There are people on Sup Forums right now that didn't understand pic related

>there are people on Sup Forums right now that didn't understand pic related

Other urls found in this thread:

>Character and man are drinking at a bar and conversing
>Character mentions man buying him a drink
>Man speaks and reveals [glass him] dialogue

Only an autistic 12 year old anime fan would expect that context to lead to him smashing a glass into his head.

itt people who have never watched a guy ritchie movie

>there are people on Sup Forums right now that didn't understand pic related

Half of Sup Forums is third worlders and immigrants who never even heard or seen a civilized language before, just look at

I only heard of people being confused if English wasn't their main language, or if no one says that in their area

I felt it could have meant both, and there would be no reason to actually glass him, so I deduced it was to offer him a glass. I was wrong.

English isn't my first and yet it was obvious to me what it meant. Maybe, as said, I watched too many crime movies.

When have you ever heard someone say "Oy bartender, glass me and my mate George, we just got back from the war."
I'm pretty sure this was only an issue for Americans. Also in the context of the situation what made you think that Bigby was going to buy the guy a drink? Bigby is pissed 99% of the time and he is at the bar to confront the fat guy and the little prick starts giving him shit, you'd have to be autistic to not be able to read the situation.

>people are stupid enough to think "glass him" means buy him a drink
>literally the first post is one of those people

>glass the fucking cunt
>people assume this means buy the vagina a beverage during intercourse

>playing a story and dialogue based game without having a basic grasp on the english language

If you think "glass him" means "buy him a drink" you are either:

>Live in the third world

I am 3 of those 4 but even from one screenshot without other context clues meaning was obvious.

>If you think the phrase "Glass Him" doesn't mean "Hit in face with glass" you live in third world hellhole

Britshits, please the adults are talking.

I'm not British, don't live in Britain and never have.

"Glass him" isn't used for anything else other than "hit them in the face with glass."

Absolutely no example of it ever being used in that way ever.

To be fair, he did present 3 alternative options, but considering you missed those, you possibly fall into 1 or both of those categories. Autistic/underage, if you haven't caught on.

I see some people are confused and others defend it. The thing is, would those defenders have criticized the game in the first place if the option read "[Smash him with glass]" instead? Would a single person have said "man, they should have gone slick, like just [Glass him]"? I think they would be laughed out by others if they did.

this is an example of a game requiring a basic level of just general culture to understand.

if you've gone your whole life to this point and never read a book, seen a movie or even heard the term 'to glass someone' and try to project your lack of understanding onto the game, you're the same as people who play games too hard for them and whine for it to be casualised.

get out more you basement dwelling fucks.

[stool him]

>[tell him off]

>shove Djikstra (forcefully)

>Everyone except English people didn't understand pic related

>Anime fan
Yea, when i think of anime, I think of Hollywood Blockbuster style violent wordplay.

>Not violent retard who hits people in the face with glass

lol k fag

That was bullshit but it made me kek audibly.

It just escalated so quickly

>"No, not my other leg"
top laffs

If you're making an argument for not being underaged or autistic, you're doing a piss poor job there buddy.

>you'd have to be autistic to not be able to read the situation.

I think we have the definitive answer on this argument for this thread and all future threads.

I don't get it


I think you're supposed to hand him the glass, maybe?

The proper team is glassING in the first place, and the States use glass for meth or nuking.

>Basic level of general culture
>Knowing lingo for barbaric acts of violence in English and Aussie pubs
lol, okay.

>barbaric acts of violence

Just by defining anything like that outs you as a complete fucking pussy.

>lol pussy, why don't you break other people's property out of chimping out rage
And Sup Forums pretends it isn't lower than niggers.

Not him but attacking someone with something that can permanently damage and scar them is pretty savage.

If you're going to fight with someone, don't use a weapon, unless you're fighting for your life.

Granted, I don't even know the context of this scene.

By being a little faggot and apologizing for niggers when they chimp out is the real issue. Grow some balls and get rid of them before they get rid of you, nothing wrong with being on your toes.

Whatever you say, kid

>Apologizing for niggers = Thinking they at least have lower intelligence because they're poor and uneducated, Sup Forums's just a bunch of contrarian faggots.

Haha, what? Are black people the Godwin's Law for you, your brain immediately turns off?

>I'm not underaged, you are!

I mean you're autistic underage posts aren't going to make me eight years younger, so yeah so whatever IDGAF


Aren't you the one who used the autist angle in the first place?

Please refer to my previous post: Trying to divert accusations of autism or being underaged by throwing it back at your accuser. Hence, the attempt at damage control. K, sweetpea? :) Understand? doesn't know it has autism.

Oh I see, you're not just underaged and autistic, you're also a Tumblrtard.

Touched a nerve, perhaps? :p

what a fucking awful thread. I hope everyone in here is ashamed of how they are spending their time. I know i am.

Making fun of people who can't understand a simple term is fun, yes.

But, that means that I can spend time together with you, user-kun!

Nah, not really. That doesn't happen when you're not everyone autistic like you, remember?

Oh sorry, you're autism is rubbing off, you should be more careful kid.

Are you literally so triggered that you have to attempt to post before the time out, and suggesting you yourself are acting autistic?
you're autism
you're not everyone autistic like you

>nobody still mentioned doubt from l.a. noir
Shame on you user.

typical low iq americucks with their english

Holy Christ kid you're literally grasping at straws haha holy shit

Alright so listen kid, I've got a job to go to so you have a good day at Special Ed. Mmmkay...mmmkay

>[Tell him off]
>Escalate the situation to nuclear levels
T-Thanks Telltale

The fact that he fucking lied is what cracks me up. She never said any of that shit.

Is glassing actually not a thing in America?

If you're being prompted to knife someone, would you be bringing them utensils?

They literally use that expression in the British tv show Lither to describe a similar assault.

>I think of Hollywood Blockbuster style violent wordplay.

Do I have a song for you.

Not just that but it actually locks off one of the endgame quests as well.

I gotta admit, I was lucky enough to press this because my English failed me at the moment

even more hilarious: like immediately after I pressed it, I remembered what "glassing" meant in Halo
Imagine mfw

>Very funny.

Wasn't that intended to be "threaten"?
No idea why they changed that.

>When people aren't British enough to understand what Glass him means

I know what it means but I'm not British and I don't "play" visual novels. What do I win?

How lucky for them

>you chose the scat route

>Also in the context of the situation what made you think that Bigby was going to buy the guy a drink?
Because it's a genre of games where you're allegedly given the option to make decisions that allegedly change how the story plays out. If the devs wanted the main character to just be a dick 100% of the time why bother giving the player any choices at all.

Simmer well Pupper

simmer well pupper

I don't live in a ghetto so I've never heard of the term "to glass someone" before.

>expecting a funny quip
>Fuck you
>o-oh okay...

Welcome to Sup Forums mate. You'll see the same shit every god damn day for years.