do the same shit?
Look at The Last Guardian

I do own a competent pc. Don't own a PS4 or Xbone though.

Platinum have a long history of working well with various publishers and keeping to deadlines and releasing stuff on time and within budget. That's why they keep getting work. Microsoft's track record as a publisher is spotty at best and it's well documented that they like the meddle and interfere a little too much. I won't discount the possibility that Platinum fucked up, but considering all of the cancelled and delayed games and how many studios Microsoft have been shutting down in recent years I think it's far more likely that they're at fault

>it's well documented

> is there a more JUSTed man in Sup Forumsidya right now than Kamiya?

I don't hate the man, but cunts got what they deserves.