Where do you want the next TES to be placed and why?

Where do you want the next TES to be placed and why?

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nowhere, just let it fucking die and stop raping my memories of morrowind

Because I don't want the world to be a barren wasteland and I actually want it to look pretty.

But I guess that's asking too much from Bethesda.

Who cares, it will be shit anyway

The other contient with the sentient ape people.

You can go to valenwood right now in ESO.

Half the map should be highlighted and labeled under ESO. Morrowind is upcoming dlc and Skyrim is sure to follow.

ESO is literally the best es game currently. It's es 5.5.

fuck off retard

They should just make up a new place and make it take place there.

i wish that they show the orc land and the main quest story line is to attack orc lands and kill those stupid orcs

You can go to wrothgar and hang out in orsinium right now in ESO reee

What's Travels?
My bets are on Summerset but anything could happen.

I don't mind, I just want ESO VI. As long as it's a new place, I can't care.

Truth. ESO is quite great. Personally love Orsinium the most

elder scrolls online isnt really lore.

it should be skipped if you are a true tamriel expert knower


actually it is, there's a thing called dragon dimension or some shit i forgot the actual name, but basically everything can be canon.

ESO is like Oblivion online. It's amazing

Are you kidding

It's has the best lore the only thing shit lore wise was the factions but it was for the sake of gameplay everything else is top notch and presented much better than any of the other games thus far. I'm pretty sure you haven't played the game or haven't gotten past leaving cold harbour. It's literally elder scrolls 0. You get to meet queen ayyren and Venus the guy who made the mages guild fucking hang out with anar tharn and minnimarco. And they are fully voiced with more emotion than any game so far reee.

In a good game

Hard mode: explain how the your character escapes imprisonment

Orsinium: Captured by orcs, you're thrown into the arena to fight for your freedom. Plot twist, the orc you kill was the chosen one, and Malacath is making you fix what you broke.

it isnt lore because there are other polayers who ruin it. TES should never have been online game because it should be untouched.

An online game is never capable of being a role game.


The ending of the main quest is great

You go super Saiyan after meridia unlocks your final form and you 1v1 molag bar with your bear hands.

The entirety of Tamriel

That's the shittiest logic I've ever heard for anything man you are really depriving yourself of lore because having other players somehow affect the lore when it doesn't at all. Triggered me hard m8.

Be more fucking obvious please. Use more trademark symbols.

Grab your tinfoil hat.

Seriously, it's even the same person. You can tell because they type in exactly the same way. A period after the first sentence, then the second sentence has no period.

Go be retarded somewhere else.

Coincidence. Game's old as fuck by the way

Valenwood and Elsweyr. The landscapes sound really neat and I really like Khajit lore.

Valenwood/Elsweyr, go from a forest to the desert, from one cultural extreme to another and admire the reused assets

That's ridiculous. You're just being paranoid

>Getting this mad over someone talking about their favorite video game

Nice autism

>Someone's favorite game is ESO

Even in a shill universe, this is not possible.

In the hands of a different developer

The rest of Morrowind.
But I'm only interested if they bring back dice-rolls.




>Sergeant Howie (Edward Woodward) journeys to the remote Hebridean island Summerisle to investigate the disappearance of a young girl,

It's your loss man

I'm going to be hanging out in Balmora and maybe stop by pre Morrowind vivec to see what almexia and sotha sil are doing in a couple of months when the vvardefell dlc drops. In the mean time I can wait in mournhold and the other areas that didn't get released in Morrowind that modders are trying to create.


>expert knower

Sorry but all we had in stock were Wicker Man (2006) references.

I don't care as long as the cities are more than just a handful of houses. Don't even have to be able to enter them all.

>you can only play a game if your character is "The Chosen One"

What the fuck am I reading?

next TES will be SKYRIM 2
mark my words, shitters and normies are to blame


>not wanting lizard people not-aztec shit

I thought Daggerfal's game world was like 5 times the size of Skyrim?

Make an Elder Scrolls game taking place in Summerset Isle and have it be completely focused on magic solely as an excuse for how disgracefully bad and rushed everything magic-related was in Skyrim.

The map-area-to-game-world conversion scale of it is, although the vast, vast majority of that is procedurally generated empty countryside. Although an empty countryside dotted by hundreds of [also procedurally generated] dungeons and giant towns.

they should do a 2fer, valenwood and elsweyr or highrock and hammerfell

Valenwood because it sounds comfy, and I will be taller than everyone else.

ESO is legit the best Elder Scrolls game. Outside of being mandatory playing if you're a lore junkie, it has the best combat and great quests. Orsinium is better than Shivering Isle.

Wow she's bashful

TES details:

Skill trees will be optimised further and streamlined into Melee, Magic, Amor and Misc.

To not overwhelm our newer players dialogue options will only consist of "Yes", "No" and "Bye"

Racial bonuses will be gone to be more inclusive.

Schools of magic will be summarised into Offense, Healing and Misc.

Crossbows will be DLC again

Anything that happened in TES I - V will be declared non canon

t. Todd

None. Skyrim was a perfect setting. Cyrodil is boring. What the fuck even happens anywhere else? A few troll caves?

We already had Redguard as game though

I want Black Marsh or High rock but it's probably gonna be Valenwood.

S-stop it guys or I might decide to give it another try

>le smug reply
leave and take your shit opinions with you

Does it matter where it takes place if Bethesda is just going to retcon everything interesting about it?

Illiac bay. Because I want pirates, sea dungeons and naval battles.

More importantly, will there ever be a great combat system? It is so boring. Most weapon and magic skills are just scaling up numbers. RNG power attacks are fucking useless disgusting shit. All humanoids have same moveset. Magic skills are very limited because of game engine. Developer have so much experience now, it would be absolutely disgraceful if they fuck up game play AGAIN.

I don't get who is falseflagging anymore.

Depends on what you want: it has plenty of positives and a few negatives. It has typical MMO gameplay, so it's totally different from the other games. You are pretty much locked in the class you pick but there's lots of variety (every skill can morph into two other forms) within. A few bugs (sometimes the world takes a little time to load and you can fall through the world. But you'll just respawn)

>lots of nice new lands (20+ maps)
>lots of great and fun quests
>I personally like the graphics and art. Bosmers are my waifus
>great characters and great storyline (main quest is decent actually. I thought I'd hate it)
>you can play alone or make a guild
>best crafting in any ESO game
>good music
>the three alliances are 100% unique. New places, new quests, new characters, etc

They made some changes and I haven't tried them out but I guess to newcomers it's good:
>you are no longer limited to certain alliances based off your face
>enemies scale to you so you don't have to stick to any one area (But honestly? If you did each quest in the province, you'd be the right level for the next one anyway. I guess some people want to skip to do certain quests and certain areas? It breaks the narrative a bit though)

We will get Summerset where we can build and sail our own ships, it will be more shitty than F4 settlement building.

Any region without annoying mountain obstacles everywhere.


Akavir. It's time for a fresh start.

That means we're getting Maormer as the eleventh race, right?

Valenwood or Black Marsh

For some reason I thought Akavir was the continent to the north, maybe I just got the names mixed up.
Games will never leave Tamriel though, thank fuck

Problem with ESO is that it's an utterly mediocre TES game and mediocre MMORPG. If anyone found Skyrim dull addition of soft locking will make you want to blow your brains out in ESO combat.

The only chance it happens is if it has to do with some Tamrielic expedition/colony to Akavir or some shit like that.

sounds pretty cool actually

there is no way that will ever happen because it would require actually effort on bethesda's part. they haven't done any setting building on that level since morrowind.

That map is so fucking wrong

So how is ESO right now? Played it during beta and it was kinda meh.


You shut up. Those poor Redguards DINDU NUFFIN.

What the fuck is that map.


Mostly desert and great extensions of water, boats and other ships allow to travel, redguards are no kings, insteed imperials, bretons and altmeri rule their land.
The Sloads and Imga finally appears
Bring back the old rol model
Plot: Chimeri are back, this nigga tries to kill everyone.

it was utter trash in beta
now it's pretty gud, try it.

Valenwood or Argonia, depending on how much work they want to make for themselves.

It's alright, but like user above said pretty mediocre. If you really want a dose of TES it's your best bet for now. Keep in mind new content is locked away as DLC. They're also introducing housing soon. If you don't buy said DLC all you get is a room in some Inn.

Is the TES universe flat? Legit question

The idea is really good. There is only one problem, to defeat a Malacath's chosen one you have to be much above average fighter or it doesn't make any sence. Malacath won't favour a weakling.

Next game will be High Rock. It's the more obvious choice for bethesda. They made a shitton money with Skyrim and they don't want something too different.

1. Parts of High Rock will still resemble Skyrim a lot. There's the Western Reach and a lot of potential for Skyrim references and how what happened in Skyrim affected High Rock;
2. A lot more Game of Thrones drama with the petty kings in High Rock, and they still want to go in this direction;
3. High Rock is still part of the Empire, so they could pull something similar to Skyrim or some conflict with the Thalmor.


No, it is a god's mind. Shapeless.

I don't think so. Oblivion at least I think is the inside of a sphere.

You don't have to buy DLC if you go with the monthly fee, which also gives you gems to spend.

So how is the f2p working? Can I play it comfortably or will I have half of the content, most of the races, classes and other stuff locked? Is it even f2p or b2p?



I want it set in Valenwood. I want the cities to actually be walking tree goliaths. I want the Bosmer to be cannibals and exclusively meat eaters again. I want a pretty environment.

We won't get any of that.

Climbing mount sorrow was an amazing experience.

That won't happen if they keep the shitty engine.


They fixed the combat ages ago.

There's no point of a new TES when ESO is available.

Wait, theres an ES game with Maormer in it?

did someone say Divinity?

That's ESO.

You buy the game like any other, you get all races except for Imperial.

Like every other ES game, new areas and shit are DLC.

bitch it might be