AGDQ 2017

Now: Pac-Man World
Next: Mega Man Legends
Later: Katamari Damacy

Other urls found in this thread:

Who Sup Forums here?

Look forward to Miles Metroid run. He's a tranny now.


"X" ruined speedrunning


If only Caveman were there...

Is Phil Sup Forums's one and only boy?

>He's a tranny now

please no. i actually liked him and his runs

Greed ruined speedrunning

>movement speed exploit
Basically, he's skipping strait to the ending. Wow, wake me when the next game is up.

Make it stop

Fuck off, here's your (You).

Does this game feature best ghost?


that pose pacman makes when he jumps looks like


Getting a gf is easy
Getting a loving gf that knows how to please men is hard

My ex was an amazing kink that would do literally anything I asked, she literally worshipped my cock

But then I got lazy and she started slowly losing attraction until "yes" became "no"
Towards the end she barely even blew me

Don't get lazy just because you have a gf, folks, shit sucks

Pac man world is so underated, holly shit.

Reminder that these are real girls and beat stupid white male runners.

Next game for agdq

why is that fatass breathing so hard

Why is this a Pacman game?

Oh shit, I loved this game.

>no Mommy run milky%

>tetris "grand master"
>got manhandled by a chick
Glad trans are finally on the map.

2D girls are more real than those freak shows

What percentage does agdq get of the cancer money? Do they donate 100% of it to charity or do they give 20% to chairty and keep the rest for themselves

I thought kevinDDR thew a shitfit a while back and quit vidya

why did he bring his stupid face back only to lose to meth addicted post op morgan web?

There are only 2 genders.



Good speedgame?

>tfw cutfag
>tfw my dick looks like a pathetic shrimp
>tfw no real sensation when fapping
>tfw inferior being
>tfw mankind's laughstock

Why did ((they)) do that to us? I just want to be a real man ;_; IT'S NOT FAIR

>real girls

What were the best and worst runs in GDQ events ever?

>guy "speedrunning" uses macros or one of those cheat controllers to make inputs impossible for a human to do.

Should I roll?

If you're gonna want to be a woman at least fucking try.
100% or bust

Yeah, since a normal playthrough is about 5h.

I enjoyed this run years ago

L4D2 was by far the worst run I've ever watched
best is probably jak but I have only been watching for like a year and a half

Nice Jump


pick one and only one

futa% I hope

How now brown cow

fuck this game was so hard when I was a kid

so much nostalgia Sup Forums ;-;

glitchless runs are cancer

I think a Fire Emblem run got mercy killed due to really bad RNG making it impossible to finish in a timely manner.

Are you fucking high?

Just watch a fast let's play then you autist.

I just woke up to watch Pac-Man World.

What's that liquid coming out of her nipples?

Kill yourself I hope


>Type "Pacman looks like a retard running" in Twitch Chat

>Tfw your donation got read

glitching is cheating, speedruns are about finishing the game fast, not cheating the game to skip playing it


No, its real.

>Kloah out of nowhere
Checking Sup Forums today was a good idea

>Suddenly all games are less than 10 mins

Why did I have to watch 3 hours of Emerald last night?

>PSX -1999


>glitching is cheating


cis scum banned from Sup Forums

Skipped yesterday
Has there been any more drama? Any trannys? Any entertaining runs?/spoiler]

What part of Germany you form?

Good lad.

So you play as yellow animated analbead?

it is

>Actually giving money to them

I got food poisoning

Oh god, I remember that.

They literally had to change the difficulty to easy after they died multiple times and they still managed to get downed on easy

One of the runners (the female) even admitted to not playing through the entire game while they were halfway through the run - and that they had spent the night before in their hotel room without actually practising the game that they were running.

It was a complete train wreck.

>Why did I have to watch 3 hours of Emerald last night?
Eats time.
I'm still mad from last year where they stated with fucking Shenmue.


Big muscular black man masturbated in an anime girl's cute hat

it's using moves that are perfectly valid in the game, can't see how it's cheating

anyway this is why they make the distinction in the first place

Frumb Pogdoster.

>there's people actually enjoying watching a character float through the levels for 10min and then 1-shot the boss
>some people prefer this than seeing someone having to actually play the game and master it going as fast as he can.

This game looks pretty fun? Is it better or worse than Pacman World 2? Because I liked that quite a bit.

mines been read like 8 times over the past two years. I donate to every run though.

Well almost every run, I miss some when I sleep through my alarms or the schedule changes

>kloah is too obsessed with shitty boat waifus to draw anything else

I just want him to see the potential of Tokio and Bimajo. Now that's a ship worth people's time.

yeah but this is reddit post is actually a blatant shitpost, m8, do you not realize this?

Is there a jojo reference in this game?

What should I fap to?

>Big muscular black man

>walking into the wall is skill





At least he isn't loading up a backup save.

does anyone have the drinking game sheet

Now this is podracing

Yellow ball man x wall


You must really like these ads.

Better. Pac world 1 is a masterpiece.


I remember this. The worst run they've ever had at this event.


>cheating through a wall

Black women

For that, I respect him much more than the previous "runner".