Let's make a thread about games with lots of snow

Let's make a thread about games with lots of snow.


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The Long Dark

I always found that church utterly hilarious. You have this bumfuck town clinging onto life with a few planks of wood and a couple of torches, and then there's this huge fuckoff egyptian stone temple that's the epitome of cozy on the inside.


I am Setsuna was great!

This smack my head to be honest family



We kind of had the same thing IRL too, gigantic beautiful cathedrals surrounded by shitty little living quarters and hovels, peasants throwing all shit and piss into the streets, while the inside of the temple is gilded in gold and full of treasure for muh god.

Yeah but these worlds have actual magical clerics and shit.

Well our priests also claimed such things.
Buy this absolution pls.

Max Payne 1

I like that guards will follow your footprints.

You just made me reinstall banished

Skyrim lol

Thanks for the suggestion, Todd.

reminds me of the last level in Fable, with that big dragon thing.

>tfw I spent like 2 hours on that mission and never gone back to the game


are you a casual?

I guess.
I loved the Commandos games as a kid but I was NOT good at them.
Its hard to tell if I'm doing it somewhat like the devs intended, or I'm cheesing the fuck out of it.

Aww yis!


Yessss, was waiting for someone to post Commandos.

Too much snow, not enough variation.

Exactly, magically summoning a grand monument in honor of some near omnipotent asshole that is probably worse than the average crook is easy and common.
And Ao simply observes.

Come on, being bad at commandos-likes is not being a casual, I know people who are consummate gamers who cant get around any of those games.
Unlike most other games, they need a certain kind of tactical and strategical aptitude, something that is not exactly common.

Metro 2033 has some sick ice.

To be fair it's one of the hardest missions in the game.

It was?
Thats actually promising for my casual ass.

Skellige in the Witcher 3 doesn't have as much snow as it should, but it's pretty comfy.

it wasn't they go from easy to hard

>tfw playing this for the comfy winter setting

Magic exists, just not in the idealized form of fantasy.



that nostalgia bomb hit me like a truck

Gotta be snowy if it takes place in Canada.



>we got our swedish intern
>hand him a dictionary
>ice, wind, dales
>he says where he is from there are such geographical features
>great, call gamefreak and let them know we have a new pokemon for them
>also lets make an rpg

still have that now desu, although now there are thousands of planning regulations so that the view isn't blocked

icewind dale is max comfy


snow in urban area always looks like shit, i totally forgot this game had snow while playing


>before I clicked the image I thought OP's pic was one of skyrim's "cities"

the comfiest

Literally name of the game.


>i totally forgot this game had snow while playing

How? There's literally snow everywhere.

My and my mate share our PSN accounts so we just go halfs on games by just taking turns buying shit and to be honest we had a better time than we thought we would with it, I'll give it that.


Did you at least turn off neutral lighting?

the division is not a pretty game to begin with and snow in urban area is fucking shit tier uncomfy

It doesn't mean it's comfy. No contrast in comparison to the other ones posted itt

>snow in urban area is fucking shit tier uncomfy
Terrible opinion

Where in Bloodborne is this?

This game is fucking boring.


>populated area leave grey ice from too much stepping on snow
>it become frozen at night and get all slippery as shit
>people must throw salt/sand to melt the ice on the ground
>people shovel the snow away
>now your snow is brown/grey colored
>nobody enjoy it because they have a job
>blocked roads everywhere because of snow
>snow just become another natural pest

you got to try small towns surrounded by nature or the wild itself,there's no pro of having snow in cities



You know you don't have to deal with this shit in video games

Castle Cainhurst Optional area.

Best snow level ever



WTF happened to gaming?

Commandos BEL was GOAT.

God I fucking loved this level.

The snow area in dragon quest builders is super comfy to play even though it's one of the harder areas

>Hrimfaxi, it looks as though you're up against Razgriz itself out there

The whole game is full of goosebumps.

It's pretty comfy desu

there better be a fucking remake sometime soon or im going to do it myself

Pyro Mobile wanted to release a Commandos for droid but looks like the idea is dead.

well they have plenty of time while i work on making vampire the masquerade in UE4

PTSD from Dark Souls 2.

Fuck you man. I never want to see that place again.

immersion ruined

>getting the singleplayer mod for max comfy

>tfw modding Skyrim to make the whole map snowy

So nice

The Game of Thrones game had really nice level design and atmosphere and the first level takes place at night in a snowy forest.

Too bad the gameplay and the grafics were rubbish.


If anything snow is another tool that makes your life easier in that game. Much easier to bait guards even with characters with no attracts.

ice wind is great
but it's not comfy at all
