This is a Japanese woman made by a Western developer.
Say something nice to her.
This is a Japanese woman made by a Western developer
hi gackt
Looks like a man.
Doesn't look Japanese.
Doesn't look human.
Looks like a angry american dyke.
Even real japanese wrestlers look cuter than that.
I wonder why western developers are unable to create cute females.
Horse face
>I wonder why western developers are unable to create cute females
Poles do it just fine, she even has dimples and light freckles in her in game model
>those faggots that mod it out
>no hips or tits
She is lucky she's kinda cute.
Man chin lmao
>Exact same chin as
>But the nip gets a pass because this site is full of weebs
is that even human?
These are japanese women made by a Japanese company. Pick one.
That's a guy with aids.
They're all baka gaijin to nips
they certainly look like ugly average japanese women
They became western when they were invited into rhe EU.
is anyone of those a trap ?
That's not how it works.
Hell, it'd imply Britain just ceased to be western.
I fucking hate western devs. I hate jap ones too but goddamn I hate western devs.
riku from yakuza 5
Do you faggots think that any chick that doesn't have an animu jaw is The Crimson Chin?
Britain is basically under Sharia law
they look too japanese
definitely did well with the realism part
real jap sluts are hideous F1 engine imitators
They are catholic and part of the EU. Seems pretty western to me senpai.
Because Ubisoft took the ugly favela nigger chick and tried to change her into a jap but spent all the money making the male jap so they only managed to get rid of the face paint. Should see the artwork for her it's deviant art tier.
>real jap sluts are hideous F1 engine imitators
It isn't even 7 AM here and you just made my day
>he was voiced by Jay Leno
Holy kek
Doesn't matter in the slightest.
Once again, doesn't matter. Being part of a political trade union doesn't make you western.
literally easterners
>They are catholic
Hey, the philippines are western too?
Flips are really the strongest race.
They're pretty fucking west for Nip standards
>durr eastern Europe means east on a global scale
And would you really consider Witcher 3 an eastern game when this is their idea of a high fantasy elf?
She looks better on ps4 senpai.
Not only does she's not look like a woman but she doesn't even look japanese.
Ubisoft shit the BED on females, all the girls in Siege are fucking hideous. I dread how IQ looks unmasked.
>Nip standards
As far as the Nips are concerned, anything east of Germany is basically white skinned niggers.
You're nip, right?
>thermite is creating a really big fucking hole with hibana
>Frost looks relatively cute with mask
>This is what's underneath
Seriously looks like that one edgy character that I would have liked and imitated as a kid.
>That lazy eye
Great guns
Amazing gadget (when it works lmao)
3 speed
Top tier op
>I wonder why western developers are unable to create cute females.
because nobody outside of Sup Forums even cares
>Western developers can only make good looking women when they wear masks
At least the portraits look okay except hibana
Females in R6 are ugly as shit unless they cover their faces
Valkyrie is the fucking ugliest videogame character I've ever witnessed. Getting killed by her makes me furious.
Hibana looks alright when 80% of her face is covered
Fucking same. I've never seen such a drastic change between portrait and model before
You meant man, right?
Any western 3D artist worth their salt doesn't work in video game studios.
The one in light blue or the one in red. Also the one in white.
Plus, I'm pretty sure there are other very cute woman in the game, you are just ignoring them.
Can anyone tell me why numale cuck western developers got that HUGE fascination with "azn tech geek girl with a hoodie" stereotype?
It pops up so often. What is this all about?
Dead Rising 4, also made by canadian numale cucks, had the same thing.
>They're pretty fucking west for Nip standards
We're talking about OUR standards, for nips everyone is west, you dolt.
something something hongcouver
Shani is so damn hot
Echo is probably cuter than her. No homo.
Numales have shit-tier fetishes
There's nothing geeky about Hibana though.
seems like they reuse his face and change the hair and eyes to make her
just like muh animu
Post your three favorite defenders/attackers:
>Bandit, Jaeger, Echo
>Thermite, Capitao, Sledge
Because these people have borderline zero experiences with foreign cultures and adhere to stereotypes to circumvent their ignorance, even though they'll try everything in their power to convince you otherwise.
I don't hate it. I'd rather have stereotypes than a flawless character with no character to avoid offending anyone.
This is a Japanese Robot made by a Japanese company