Call me a faggot but i play FPS games exclusively for the campaigns

Call me a faggot but i play FPS games exclusively for the campaigns.
Give me some good single player focused first person shooters.

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Is BF 3/4 campaing good? (not OP)


4 is good. Hardline's is also neat.

Serious Sam

Not really.Was just added for havin a sp.

I can recommand Singularity op, time travel fps, was a great one.

nice 23fps must look really great

So do I. Fuck multiplayer. Titanfall 2 was good.

It's obviously just a random image i just pulled from google, user :-/

DOOM, Rage & Bioshock

Crysis 2, by the looks of it.

Currently playing the new Wolfenstein and I'm in love with it. The campaign is so over the top, that it's amazing.

I played the SP in BF3, it's really meh.

Titanfall 2

Crysis 3

As normie as they may have been back in the day and as much as Sup Forums shits on them, the Halo games have pretty damn good ones, though not without flaws, CE in particular suffering from tedious level design and reuse of assets.

Not really. They are clearly afterthoughts and while they aren't offensively bad there's not much there that warrents the time spent

I'm like this as well, I'm a tired wagecuck and I just want to play a story, I've lost the zeal for competitive shooting. Does anyone know if Titanfall 2 is worth it if I'm probs not really gonna play the multiplayer? If it's short or plays like a CoD or BF campaign then I don't want it

it's very good yet short. wait for sale

ok thanks, yeah I'll wait awhile

Half-Life series, if you haven't played them

Brothers in Arms series if you are into WW2.
Especially Road to Hill 30

If I am not mistaken it is still half off on Origin. Don't know about PSN or the xbone store.

Honestly shooting stuff isn't that fun. It's mostly just for jumping around on stuff really fast and talking with BT is comfy.

Just finished Shadow Warrior 2 and it was a blast.Super fast movement and the swords are fun. Try Metro Last Light if you haven't already.

I know it's heresy to recommend CoD but I recently played through Infinite Warfare and it was surprisingly enjoyable. I'm a sucker for a space setting though.

>Call me a faggot but i play FPS games exclusively for the campaigns.
That is a complete anti-faggotry, mate.
Unfortunately, most post-6th gen FPS games have been MP focused, with very slapped-on SP campaign wannabes.
Luckily, there's occasionally an exception or two, like SS3 and Underhell: Chapter 1.

The newest Wolfenstein is pretty good.

I enjoyed it thouroghly

Crysis & Warhead, Metro 2033 & Last Light come to mind.

Titanfall 2 had the best single player campaign for a shooter all year. Doom is also really good

Call of Juarez Gunslinger
The Darkness 2
Bioshock 2
Serious Sam 3 BFE

System Shock 2
Slime rancher

I loved Clive Barker's Jericho. even though the AI is dreadfully bad.

The original Homefront was amazing.


but i do the same


I just want a game where I can run and gun with a shotty

You're a faggot.

Serious Sam 3: BFE is the thing for you then

BF3 singleplayer starts out great in modern urban setting, but the rest of the game is set in boring generic sandnigger city. Not really worth it, I got really bored after a while because the visuals were so goddamn repetitive and nothing really cool happens.

There was zero running and gunning in this webm

descend into shit with the Darkest Dungeon

no, but really, it's good storywise and as a challenge

Can't believe no one has mentioned this masterpiece.

Black Mesa
Bioshock 2

Man the gore in BFE was quite a step up from the previous games. I hope they keep improving the quality in SS4

There's plenty of that in the game, that webm just shows a section where there aren't that many enemies.

The only good BF campaign is the one on PS2

>not FPS
Stop it, you shill. Go back to your thread and in time, you will know the true extent of my failings

Duke Nukem 3D
Shadow Warrior: Classic Redux
Postal 2
Aliens versus Predator Classic

All of these games can be played on a toaster.

how about some running & smacking then?

Metro series
Stalker series
System Shock 2
Return to castle Wolfeinstein
Doom 1 and 2
Far cry 1 and 2
Crysis 1

>Postal 2
funniest fps game

AvP 2
Perfect Dark
Citizen Kabuto

>Return to castle Wolfeinstein
What an amazing game that was.

The game that first introduced me to the idea of a game not really having a final boss.
>"Huh, that's weird, the final level is just a bunch of enemies, where are the boss battles?"

AvP 1
AvP 2
Far Cry
Postal 2

I want a Crysis 4 so bad.

If you're hurting for options, you could always play Gaige in Borderlands 2 with the skill tree that gives her a damage multiplier in the literal thousands as long as she never reloads her gun manually while giving her an aim spread debuff also in the literal thousands.
Only way to hit anything is to literally go sanic fast with a shotgun, and sometimes you can even hit enemies by turning your back away from them so the projectiles curve 180 degrees as soon as they leave the barrel.

4 is a mix of good trash and bad trash. It's buggy as fuck to this day and the story is nonsense. The AI is horrible and will make you very unhappy, but can also be pretty funny sometimes.

BF3 is mediocre, but doable. BF4 I thought is pretty good. Hardline seems like they've put a lot of effort into it, but it's kind of boring. Best by far is Battlefield 1, the campaign is like oldschool Medal of Honor, but it's too short.

Bastogne never ;-;

Shadow Warrior (the new one, not the sequel)
Wolfenstein: The New Order
Call of Juarez Gunslinger
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Call of Duty: World at War
Call of Duty Black Ops
Binary Domain (it's third person but worth it)
Condemned: Criminal Origins
The Darkness
The Darkness 2
The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena (Butcher Bay remaster included)
Metro 2033
Zeno Clash
Battlefield Bad Company 2
Far Cry 2
Timesplitters 2
Timesplitters Future Perfect

So, I like me a nicely crafted singleplayer too. I think it can be a lot more fun than multiplayer.

I agree with this list almost fully. Especially timesplitters. It changes based on the difficulty and player though.

titanfall 2's instantly springs to mind.
Its easily one of the best FPS campaigns ive experienced in 15 years. The level designs set a new bar for me and im going to have a hard time playing others after it

No One Lives Forever 1 & 2
Wolfensten 2009

>recommending Black Ops, but not Black Ops 2
BLOPS2 had the best Call of Duty campaign.

Gunman Chronicles
Heavy Gear 2
SW Dark Forces
AvP 2

Timesplitters was such a great series. Probably the most underrated FPS series ever.

DOOM (in very big capital letters)

They feel more like tech demos than actual campaigns but still kinda fun to go though once.

Is Crysis: Warhead worth it? I've been tempted to buy it from steam sales because it's always like 2 euros.

>inb4. giving money to EA, shiggy diggy

I like having legit copies of all my games. Sue me.

>there are people who still play fps past 2006

Why the genre did degenerate look at BF or CoD. BF 1942 had more shit than BF1 today even a simple mod like Desert Combat had more stuff than any FPS from 2016. Fuck this shit genre only underage play nu-FPS.

me too, can't really stand multiplayer games

multiplayer shooters are mostly garbage anyway

not in the golden age.

now anyway it's all the same shit with some minor tweaks

good campaigns wot i played recently

Battlefield 1
Titanfall 2
Black Ops 2
Black Ops 3
Shadow Warrior

aaaaaaaaaand that's all that comes to mind right now

if i had to pick the best of them it would be either Doom or Black Ops 2

>battle 4 hours
>good campaign

>regenerating health
>linear levels
>"cinematic experience" aka more movie than a game
>weapon carrying limit
>capped at 30 fps
>drm on top of a drm on top of drm on top of a...
>waitaminute, that card -tier "puzzles"

God fucking dammit, the genre is fucked in the ass for good thanks to modern military shootans. COD4:MW was released about 10 years ago, and since that pretty much all big fps games have been mimicing the MW mechanics.

And it's not even nostalgia that is making the old ones seem so great; Classic Doom, Douk, and Half-Life are still being played and actively modded by a huge playerbase.

>red faction still has the best destruction mechanic

just let that sink in.

Not when rainbow six exist :^)

Serious Sam games are so fucking fun, I played 1 & 2 religiously as a kid.

>Battlefield 1
Campaign was garbage, not to mention that they didn't even utilize half of the potential WW1 setting has, let alone it's full potential. What a fucking missed opportunity it was.

>Black Ops 2, 3
Also garbage tier, attrocious writing

Solid fps that was a lot of fun.

>Titanfall 2
Say what you will, but SP was actually good, since it introduced the player to the game's core mechanics and was a good introduction to the game itself. MP is also quite fun, and I'm really sorry the game doesn't do so good atm.

>Shadow Warrior
Another solid title, quite fun, too.

Sup Forums always ignores TRON 2.0 for some reason, it's a good game.

The new Doom is fun as fuck.

It truly is!


i don't know what to think about this post

I wasn't sarcastic, my dude.

Crysis 1 comes first technically, you ought to play it first, get the maximum edition. But yes, warhead is a very nice game and worth the price.

besides cool frozen rain it's boring

From recent Titanfall 2 and Shadow Warrior 2 and new Doom of course.

Crysis 1 & 3
Doom (2016)
CoD:MW and everything after that except for the shitty Flamethrower Gimmicky one
Stalker SoC & CoP

These are all hand down the best of the best of single player FPS experiences.

They are master works all, you can't go wrong.

Halo 1-Reach.

Yes. Warhead is more Crysis, but streamlined and better optimized. I liked it a lot.

i heard the new wolfenstein was good too but i haven't tried it yet.

Shut up. Battlefield 1 was great. Agreed about Black Ops though.

this is an hommage to the naked guns

This completely blew my mind both because of gameplay but also those literally impossible graphics.

I wish this was more famous for it sure as hell deserves a spot as one of the top 5 shooters of all times.