Do I need to play City and Aslyum first?
Do I need to play City and Aslyum first?
You don't need to do anything, be your own man
They're both much better games than that shitheap so I would recommend it
Play Asylum, City and then Origins. Skip Knight, it's fucking awful.
>Play Asylum, City and then Knight. Skip Origins, it's fucking awful.
No. If you have a modicum of Batman knowledge, you'll be fine and the game recaps the one important detail from City.
You'll need to have played City to for context for some of the story in Knight, and in turn, you'll need to have played Asylum for some of the story in Coty to make sense. Origins is fun too, but purely optional.
play knight first, then you can fully appreciate how much better city and asylum are. that is of course if you can actually put up with knight's tank shit long enough to finish it...
They're both great games that should be played anyway, but for the most part you'd be fine without them, if you're THAT desperate to enjoy Harley's butt. I'd really recommend playing them first, though. The few plot threads that hang between games (Freeze, Ra's, Azrael) wrap up very nicely in Knight.
play asylum
city and origins is shit
Not really, OP. You might miss some of the references to past games but the main thing you need to know to explain wtf is happening in Knight gets told to you. Also don't listen to what people say about the batmobile. I loved the first two games and thought the batmobile was awesome. It's a huge part of batman and of course it should be in a batman game, and holy crap it's seamless with on foot and integrated perfectly into every aspect of the game, just like in batman. Also since you never played the other games you won't miss the on foot creeping around stuff, which Knight has in abundance btw but people tend to focus on the batmobile for some reason. Basically Asylum was atmospheric creeping around and fighting, City was open world gliding around, fighting, and some creeping around. Knight is batmobile and gliding and being awesome all over a huge city, fighting, and creeping around. People who liked the creeping around the most got mad about that. If you like batman you'll think the batmobile is awesome.
Don't listen to anything any of these pessimistic assholes say
Asylum is the only good one.
You only need to play City and Asylum.
>Skipping the best one.
Play Asylum and City first, the only thing that Knight does better is graphics. If you don't give a shit about Batman and just want to gawp then go ahead, but I'd definitely recommend going in order.
I fucking love Origins and will fight anyone who thinks it isn't better than City and Knight
Yes. Origins, Asylum, City, Knight, in that order.
I wished that the remaster of Asylum had city's combat. If it did it would be the best game in the series.
>I fucking love Origins
True pleb.
Doesn't need Origins.
Play Asylum and then quit the fucking franchise, it's dead
I'd say Origins is a good buildup to the main events happening in Asylum and City. But City is maximum comfy.
It definitely suffers from being too similar to City, but I thought the plot was superior, even if Black Mask = Joker was silly. Young angry Bat was great, and Joker and Batman sizing each other up over the course of the game was top as well. Some of the boss fights were great as well, Bane on the roof was a treat.
I understand peoples grievances with Origins, and maybe I enjoy it so much because it gets such an awful reputation that I went into it thinking it would be shit and found, in my eyes, a flawed gem.
>i'll never be able to 100% the arkham games because origins has cheevos/trophies tied to the mp
This autism of mine will never accept this fate.
is the mp down? If not then you can still get them thropies
They closed it in december.
Worth 10 bucks for arkham Knight? I could pirate it but it seems cheap enough
Shit port, don't support it. Pirate the lot
You gonna get stutters all the time when roaming the city because the game was made with an unified ram pool in mind and when it sees ram and vram seperated it shit the bed.
Don't bother pirating. Terrible performance.
Have a 4690k and sli gtx 780s(no sli support in the game though).
There's some stutters and inconsistent frames. It gets frustrating 30 minutes in.
Even at the lowest of settings it performs the same. The lowest settings are called "normal" btw. Just don't waste your time downloading it.
Guess I'll try waiting for a cheap cheap copy on the PS4 then
You best pirate that shit, it's an unoptimized piece of garbage tech wise, so unless you have a video card with at least 6 gigs of VRAM you'll have to deal with low res textures, otherwise it's a good batman game gameplay and story wise.
Hmm, I never did try capping the game at 30fps. Maybe it was meant to be played that way... I probably still have the game installed so I might try it out
They're much better, so you probably should. Knight is all right, but it went full ubisoft with collectibles and shitty repetitive checklist style side missions. Asylum, City and Origins are just better games.
I'm with you my man, Origins is my favourite Arkham Game. It has great atmosphere and soundtrack and to be honest the plot twist was decent in my opinion, it's just that people were tired of Joker already and were expecting miracles after City while they got a game with similar quality.
>repetitive checklist style side missions.
Didn't they always have that ? I really don't see anything different in the mission structure in Knight compared to city and origins.
Haven't they fixed that already? I ran it smoothly and without any problems on a laptop that barely runs Witcher 3.
Actually laptops might have less issues since how the ram works is closer to consoles if you discard the extra expansion slots.
Give a try if your laptop meets the reqs.
Considering you have a laptop, I'm not sure you know what smoothly is. Witcher 3, although I only played 4 hours, ran maxed out 60fps(vsync) constantly. Never had frame dips or stutters. Nvidia hair shit I left on Geralt only.
Lol if that's the case then holy shit. What a dam shit show. Was so hyped for the game too.
It's mostly the Arkham Knight army liquidation. Excluding Riddler trophies the only missions of that kind in previous games I remember are the containers/weapon stashes and it was still "there are 6 locations you have to go" instead of "there are 100 different drones, 2 minefields, 2 convoys, 8 outposts and 10 turret posts on this island only. Destroy them all".
It still had that amazing deathstroke fight, actually, it had pretty good fights in general, where you just fought normal human sized people as well as giants instead of just giants
If you can pirate it go ahead, but a lot of pirate versions are the outdated version with zero optimization, runs like shit. The current version of the game on PC is the best optimized version between all platforms. As someone that hates the tankmobile, the game is still a decent sequel to City so I would say it's worth 10 bucks at least.
Nothing's fixed. I pirated the latest version and I had to keep everything on low since I only have 2 gigs of VRAM which was barely enough (1912 of 2048), so even on low I had occasional stuttering when driving around the city in the batmobile I also had frequent game crashes, but it can be the crack responsible for the crashes and not the game itself.
I finished City a few days ago. It's quite fun, but the main story is way too short, and there's not much to do besides it. And as far as I saw, most side-quest stuff was either finding tons of riddler trophies (I was too lazy to do it), locking up Deadshot, BANE, and Trash, and rest just magically disappears and you don't see them anymore.
I'm not sure if you can confirm for me but the one I found on piratebay (the MrDJ repack) is version
Whats the current edition? The DLC ain't super important for me, anyway.
You could look into fitgirl. Fitgirl had the latest version of the game.
Latest version is
I'll have to download the fitgirl repack, perhaps, although it has 0 seeders and 2 leechers on piratebay. Does the group(?) have a website? I'll Google it anyway
I guess I was just lucky in that case.
> Considering you have a laptop, I'm not sure you know what smoothly is.
Laptop is not the only thing I play on m8, but yeah, in that case by "smoothly" I don't mean 60fps and ultra graphics settings, I mean that the framerate was stable and the gameplay fluent, without any slow motion, hick-ups or shit that would make it unenjoyable or unplayable and that is still looked good(which I cannot say for W3 on said laptop). I know I'm in a minority here, but if I don't have a better machine at hand and I really want to play something this is definitely a good enough and "smooth" performance for me.
It's the one that runs like shit though fami.
Well... It'll probably be the first result on Google. Fitgirl is only one person though. I just trust the repacks although they can take some time to install. Batman installed in less than 20 minutes if I remember. Modern titles usually take a few hours.
You're brave.
Alright user. I was able to Google it anyway, and thankfully they had 9 seeders or so on one of their mirrors.
Saved me a lot of time cause I have third world Internet, thanks user.
>being thanked on Sup Forums
It feels pretty good all things considered.
You mean that tedious, QTE boss fight?
Play in order of release
City is the worst of the series
Literally a meme game for anyone that knows shit about the saga
Runs fine on my rig. If youre a fan its worth it
'member that time when we were like
electrocutioner fight was the best!
arkham knights fucking problem is that they had to get a name that had arkham in it...
I like Arkham Knight a lot.
What's wrong with you
did they ever fix the pc version
just play asylum, city and watch some quality harley quinn SFM
oh well
I played Knight on my toaster and I experienced stuttering only about 80% in
I played the game like 3 months ago and was getting a pretty solid 60, dropping to like 30-40 when I was driving around. I had a 970 and i5 though
If anything you should ONLY play them
Origins is pretty okay actually. Worse than Asylum/City but still good. The detective mode is cool. Also, no batmobile.
Yes. Running 50-80 fps maxed out on a 290 and 8350.
Upgrade your shit nigger.
>game isn't optimized at all
>lmao just upgrade your shit my man
Kill yourself, my man.
An 8800 isn't gonna cut it anymore these days, user.