Zelda: BoW

Will it have a clear path of progression if you aren't much for doing it all your own way? I don't mind some exploring but I don't want a 100% open sandbox where I have no idea where I'm supposed to go to progress the main story

Will it have cozy villages and towns such as Kakariko Village in OoT and Clocktown in MM?

How will the puzzles be built now that they expect you to have everything and nothing when you enter a dungeon?

I'm worried...

I'm personally hoping for dungeons locked off by you lacking an item as opposed to you lacking story progression.
Compare "well, I have literally no way of solving this puzzle without crossing that gap and I have no way to do that" with "Ye cannot enter here without the mayor's blessings you wet cunt, better go save him in that other dungeon."

Ideally it would be structured like Metroid Zero Mission. Where it has a straight forward progression, however you can bypass the main route by using special sequence breaking tricks. Ultimately only requiring a couple key items. Say, the bow and sail are the only items you need to beat the game. However, the tricks in doing so, are so well hidden and difficult, that new players wouldn't think to do them. Only after becoming familiar with the game would you realize how to manipulate certain puzzles and enemies into doing what you want.

This. If they didn't have their heads up their asses (though bear in mind we're talking about Nintendo...) they'd have it play essentially as an updated NES Zelda game with totally open overworld where you can access the dungeon no problem but eventually will hit an obstacle that can't be overcome with your current gear.

>TFW playing LoZ and ending up in the 5th dungeon right after beating the 1st one.

You're the reason why all games were dumbed down.

They said the game would guide you on a linear path through the story if that's what you wanted or you could even forget the story and do whatever you wanted. You're supposed to even be able to go straight to the ending from the start if you knew where it was.

OP is asking for the exact opposite.
Turning zelda into an open world game where you can beat any dungeon with just what you have on you at the start of the game is dumbing it down.

See, that's fucking retarded.

>Turning zelda into an open world game where you can beat any dungeon with just what you have on you at the start of the game is dumbing it down.

>swordless quests were a thing in the original LoZ
>could pretty much access every dungeon with the exception of the one requiring the raft and flute
>the original Legend of Zelda must have been dumbed down


It is? How so?

How so?

>could pretty much access every dungeon with the exception of the one requiring the raft and flute
But you couldn't beat them. That's the issue here.

Yes you could.

If you had the candle, boomerang, and bombs, you can pretty much tackle every dungeon.

Because it ruins the entire progression of the game if you can just stumble into the final dungeon and beat it with nothing but a stick.
Why the fuck would you even faf about with the rest of the game if you can beat it in 10 minutes.
It's the same reason Gone Home was so derided when people found out you could just skip everything and finish the game in under a minute.

That's not necessarily dumbing it down. Go play Zero Mission. You can beat it with only morphball bombs, Morphball bombs, and a single missile expansion. But I would like to see you try to do that on your first run. It's difficult as fuck. It's damn near impossible for first time players.

The interesting thing about that kind of world structure structure, is that the game gives you all the fancy tools to get through all the obstacles. But at the same time sneaks in a bunch of more advanced techniques to render to tools moot. It really tests your knowledge and skill.

Son't assume that the lack of tools makes the game more easy. When it could be that, the abundance of tools are there to make an otherwise difficult situation more manageable.

It's zelda, though. Every single game has been more dumbed down than the last.
Link between worlds followed a free structure where you could go anywhere and it was piss easy.

Now you're conflating what has been, with what could be. You're mixing together what we want, with what we got.

>How will the puzzles be built now that they expect you to have everything and nothing when you enter a dungeon?

Did you ever play Zelda 1

You could do almost any dungeon in any order

But try doing level 5 first and you will get anally raped.

We're not in the NES days anymore.
Zelda games haven't been hard in decades.

I'm pretty sure the end game area is going to be well hidden and difficult to get to without proper preparation and that was not entirely accurate anyway. You probably at least have to beat all the dungeons, get an item or something, and see some small obligatory story before you're allowed to get to the end.

>Ideally it would be structured like Metroid
>it has a straight forward progression, however you can bypass the main route by using special sequence breaking tricks

No. This is Zelda. In Zelda you get a decent amount of straight up freedom. there are some not immediately obvious ways to giving you more options sequence wise in games like OoT, but there shouldn't be anything forcing you down a main path, as opposed to exploring.

did you miss the videos of enemies chugging several hearts per hit during last E3?

There was still other stuff to get and things that you couldn't do until you solved certain overworld puzzles. I don't think you could even get potions until you made a certain amount of progress.

All you had to do for potions is get the letter for the old lady

So? It's not like their attacks will be hard to dodge. It's fucking Zelda.

Enemies are easy to dodge in Zelda 1 and 2 as well though.

>Will it have a clear path of progression if you aren't much for doing it all your own way? I don't mind some exploring but I don't want a 100% open sandbox where I have no idea where I'm supposed to go to progress the main story

Pretty sure that the whole point of BotW is that it's like almost 100% non-linear.

Barely any cutscenes, barely any set path, the whole game is a big open world filled with dungeons you have to tackle in any order you want. That's the game, there's no "string" you follow in the open world so to speak, or at least that's the impression I got.

>still having a resemblance of faith on Nintendo

If you know anything about Zero Mission, then you would know that there isn't anything that forces the player down a main path, except for lack of knowledge or skill.
Zero Mission merely suggests where you should go, and gives you the impression that you need certain items to progress. When the reality is that you have more option, and can get by without the "required" items.

All I meant was that Zelda should at least give the player the idea of what they "need" in order to progress. While keeping the reality of other options more secretive.

Nintendo still make great games, fuck you.

Not that guy but they've been hit and miss as of late and it's really chapping my ass.

I hope with the switch they stop being so complacent and start putting some genuine effort forth again

When have 3D LoZ games ever been subtle?
Fuck's sake, the latest ones tell you directly what to do and how to do it the moment you step into a room regardless of how many similar puzzles you've solved.


Star Fox was shit, but I enjoyed the fuck out of Mario Kart and A Link Between Worlds

>too many zelda threads
>not a single one pointing out that an animal crossing game will help boost switch sales.

Ditto, ALBW was easy but it was fun. Splatoon was pretty good too.

Color Splash wasn't so hot though.

How competent is Aonuma, really? All the Zelda games have had major weaknesses since he's been in the helm. Is it just bad luck?

Almost every dungeon on ALBW feels like I'm enetering at the later half of them, I don't understand how come someon who has played Zelda befeor can prasie this game when is literally a dumbed down version of ALttP.

>clear path
Not with that draw distance and fog.



Basic connect the dots
Last game was handholdy shit> Next one is made by the same people who have only been making more and more handholdy games as time goes on> Next game will be handholdy shit

I'm not conflating anything., You can want whatever the fuck you want, but you won't get jack shit for it because it's out of your control.

I suspect they're really going to push the open-world exploration gimmick so that you really do have to go out and explore to find dungeons. But I'm positive there will be towns and characters that give hints.

And, knowing modern Nintendo, there will most certainly be some kind of Sheikah Stone that literally tells you exactly where to go and how to win, just for people like you, OP. So I really wouldn't worry about it.

This thread has nothing to do with Switch sales. Spending too much time on Neogaf, friend?

38th post best post

>Zelda : BTFO

>I don't want a 100% open sandbox where I have no idea where I'm supposed to go to progress the main story
Welcome to the first 2 Legend of Zelda games.

>it's fucking zelda
Is this the birth of an epic new meme?


I was giving you an idea of what would work best. At first, you argued against that idea. But then when I made a persuasive argument as to why that idea works, you switched into telling me why Nintendo would never do it. Because, I guess telling me my idea is unrealistic is preferable to admitting my idea was good. Is that right?

Yes, that's right. I'm not going to shit on Metroid's structure.
But with Aonuma at the helm, it's very unlikely we'll ever get anything even close to resembling it.

"It's fucking [subject]", is a phrase idiots use to try and diminish the subject's merits with a mere implication. Rather than actually making a point.

Well you're not impressing me with you "get real, it's Nintendo we're talking about" shtick. And honestly, people that try to take the "realistic" position are taxing to talk to.

I'm fairly sure there's a slightly more "regular" Zelda game in there for people who don't give much of a toss about dicking around with the open world stuff.

There better be.

Whatever, be a blind optimist, if you want.
But it's only going to lead to disappointment.
Ninty's been on the slip for years now.
I'll eat my words if BotW turns out to be good, but I'm very sceptical.



Whatever, be a blind skeptic, if you want.
But it's only going to lead to depression.
Nintendo's been Nintendo for years now.
I'll eat my words if BotW turns out actual shit, but I'm not anticipating that.

Stating an ideal isn't the same as stating expectations. You skepticism is misapplied, and misspelled.

Breddy gud for a handheld.

If you're an ignorant american, maybe.

>"regular" Zelda game
>as opposed to open world stuff

Dear god how the mighty have fallen.

my iphone plays games at 1080p 120fps though

but that's a lie you need the ladder for most the late dungeons and you can't kill digdogger without the flute

The open worlds in previous Zelda were never about dynamic puzzles and fights for no good raisin.

>admits to owning an iPhone


Then you also know why it's a piece of shit for a myriad of other reasons.

It's interesting and a good return to the 2D Zeldas, but they should have either made dungeons longer or enemies tougher to make the threat of losing your rental items actually valid.

it's a more capable gaming device than the swtich

So you've never played LTTP, LoZ or even Minish Cap then?

I disagree based on what I already know.

And I'm likely to disagree even more wholeheartedly in a few days.

I did, and you best be on your merry way with some concrete examples.

it also costs 1000 burgers

you can disagree about the color of the sky too that doesn't change reality

these are all me :)

it also maintains an internet connection without needing wifi, can actually produce wifi, makes calls, allows me to send texts and a whole slew of other things the switch won't do for over three quarters the cost.

>implying you're me

The sky has many different colors during a full 24 hour day. Many times over it will have several colors at the same point in time.

>responding to le gamephone maymay
user pls

yeah but it cant play zelda botw checkmate faggot. enjoy candy crush


No, they're me!! D:

Your Iphone plays dreamcast tier graphics at a pretty low resolution and framerate then.

this is some quality shitposting

have an upvote

Next you will be telling us about the wonders of Raspberry Pi.

I honestly just hope the actual dungeons are huge sprawling themed mazes.

The shrines are pretty cool from what we've seen, they'll provide a nice change of pace every now and then and give you a constant goal in the overworld. I just hope the actual dungeons aren't themed like them because that would be boring as fuck.

include me in the epic screencap guise

not him but I have one!

pretty cool media center and emulator for retro games. It can't handle n64 though

I don't think there will be a clear path of progression, but it will grow harder in a radius the farther you go from the Plateau.

Hopefully it isn't like XBX with random spikes and dips all over the place. There needs to be a clear gradual trend as you work out from the Plateau.

Really hope they have proper dungeons as well.

>huge sprawling themed mazes
>aonuma zelda

Yeah, it is pretty cool.

I'm not saying Zelda is 'sandbox', but it's always been about having a good amount of freedom to explore and experiment.

I would if you were talking about the NES mini like the retarded nintendrone you are.

Your tsunami of assumptions is really making you look smart. Enlightened even.

Sure. And I'm not opposed to that.

>literally BotW
This game has already broken tons of zelda conventions, I really don't see your point

Pretty much, and not even taking into account natural phenomenon like the Northern Lights, and even rainbows hold almost the entire visual spectrum within it.

don't believe aonuma's lies. we havent seen any dungeons yet but im wary that he'll surprise us with bland linear puzzle heavy WW-lite dungeons

What lies? Nothing has been said about the dungeons other than they exist. From what I've seen of the game it's entirely plausible for the dungeons to be much larger in scale than what we're used to, since the entire world is on a different scale

>Will it have a clear path of progression if you aren't much for doing it all your own way? I don't mind some exploring but I don't want a 100% open sandbox where I have no idea where I'm supposed to go to progress the main story
I believe only the cutscenes and the story will show where you should go, with no handholding. The game will be more non-linear than linear, so there are options for people who want to explore, and people who want to hear the story and finish the game.

>Will it have cozy villages and towns such as Kakariko Village in OoT and Clocktown in MM?
Obviously yes. Villages will have a more medieval touch and setting than the already progressive buildings and towns from OOT and MM.

>How will the puzzles be built now that they expect you to have everything and nothing when you enter a dungeon?
I think it will be more like Zelda 1: you're free to enter any and later dungeons no matter how strong or weak you are, but remember there are big chances you will not clear the dungeons with strong enemies preventing you.

Just like the NES