Dark Souls 1

>tfw your very first pvp fight was being invaded by GiantDad in The Duke's Archive while trying to kindle the bonfire to 20

How do I beat the Giant Dad?

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You don't

You don't.

You don't

You don't.

You don't

You don't.

You don't

Ignore these faggots. There's a secret to beating Giant Dad
you don't

>hey. hey you. I'm going to swing my sword at you
>here it comes. get ready
>I'm going to swing it now
>I'm rearing back now
>my swords behind my head now
>gonna start moving it towards you in second now
>I'm moving the sword towards you now
>here it comes
>you better not fucking parry this or I'm going to really mad

Learn2FuckingParry nube

My first invasion saw me fat rolling around pathetically in a panic before being +10 fire stabbed like a bitch.

I can barely remember what DS1 pvp was like, poise is now such an alien concept to me, too used to estocs stunlocking people in ds3

Hornet ring backstab fishing, IIRC.


Lots of circling because people fished for backstabs, less parrying because it's comparatively easier in ds3, giantdad meme (wasn't a big deal)

In my opinion DS2 was where the pvp shined. If I could have ds2 pvp with the multiple phantom system (and slower estus) It'd be my dark souls dream game.

how do you circle without locking on?

Ghost ring was lock-on-able in artorias of the abyss

Granted most giant dad players were shit, dead angling was still a thing so it wasn't necessarily reliable. They were easy enough to backstab no matter how good they were though.

Even though it was accidental I wish they had kept dead angling, it was a pretty nice mechanic.

>tfw you accidently made your own Giant Dad build without ever knowing about the meme

I liked the mask and loved the Zweihander.
And the Giant Set simply was a nice looking armor with decent stats. Not to mention the bonus you get from the grass crest shield and there is no reason to ever not use the Ring of Favor. And Havel is kinda obligatory with all that heavy shit.

Equip a rapier, it doesn't even have to deal any damage and it will piss them off so much they might crystal out.

If you hug your opponent you actually get stabbed and can't just spam rolls to safety if you whiff. Attacking at point blank range was usually screaming for a parry or stab.

pvpers would circle each other at incredible hihg speed, do ninja backflips in heavy armor with enough poise to ignore an ultra greatsword, and hornet ring backstab each other with +5 chaos rapiers for 1600 damage

with style kid

>first time invaded was a ninja flip havel mom at the burg
>had a lightning axe that did over 800 hp in one hit

It was a pretty good way to set the mood for the rest of the game.

ps all their levels would be spent on health and endurance and a few points in attunement, they'd just have the base stats to use their weapon and make it chaos, and then use pyromancies

>Giantdad set has shit magic res, so INTfags can walk all over him if you know how to properly use magic.
>Dexfags can fuck him up with Lifehunt Scythe bleed(which also has the added bonus of being able to kill hackers).
>Clericfags can WOG him off edges and Dexfags can harass him with Dragonslayer spear's retarded range without getting fucked by poise.
>STRfags can cosplay as Havel for a free win
>everyone without a greatshield can just parry the jackass swinging the slow ass sword. Dexfags can use the Bandit's Knife for more damage while STR and Quality can use the BKGA.

Otherwise, You Don't

More importantly
>anyone with a fast roll can backstab them easily due to the slow swings
Everyone talks about giantdads like they were a problem, what really was a problem were the dingy robes mother's mask asians sitting at township with a buffed estoc and a hornet ring.

On a plus side they were usually pretty shit with their melee timing.

>dead angling

what's that?

>I hate it when people call me kid, so I'm sure it'll upset him too

Certain weapons hit through/past shields depending on where the collision is. I think scyths do it if you attack at something close to right angles, though that might be an exaggeration.

This also occurs with PvE, incidentally. Like the Great Sword Black Knights' overhead strike can hit you through your shield, IIRC.

When close to an enemy, if you turned around just before the swing it would hit the enemy and ignore any parrying attempt. It clearly wasn't an intentional mechanic but From never removed it.

It might have even hit through shields but my memory is a bit foggy about that one.

there are 50 different opinions about what it is and people argue over it constantly.

have fun trying to kill anyone in decent armor with chaos

I actually used a build that intentionally fucked with people who cheesed PVP with Giantdad. It was fun.

You take your beating and move on with your life, trying not to disappoint giant dad again

>I was upset enough to make this post.

Don't take it too hard kid. I'm just the best.

Dark souls 1 conciders your attacking direction to be the same direction your character faces. You can use this to bypass shields if you attack from tricky angles. If someone is behind you and you cast wog, they have to face away from you to block it.

post build please

by calling other's kid, you're only making yourself look like a kid.

Why? That doesn't make any sense.

how does this concept apply to swords?

From didn't bother to code attacks directions being separate from your character. Shields only work when they are opposing that direction.

Many weapons can dead angle at point blank range thanks to fast turnspeed or wide attack arcs, it isn't that usefull tho most of the time since you have to be so close you just get yourself stabbed. Most notorious dead angle attacks are stuff like the scythe(2h) and claymore(1h) running attacks that are really easy to use because the hitbox lasts for a long time and you move forwards during the attack.


Like I said, it's specifically aimed for fucking up Giantdad builds. Using this set against anything else would probably result in you being beaten badly.

Essentially what I'd do is hide behind the shield and poke Giantdads when they R1 spam relying on distance to protect me with the high stability BKS being able to tank a couple of hits. If I could get enough distance, I'd Dark Bead spam since most Giantdad users try to tank through shit with poise. If I see them backing up to estus, I go aggressive and running R1 them and back and spam some more Dark Bead.

Pretty much you take advantage of the fact they have no shield and would be spamming a slow R1 which means you get free pokes on them.

Also parrying them

>None of these apply to me
>I can still beat them

Sure is "Legendary" in here.

no shield?

Huh? I used the Black Knight Shield there

>tfw discovered dead angling by accident
Honestly it requires skill and opens you up to backstabs so I don't think it's really OP

lol, sorry. I thought it said Black Knight Sword.
>I'm an idiot.

>Needing a specific build to beat goiontdods
Just smack on a Silver Knight Spear and poke them to death from twenty feet away.

Heh, my fault for using that abbreviation.

Yeah true, any DEX build would be able to run SKS and poke them to death

by harnessing the power of the Gods

It was a disgusting thing with hornet ring backstabbers that have mastered the art to inhuman levels, dark magic one shotting any poor fool that didn't know how to dodge it, or if they're lagging hard enough they just one shot everyone, there was also darkmoon blade/sunlight blade falchions where they just run up and press R1 till they die although they were parrybait they killed those that couldn't or failed to parry them, and maybe the rare person that uses none of the above and is there to do this bizarre thing called "having fun"

I think that's mostly dark souls pvp in a nutshell from what I remember.

I just remember killing people with BKGA R1. shit was cash.

I forgot about that thing, didn't they nerf it at one stage? I know the claymore was really good until they nerfed it.

The claymore is still amazing though.

Now that the memories are coming back I remember the amazing fun that was launch dark souls pvp.

>Tranquil walk of peace having a massive radius and duration
>Elemental weapons outdamaging scaling weapons at the softcap
>Crystal something shield one shotting whatever it hit, combine with TWoP for no escape
>Great magic shield making you 100% invincible
>Ring of fog making you untargetable
>Ninja ring turning midrolls into flips

I feel like there was more to that chaotic period of the game.

don't forget the occasional turbo autist that played a vit build with a spear

From what I remember they nerfed it's stunlock capabilities alongside all other greatswords, I think prenerf you was stuck till they was out of stamina if you didn't do that toggle escape.

It's been a long while though.

>DS1 claymore
>good until X

It's still one of the most reliable weapons in the game. It's easily in the top 5 most used weapons in the game.

>moveset lets it do almost anything
>can do well with any buff and most reinforcements
>fluid combos
>combos out the ass
>not even R1 spam. R2's can be comboed into and comboed out of.
>dead angling 2H heavy
>leo ring 1H heavy and 2H rolling

It's the face of DS weapons. FROM needs to fix it in 3 though. They can to fuck themselves

Is the meta still 40/40 longsword/CCS spam?

Let me give you an idea of what ds1 pvp is like now
>invade a undead parish, decently low-levelled
>see host
>he backflips towards me, covering the distance from the front of the parish, to the back, and out the side door without pausing to recover stamina
>takes no damage from attacks
>hits with either bare fists or caestus, poisons in one hit and does decent damage through heavy armor
>bait him to a ledge
>whiff on the kick, he fishes and backstabs me, killing me
>well, what is it?

poise kinda fucked that meta up, luckily you can't stunlock people so easily anymore, although I miss using dual spears to fuck with people.

All I just remembered is that they nerfed it's stunlock power, I don't remember if it was good or not since it's been a few years.

I pvp'd mainly in the forest so I pretty much saw nothing but the worst of the game, it was actually kind of fun in a way and I got insanely good at throwing lloyd's talismans at chugging hosts.

Wait they added poise back in?

It was always in, they made it more relevant now.
Poise affects hyperarmor.

Oh so there's more ways to get hyperarmour now?

No, but it's better, and some frames were adjusted.


Just curious what is the meta now?

Basically, still the same.

Welp that was anticlimatic

The Claymore can still easily stunlock people in DS1.

Are weapons that aren't straight swords, rapiers, and Yhorm's Great Machete viable in pvp yet?

IKTF, went in blind and Giant Dadded hard with the bass cannon

>mfw i launched DS1 earlier this week and got invaded twice by giantdads in the undead parish

will they ever move on

You're dealing with higher powers, user.
You can't beat us.

>Dead angled in 1 all the time
>Never did in 2 for some reason, just forgot
>In 3 I remembered it again because 3 is full of parrylords
>tfw dead angling with a fucking straight sword
lmao. too easy.