You must post best girl from the last game you played. If another user posts the same girl...

You must post best girl from the last game you played. If another user posts the same girl, you must add each other on Steam, PSN, XBL, or whatever the fuck you use.

Starting with Ryona.

Other urls found in this thread:

>sfw board

Go away, /e/ or your /vg/ general thread to fill a thread with fanservice shit



I'm just there to collect dailies.
Goddamnit why do I have to play this game when I know I'm suck at TCG anyway


Here's the real best girl though



>No nipples
Don't even play those games but I don't see the problem. I like lurking in the threads



Wow lazy artist and their wrong japanese



How can she be best girl if she isn't invincible?

clearly you must be fucking blind because thats obviously a wa

>tags: body writing
My nigga


It's no contest, OP.

Uhh i live in japan and youre wrong

you're showing how bad your reading skills are then if you cant even recognize kana, english teacher


>those thin as fuck legs

So is this a Chun Li from an alternate timeline in which she became a model?

One day you'll get better at japanese like me and you'll get to live here

go post that in a djt thread and ask what kana that is

or fuck off with your bait, pathetic af

> Sachitte kudasai
Please do what?

Get triggered weeb

Baiting japanese noobs is almost TOO EASY



Sawattekudasai you fucking EOP



Don't mind if i do, you dirty homo you (^_^;)


Say hello to Miss Mary.

she's right behind you

Your taste is most impeccable.

Is that an areola I see?


I decided to wash the bad taste of FFXV out of my mouth by getting into the Tales series, and picked up Zestiria during the steam winter sale in preparation for Berseria's release in a couple of weeks.

I find it kind of sad that what apparently is considered one of the weaker Tales games has better characters, and a more fleshed out story than FFXV.

I wonder...

Card games count, right?

Party-chan best girl

I want to marry Raya-O!


there are no good girls in this game

That was easy.


I like most of Zestiria's characters, like Sorey, Lailah, Edna, both Alisha and Rose and both Dezel and Zaveid.
The story is full of holes, but it's not that interesting anyway, so I don't mind.
The dialogues are often cringeworthy, but not bad overall.

What I hate in Zestiria is the whole equipment system. Yeah, I'll just keep the same gear for 70% of the game, because if I change anything, I'll lose my bonus. Or I could waste hours min-maxing.
And the combat would be nice if not for the fact that pretty much every normal attack/skill/arte has not only an element but also a type of enemy it's good against.
Remembering all of them and choosing different combos for every enemy in the game sounds like fun. Sadly, I'm not that autistic. And I'm plenty autistic.
Also, playing on hard is a chore with random battles lasting for minutes because of enemies having a lot of HP and high defence.

Still, I liked the game. I just hope Berseria has normal equipment system and better battles. Demo should be out today, by the way, for both PS4 and PC.



There are no girls in Luigi's Mansion.

MARISA, even though Sanae is the better shottype in UFO.

Lyn from Fire Emblem 7. Good game.

not sure, too many waifus
maybe this one

A really hard tossup between Asahi and Toki, but ultimately Asahi wins.

Kira from Dirty Bomb.


She exists in the Payday 2, at least in my head.
If I have to choose the least awful girl out of the three actual girls in the game, that would be Sydney.

>Sawatte kudasai
>Please touch me
But you're not real

Not even my favorite Senran but the one that makes me the hardest

goku from dragonball fusions

She pisses me off as much as she makes my dick diamonds.

>If I have to choose the least awful girl out of the three actual girls in the game, that would be Sydney.
Sydney is literally worst girl.
>le so quirky anatchist FUCK THA SYSTEM

What do the hieroglyphs say?


Sydney is the most anime out of the trio.
Bonnie is a fat drunk, Clover is a disgusting drunk.




Been replaying FFVII and it is without a doubt Yuffie

I played XRd though.

>tfw I'll never be turned into Ryouna


Please Touch me

I want to be Ryona abusive husband!

my lala

That's not the best girl though.

Why the girls had to be so ugly?


I started playing this because of Sup Forums threads and animu visuals but i found the core mechanics actually solid and fun. Haven't played a card game for very long time since YGO on psp.



I want to smother my face in those melons tbhfam

I'm sorry ryouna
but you are just a lite haruka


>super mario world
i guess I don't have much to choose from

the ghosts


Just got the the GX part of Legacy of the Duelist.


I want to sawatte those kudasais

How does she not get stuck in those pipes?

The choices in girls are pretty shit, but at least she's better than potato faced Niesha.

Djeeta is cute!



Why did you post a picture of a colorful wall instead of a girl?





Olivia Pierce from DOOM. She's not worth downloading the picture for

sup :)