That feel when a game you cherish aged like shit

that feel when a game you cherish aged like shit

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that feel when you didn't buy into the "games age" meme

Yeah this. I still enjoy old games despite their age, even if nostalgia isn't a factor.

I meant i didn't realize or mind how shitty the controls were back then, nowadays its near unplayable.

Keep playing, you'll get over it within an hour.

Good games don't really age.

MGS and Spyro are still good if you play them today. Even the graphics don't feel outdated considering PS1 visuals look better than modern indie shit like the wildly popular Minecraft.

Some old game have some truly awful control schemes which become more apparent as we get used to better control schemes, but MGS? I just don't see it, they're so simple.

>I'm ruined by instant gratification reward systems of modern "games", and can't enjoy the challenge of a structured experience.

its basically a 2D game

It has to be a "game" in the first place, dude.
Yeah because watching a bunch of shitty cut-scenes is really challenging. Challenging to stay awake.

no you fucktard, I meant that it controls like shit

>go prone
>press down on the dpad
>snake starts rotating instead of moving backwards

If you can't enjoy an old game you used to enjoy because it's comparatively dated compared to newer games, the game didn't age like shit. You did. The game is the same game it's always been. What changed is you.

I played it for the first time last year and enjoyed it alot

but the keycard segment and the fight at the end with liquid was pretty bad

That is true but that doesn't change the fact that game is shit in current year, its just that it was also shit back in the day. Except I was 10 years old and unable to mind the shitty parts.

If there's one thing that plagued PS1 games it was keys and keycards.

I dunno dude, controls feel fine to me. Even if the later games improved a thousand fold, the only serious problems I have with MGS1 is the key temperature part.

keys, backtracking and exploration were the comfiest parts

>RE trilogy
>Parasite Eve 2
>Alone in the Dark 4
>Countdown Vampires
>Silent Hill
>Nuclear Dawn

the backtracking in MGS was shit, fuck off

>lol, go through those long elevator sections all over again

I played it for the first time a few years ago and still loved it. It was kind of a pain at first, but once I got through the tank hangar and the Ocelot fight it felt fine.

>be snek, super sneak operator
>master of infiltration
>infiltrate some heavily guarded facility
>get spotted, alarm raised
>10 people looking for me
>go through a door to another room
>toss a grenade onto myself
>respawn in the said another room
>alarm magically gone
>guards not looking for anything

10/10 briliant game design. MGS games are so retarded that it makes you wonder why would you even play it seriously when cheesing is so much less time consuming and retarded.

>controls like shit
Nah, you're just inflexible.

Or you could do that and try to succeed in a normal way.

>so much less time consuming

This is why I dislike the stealth genre so much.

They inflate how long it takes to beat them by wasting so much of your time.

There is always a balance problem with those games. It is usually that stealth is the fastest route or the only feasible one (run and gun taking too much life or ammo) so you always try to get it going but end up doing retries.

Gotta learn the paths those guards take! What amazing gameplay and totally not a waste of time. Isn't snake a super soldier? Why doesn't he just punch everyone in their asshole to death?

It was terrible even back then. Thief 1 came out a couple of months later and blew it out of the water in every regard.

Also this.

> instant gratification reward systems of modern "games"
Yeah because MGS is just the antithesis to this design philosophy right

MGS1-3 are somewhat

MGS4 makes fun of it, MGSV goes full meme

>MGS1-3 are

This guy nailed it. Depending on the control scheme and the aesthetics of a game it can easily stand the test of time if it does it correctly

Do you just cheese every game you play then?

>Good games don't really age.
Why do autists keep saying this? Do they actually believe that when people say games "age", they mean that they're literally aging?

Not only this but even Syphon FiIlter was way better

If its a more natural, less time-consuming and generally easier way than the clunkshit that developers """"intended"""", then yes. Playing games with self-imposed restrictive rules is retarded.

The parts of Metal Gear Solid that were awesome to begin with have aged well , but the parts that were shitty originally are even shittier today.

I can still play it and so does my 8 year old nephew. Can you tie your shoes or fork to eat something by your own? No? Oh okay my bad, sorry.

I love SF more than MGS, and SF had gameplay that blew it out of the water. Weapon variety, animations, visuals, everything was better. Except the generic Clancy-esque story.

>it literally spent hours tediously cheesing from room to room like that
Nice, glad I'm not autistic

I can play it. It's just not fun, that's the point you dumb fucktard.

I'm sure you and your 8yo nephew could muster through fucking each other in the ass, but it doesn't mean that an argument for doing it.

>hilarious excessive quotations marks meme
Epic win you fucking cocksucker

Not really a surprise when it's part of the dullest franchise in the history of game franchises. Each episode following the one eyed undercover agent and his pals from FOXHOUND as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the anime humour, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of cutscenes, all to make the games seem like a movie, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Kojima vetoed the idea of someone talented directing the series; he made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for his other games (Snatcher/Policenauts). The Metal Gear series might be anti-gaming (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-Splinter Cell series in its refusal of wonder, good storytelling and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the writing and themes were good though
The writing is dreadful; the themes were terrible. As I played, I noticed that every game ends with the same Anti Nuclear message.

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that ending was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Kojima's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that he has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Metal Gear Solid by the same J.J. Abrams. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these manchildren are playing Metal Gear Solid at 18 or 20, then when they get older they will go on to watch J.J. Abrams." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you play "Metal Gear" you are, in fact, trained to watch J.J. Abrams.

It beat this game recently for the first time
There's some iffy things about the controls and some annoying backtracking, but as a whole it's a pretty great game

Maybe developers should put some effort into the actual game design so that I don't have to autismally construct a head-canon in terms of what does the game deem honorable and proper for me to do, like you

Piss off shitlord.

>the worst FF
>high tier

What a shame you had to ruin an otherwise solid list.

>so uncreative that you have to use pasta to shitpost
So you're so useless that you can't even shitpost on your own. Deepthroat a shotgun you fucking retard

And yet it didn't get all the praises that mgs does

As much as I bitched about ff 13 and non traditional JRPG's, when I Tried playing a tradition one recently it was boring as fuck.

>seeing running from room to room and abusing the checkpoint system as a boring way to play the game is autistic
Yes I'm an aspie, not you, the guy who wasted hours of his life playing a game in an obviously boring way for no reason

It's a cult classic. Just because publishers couldn't afford the AAA tier of MGS marketing back in the day it doesn't mean that games are shit. Original trilogy is a cult classic.

If it had a shoehorned in melodramatic cutscene every 2 minutes it would do better than MGS did. You also need to understand that MGS as a series got really sky high in terms of critics and appraise only with MGS2, despite original discomfort by the players.

Hell, SF2 is a better stealth game in terms of actual stealth than linear shitfets that were MGS2 and 3 combined. Also more challenging.

You two are fucking retarded.

>I played it for the first time last year
These fucking faggots browse Sup Forums, jesus christ

What the actual fuck...leddit invasion in progress Sup Forumsros


>ALL STEALTH GAMES ARE BAD CUZ I DIE AND THAT WASTES MY TIME, AND LOOKING AT GUARD PATROLS IS SOMETHING I CAN DO...also why the heck isn't snake just invincible, and why isn't it a beat em up???

Its called nintoddlers.

MGS shouln't be approached as a stealth game because it has very little to offer in that regard.

>Undertale high tier
>Souls and MGS shit tier

This pasta has cobwebs over it.

Only a virgin like you would think of that.

I played MGS for the first time this year, and thought it was great.

I'm thinking you just want to have something to complain about.

I'm thinking you just have shit taste

how about you dont play on easy mode you fucking casual?

I have no idea what it means for a game to "age poorly". Somehow it doesn't feel the same like when The Phantom Menaces effects age poorly cause but that's because stuff is superimposed with real life. With a game, it's just the art style that you like or don't like. Like, Pong hasn't "aged poorly", it's still the same pong. If a game played shitty but has a nice story, it still played shitty and had a nice story when it launched. MGS 2, 3, 4 and V have the same basic controls, each better than the last (you can argue with 4 and V), but I still enjoy MGS 2 just as much as in 2001. It's popular to say this but I think it's just in your head to think something aged badly. You get used to any old game mechanics quickly, even if at first you're like "why can't I double jump??? Why can't I strafe?? Why can't I do this and that??", just play, get used to it and that's it.

I still play it, still enjoy it, still love it.

I replay it every year in April since 2000.

In memory of you my friend.

>mfw the best is yet to come

SOTFS and TLOU being anything but low is a crime

'after tasting sweeter fruit I can no longer enjoy grandma's tangerines'

This. First started the silent hill series for the first time two years ago with Silent Hill 1 via PSN store and was caught off guard by its spoopiness.

Then i followed up with SH3 and it has become one of my favorite games of all time, so not even nostalgia fagging.

i sure as fuck am Heatherfagging though.

honestly, playing MGS1 always impresses me with how much it managed to do, it's like a historical document in game form.

I mean, simple shit like polygon counts of soldiers changing in first person to be more high quality is just smart, and something all games do these days. I'm too blown away by the fact that the game even existed to even compare it to many of the 'games' that come out these days that didn't have to work half as hard to get the meat of their gameplay workable.

the game is like the 9th wonder of the world, imo.

MGS 1 technology blew my mind
MGS 2 technology blew my mind

shame MGS 3 wasn't very inovative, but it was also a top tier gem

that's what the argument looks like
what the argument actually IS is more complicated

people who didn't play the game at the time lack the context for it's creation--it's place in the series, it's place in Gaming Itself, it's place in the console wars when they were a thing, it's place in TECHNOLOGY, etc etc etc

and those people are the ones who say stupid shit like MGS2 was the best one. they came to the party late, passed a valet and security guard on the way in, saw an asshole passed out wearing a sheet, and go OMG THIS GUY HAS THE BEST COSTUME THIS PARTY IS OVER THIS GUY RIGHT HERE, without taking half a second and reading the birthday cake in the very next room where everyone else is celebrating.

MGS3 blew me away with how syncretic a lot of the elements were. the art direction was incredible, especially after 2, which had TECHNOLOGY, but was bland as FUCK. MGS2 was like an arcade game, which was part of the (Fuck You imo), where as MGS3 was back to the story of MGS1, filled with a real atmosphere.

Fuck, I still remember finally shooting that one frog with a rocket during the shagohod chase, that feeling will never dieeeeeee

>people who didn't play the game at the time lack the context for it's creation
Irrelevant when you judge the games today

Yeah, that's how I feel too. It had kinda less TECHNOLOGY but it still felt like a huge jump in both what you can do and how it's blended with everything else.

In games it's kinda interesting how games like MGS 3 and coincidentally also Silent Hill 3 have such good artstyle + the combination of elements that even if elements are "dated", mechanics have been "refined" in later games, they still look and feel better than LOADS of modern games. They haven't aged at all and the amount of shit that's been released time and again makes them feel almost better after all this time.

No. You just have shit taste.

It's not that it aged terribly. The controls were just shit to begin with. Plenty of PS1 games have better controls.

Yeah, it doesn't age well. It's kind of like a shock when you first start playing it again. Then you get used to the aesthetics

For some reason, the GC version doesn't feel the same

Maybe it's the menus and shit

>You have to hold down X to move while shooting

What the fuck was Kojima thinking?


bullshit argument and you know it, one that stems from "every game should have controls I'm familiar with" and fundamentally flawed one. I get used to different controls.