
>hates video games
>angry all the time
>hates normies
>knows that beating women is cool and should be encouraged
Is he /our guy/?

Other urls found in this thread:

just fuck off and kill yourself you worthless e-celeb shill

now now liam we know you're still salty about being kicked out for being a weeb

He looks kinda like Jeremy

My god, he does... Both are also Canadian...

who? sounds like a sad fuck to me.

Come again with that last part?

>2 uploads a day now
>now including rehosts

what the fuck is going on



Liam is quit because clinical deperession
Matt is on extended brake

Channel will die this year

>channel will die this year

and they would have to keep making videos for machinima until 2150

Matt's forward thinking, I see.

Woolie going to MAGFest with SuperBunnyHop. So they made videos in advance.

i mean they are really slacking on the uploads. cant they queue them up beforehand?
2 uploads within 24 hours is pretty bad.
and notice today they have a rehost. which i'm guessing is a machinima video they are putting up on their own channel?

5'11.9999999999999..... < 6"

I'm 6'4"
>hates video games
Enjoy most video games.
>angry all the time
Rarely angry, never been angry while playing a video game either.
>hates normies
I hate SJWs and their normie apologists
>knows that beating women is cool and should be encouraged
Beating women should be acceptable in self defense and for being a complete cunt but I don't think real world violence is that cool.

>doesn't understand that beating women is essential for pleasure, control and a healthy relationship
Fucking faggot

>doesn't understand that beating women is essential for pleasure, control and a healthy relationship
elucidate for me

Women get wet from violent men pleasure=pain, you establish ownership to a new degree once you start beating your girlfriend and she learns that she is beholden to you.

I think you have issues with women.

All men should, they are our natural enemies, but also the only thing we crave.

Liam looks like Chris-chan now.

double chin tech
whats middle supposed to be exactly

Hot damn

No wonder he's depressed

Now we know where all those cookies went.

>liam looks like he's forcing a happy expression
>middle is just excited to be in a photo with their favorite e-celebs
>woolie looks like he's having the best fucking time

Why is Woolie so based? Dude seems genuinely great.

Love Pat but I'm pretty sure he's gonna unintentionally implode the channel.

what lol Liam kicked out of what

No. i´m not a fucking manlet.

>whaddup guys it's ton garçon Pat from Montreal

No wonder Matt and Liam left, those humorless fucks.

because his childhood was literally no fun allowed

We all know who /ourguys/ are

this is why Woolie and Pat are my favorite.

Liam brought too many fuckin pedo anime games onboard i fuckin hate it

matts OK

Pat likes good games. i think

Woolie ONLY likes good games. i think? reboot tho

who are these idiots and why isnt there a black dude there? are they fuckin racist?

if you are a kid called darlington, fun just avoids you

its our job to protect that smile

I think his new stuff sucks.

lmao whose playstation was this on? Liams?

Liam looks lik Vyv from FFXV in the new pics from magfest

what does it mean

I dunno, but they were downloading that for fisticuffs at that time.

>I'm 6'4"
enjoy a premature death my friend

>Liam gets cucked
>Woolie just looks autistic
>Pat is a suave smooth operator and save the situation as usual

>the gun in mouth gesture from liam

No one really seemed to react in an exemplary way at all.

Woolie totally tried the "If I don't move I won't be seen" tactic however.

>Pat just keeps munching on whatever that shit he's eating

Oh and if anyone was wondering. They interrupted their panel so the other staff member can tell them they can't use swear words.

it worked, i didnt notice him lol

wonder what they whispered

what even happened i didnt watch this shit

Pat is a super sperg off the channel too

>I hate SJWs and their normie apologists
>I hate strawmen and their strawman apologists
Sounds like a cool dude

That's what happens when you spend years hanging around fat fucks who do nothing but play video games and stuff their face with cookies and cereal


>e celeb garbage
fuck off back to your subreddit

>Pat and Paige doing side-by-side streams
>Pat setting up a Donate button


yay maybe she'll fuckin show us dem hips nigga


I hope they incorporate Woolie, he deserves better.

Maybe some "bullstreams" or something.

she a bad lil ginger

nice & thick

wonder if she has a red bush...XD

whoa nigga i aint a pervert


who dis


Sage and report eceleb threads.
If you dont know how to sage, type "sage" in the options field to post in a gay thread like this one without bumping it.

>"how to trigger Sup Forums"

Fat cosplayer from Facebook

she did samus aran cosplay

google thick samus aran cosplay

is this her whered u get this fuuuuuck

Probably seeing how much Sup Forums sucks his dick no mater how boring he is.

Powned is when you hack the FBI

clips DOT twitch DOT tv/peachsaliva/ShinyKangarooSwiftRage

He's also great at gathering poon.

good lord

why am I still a virgin at 24

bitch so bad my heart hurts on a deeply profound level


beat ya to it faggot! =}

Get the fuck back to whatever shithole you came from

Slayer Tbh

what's the problem aspie

Bruce is the only good one
James and Adam are cucks

found the SJW apologist

Woolie where the fuck is the podcast

Yes, they did
and their at the office downtown
And pat is too much of a lazy fuck to call an Uber to get there and upload the files
So he just makes excuses on twitter and the fanbase lick his balls

For fucks sake, pat, pull your shit together

>shares lewds and nudes
>complaints abot others spreading them because her muslim family might see them
Cosplayers are retards.

AFTER the fisticuffs of that game went up and he spent the whole video bitching he wasnt allowed to like the game

There's an entire subreddit devoted to those faggots, go away.

On the Weebcast soundcloud page

spread them


I'd spread her, if you get my drift.

Fucking godlike.

I would pay 100 dollars right now to get a recorded video of this persyn on election night right when the results were called. Not even lying right now.

is that ironically dressing as a girl cosplay or just tranny cosplay?

They might just be ugly.

Bruce is the Matt of Funhaus. Doing a video game shoe despite being shit at video games

Who the fuck is kenny and steve

so thats how true love looks...

Pls donate constantly doods "friends"


How can one man constantly be so wrong?

They are half of the people on Yo! Videogames Maximillian's side stream that he runs with them, one other friend and sometimes his wife.

They're alright in fact the worse person on the stream is either Max or his wife. His wife is boring and they change how they act around her, while Max gets really pissy if he either
A) loses the game too much
B) isn't really interested in the game

The worst was when Matt (I think that's his name) was beating him at MvC2, Max starts getting pissy so Matt immediately starts dropping confirms and doesn't block so Max can win. Then Max immediately starts rubbing it in his face.
That was the moment where I was pretty much done with Max.

Pat better get his shit straight soon

Usually I'm all for them just stumbling through the souls games but this knight shield bullshit is just unacceptable

The DaS LP is getting cringe worthy.

>"Yeah Woolie there's no reason to ever go across that bridge, the dragon will just fry you. there isn't even anything useful over there"

>is getting

It's only the really dumb stuff that gets me

actively talking about being a pyromancer and proceeding to use the firebombs

feels like the guys are really way too tense about doing this one right.