Maybe they'll actually make a SMT game with fun gameplay like Persona

Maybe they'll actually make a SMT game with fun gameplay like Persona.

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wasn't the world covered in white flakes in DDS2?

New game for home consoles please

It's the likeliest answer about what's happening

So Switch exclusive.

I'm expecting SMT5 for home consoles.

No fuck that

SMT4 was a mediocre game and if you are excited for another one you should feel bad

mediocre by SMT standards, excellent by RPG standards

IV was amazing, moron. IV:F was abysmal trash for degenerates like personafags tho.

You don't know how economics work.

The reason why SMT4 was on 3DS and not Vita was because 3DS outsold it 10 to 1.

There's 0 reason to put it on a Nintendo home console following the worst selling Nintendo home console in history.

If it's a home console title it will be for PS4.

>inb4 your start calling me Sonygger or other such petty insults like a dumb Nintoddler
I don't even have a PS4.

To start off a new thread how about some new setting ideas? Tokyo has been explored pretty thoroughly by SMT in its time, and it'd be nice to see a change of pace (however unlikely that may be).

Personally I'd like it to be set in Jerusalem. I believe the original plan for the 1st game was for it to end there so I don't think it's entirely far-fetched.

After #FE I'm expected a full-on dating sim.


I thought the series was dungeon crawling to begin with.

Persona 5: Carnelian for the Switch, with 100 new demons, five new social links, twenty fully voiced bonus bosses, and a dozen new waifus

They already said that numbered SMT will always be in Tokyo and they are never going to diverge from that.

So unless it's an unnumbered title like SJ, don't expect to be anywhere outside of Tokyo.

#FE was so shit it's not even funny. The SJ combat system doesn't save it either.

Apocalypse, for all of its faults, improves vastly upon IV's gameplay. I certainly wouldn't call it utter trash as a result.

>Switch is not even out
>its semi portable
>it will follow the success of the most successful portable device
Your argument is destroyed, kid.


I'd like an arabian themed game myself in somewhere like Aleppo or Tehran. I still think there's a lot to do with Persian and Babylonian religion

It's going to be cyberpunk tokyo though, let's be honest with ourselves

4 has better story and music but the gameplay is pretty meh
Apocalypse is the opposite, terrible story but great gameplay. Music is fine just not as good as 4.

Switch is not a handheld and can't fit in a pocket, the fact you resorted to calling me kid truly shows your Nintoddler mentality and complete lack of common sense.

Anyway I'm out since this will just turn into another Nintoddler fellating thread because this is NintendoGAF and you can't talk about anything that isn't Nintendo here without rampant shitposting.

Daily reminder that there was only one (1) mainline game on Sony consoles and five (5) on the Nintendo consoles. There is no way SMTV will be released on PS4.

finally. we haven't had a new cyberpunk tokyo in decades

the funny thing is you just proved the guy above you right

I personally wanna see a game set in New York City, it could be a nice change of pace from Tokyo while still having that big city vibe.

SMT 1, 2 and If all got PSX remakes

Atlus goes where the money goes, and in the console market that's the Playstation

I can't figure out why Nintendo fags think it will be a Switch exclusive, PS4 already has Persona 5 assets, why go through all the trouble of making something from almost nothing for a dead-on-arrival shit-tier console when you can use available assets for the PS4 ?

SMT I and II got PS1 ports

Make it LA it's already pretty close to hell tbqh
t. user in LA

Just fishing for reactions

>games nobody bought

They're not ports, they're remakes with new content that are superior in every way.

I mean, any new city would be fine by me.

>American cities

all irredeemable trash and with no religious history to build off

>Atlus's best selling game in Japan
>"no one bought it"


So superior that they've bombed?

>Atlus best selling game in Japan
So SMTIV for Nintendo 3DS?

>religious history besides shintoism

>Financial success = Quality of a product
You're an idiot

Also I'd like some source on that claim of yours

That wasn't even in the top 3

instead of Tokyo it's going to be Edo, 1867

I could shin diggy dig an SMT set in a Space Station where you play as an AI stuck alone on the ship with a fuckton of Demons and a couple of surviving crew-members.

Half the game's demons are figures from Japanese mythology m8

Whatever makes you sleep tight, delusional sonygger.

>Modern day Syria as setting
>Resistance and Isis get the demon summoning app, Russia has to unveil its shitty cobbled together version to support the government forces
>major historical sites as backgrounds
>US intervention from highly powerful demons on loan from Japan
>Use of Rukh and other big flying demons to establish a no-fly zone
Get fucking hype for Syria Megami Tensei

I like how you can call him Nintoddler but you get completely buttblasted if he calls you kid.

>真・女神転生 25th Anniversary Projects

Crossplatform, faggets.
and #FE2

>fits in your hands but it's not a handheld
>doesn't fit in your pocket so it's not a portable
Interesting logic

>top selling game was on the SNES
>pointing this out makes me a sonygger

reevaluate your """life"""

Fuck off califag


Top selling game is IV, retard.

Hope its multiplat so everyone can stop shitposting about console wars for a bit. Or at least new projects accessible to both.

not in japan it isn't, we've already been over this

are you actually thick?


>yfw it's SMT online 2

>Maybe they'll actually make a Persona game with fun gameplay like SMT
ftfy, and it's called Persona 5.

>and it's an FPS

>fun gameplay like Persona

One of you post some actual stats so we can be done with this

>almost nothing for a dead-on-arrival shit-tier console
it's truly funny how sonyggers unironically think this.

>yfw it's a mobile game to rival pokemon go

If the ceiling over Tokyo appeared only 25 years ago, how can the Eastern Kingdom of Mikado have fourteen centuries long history?

Probably this. They have P5 to use a base on now.

How much long is SMTIV? I've been recently planning to get a new game for my 3ds to play while i wait for major titles coming out this year.

Look them up yourself, I can't be fucked doing your homework for you

Saleswise it goes SMT 2, Persona 1 then Persona 4

time flows differently in the two regions. I'm pretty sure there was a age difference between Navarre and the others by the time Final starts because they spent three weeks or some shit down in Tokyo

Are we still pretending mainline gameplay is ANY different from Persona, but WITHOUT the time management meta game?

Time in Tokyo was slowed down by Masakado.

Accelerated time?

60+h but I played in Japanese while not having a great understanding of Japanese.

time moves slower within the dome

no, there's no explanation for how everyone inside doesn't die of old age after you pop back up to Mikado for a few days

At some point in IV:A it's explained time flows differently in Mikado and Tokyo

I spent about 60 hours on it or something without going too much into post-game content or the other three routes

Fucking retard, holy shit...

I really don't understand what point these fags are trying to make. Persona and SMT have damn near the same exact gameplay (varying from game to game within both series of course).

I'd say 60 hours for the first run through.

It's brought up in IV too. NPCs comment on it.

Social links are anti-fun, and even then the battle systems are still slightly different.

The argument started from me saying Atlus's second best selling game in japan was SMT 2, not that it was the best selling SMT game

Learn to read you mong

Persona's battle system is pretty heavily casualized

Persona isn't SMT + Social, it's SMT + Social - Depth

Press Turn is bettsd than the unbalanced mess that Persona has over damage and HP. Even Digital Devil Saga did it better than Persona.

>Social links are anti-fun,
Not like demon negotiations, amirite?

Mobile game

Yes, it's very different. Look at how buffs, fusions, extra turns and all that shit is handled. There's also no negotiations in 3 and 4 and their dungeons are absolute fucking shit.



Full on dating sim except with demons.

Demon negotiations have a totally different tone and are less intrusive.

no, those are very fun

Super Smash Megami Tensei


The combat is exactly the same, if anything press turn is even more casual than one more.
And demon negotiation is shit, and you all know it, just afraid to admit it.
I wouldn't say the way P3/4 handled getting new personas good either. They should've made it like P2's cards, but ditch negotiation and just make enemies drop a number of their corresponding arcana cards when you defeat them.

you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Have you actually played either series for more than a minute?

Probably dropped any game that didn't hold his hand and take him to his le waifu

Fucking dating-sim fags are the worst.

>Imagine 2
It would be good if MMOs weren't casual as fuck nowadays. Shit would probably be so casualized you can't Intense Break with lowbie/midgame demons.

>if anything press turn is even more casual than one more

I'd love to hear the mental gymnastics you pulled to come to that conclusion

make it so


the only SMT games people care about :^)

>Demon Negotiations
>Not fun

Shin Megami Tensei Vs.


Her name is Minako. MINAKO.