Only one save file? What the fuck, Atlus. Please tell me at least V has multiple saves

Only one save file? What the fuck, Atlus. Please tell me at least V has multiple saves.

What? I'm pretty sure Le Millenom Girl had more than one save slot. Even EO2U did.
And I think there was info about EOV having ?? save slots, but I forgot what it was.
Anyway, you can always just download it and check it yourself.

>I'm pretty sure Le Millenom Girl had more than one save slot.
Can confirm that it doesn't, which sucks because I have liked to play the game in Classic mode.

I don't even know it story mode is worth it, but still, I can't see why it wouldn't have at least an extra slot....Strange Journey had 2 slots, and that's on a previous handheld.

Maybe the cartridge version doesn't, but the eshop does? Can't you switch between the cart and SD like Persona Q? Or maybe I'm just wrong, since I don't really remember, but I had an impression it had more than one slot.

2U has one for the cart and a fuckload of SD slots.

Should I play the story mode first to unlock classes?

I think gunner and highlander are story exclusive.

Yeah sure whatever.

You can transfer clear data from story mode to classic mode anyway, so do story on normal and then classic on FUCKING TURBO HARD HOLY SHIT mode.

Yes. Don't get memed by nostalgiafags.

Normal is more like "Easy", and Expert is only hard in the beginning. Or if you get ambushed. Classic Atlus game balance.

How is the difficulty on the harder modes?

I think it's just what the ones on DS are. Your party dies, game over. Normal gives you a second chance if your party kicks the bucket in battle.

Worry not, OP. EOV has nine save slots.

Series designed with expert in mind

thank christ

Can't you back up saves manually?

Okay guys I been meaning to try this series out but don't really have the time to play an rpg series in a row. Can you just recommend me the best one available on the 3ds?

4 is short, solid and has a demo that you can import your save data from

EO2U by a mile.

If you think you're only going to play the game once, just play whichever you want. The story has an extra side dungeon but other than that, if you wanna go straight to classic to build your own party, go for it. I can tell you I didn't feel like remapping the same dungeons after I had just beaten it.

There are 3 saves in untold 2. So yes EOV is gonna have more than 1 save slot.