Use a picture to sum up your feelings towards the Scalebound cancellation. Pic related: I wanna slap the person responsible for this.
Use a picture to sum up your feelings towards the Scalebound cancellation...
Just buy a 3DS if you want to play Monster Hunter, cheapos.
>yfw you didnt fall for the microsoft meme
What anime
>mfw my soul pain is relieved by xbone users' tears
Microsoft is just one big mediocre disaster this gen.
>Gameplay that was shown looked mediocre as fuck
>People only care because muh Platinum, muh Kamiya
Never really cared for it t bh.
>fanboys defend this company
>muh scorpio will solve all our problems!
Somehow, I always knew microsoft would fuck this up.
I can post shit and convey nothing but it's always a shame when someone's aspirations go down and I wouldn't wish that on anyone
The little gameplay they showed looked mediocre
It's still funny though
I feel kinda sorry for MS.
All they wanted was to install a high end spy camera in every living room and sell our private data for profit.
Now they're stuck with a gaming division nobody cares for.
>needing kinect spyware when you have windows 10
Don't know what it is
don't care
captcha: games sold
>Kamiya-san, maybe we should finish Scalebound
Don't worry. I'm sure they have more kikey schemes up their sleeves.
goodbye xbonebros....
>game with neo donte protag cancelled
I fail to see what's wrong.
Game honestly looked like shit, but no doubt it was due to shitty Microsoft suits meddling ala Nuts and Bolts. Feel more bad for Kamiya than I do about the game.
how long until he removes Scalebound from his twitter description
Who gives a shit.
I need this information also
>not knowing viper
I always thought the game looked bad to be honest.
Sogna is dead and will never come back.
Poor Kamiya... Fuck I pity all of his team. So much work getting wasted.
Its not the same you filthy weeb...
*slaps you but is so sad its a soft tap*
why should i care? scalebound looked like yet another piece of shit console rpg like skyrim
>people who is glad scalebound got canned are the worst mix of trash like nostalgia fanboys, weebs and sonyggers.
I woke up in the wrong timeline.
i didn't even knew that existed