Not that i was overly excited for the game, but the mere fact that ms cares so little about their xbox brand that they just give no fucks and cancel one of the very few games that might have been worth owning the console just irks me big time. I'm this close to selling my xbone.

Thing is i just got forza horizon 3 mere weeks ago and it's a fun game. since i also have a ps4, is there a similar game on it that's worth owning?

>people actually bought an xboner for this

If anybody bought a console for an unreleased game, they deserve this. Though obviously nobody would have.

literally nobody talked about scalebound for ages before the cancel announcement, it was dead on arrival if it didn't anyway and the footage looked like shit.



From all the gameplay footage and the fact it was scheduled for a 2016 release, would suggest it was close to being finished.
Why the hell aren't they trying to sell it to another publisher or SOMETHING to recover all those man hours?
Although to be frank, it's something to shitpost about towards the xbox all 5 of them

What is this fuss about?
Just brought a xbox one for it.
When is the release anyway?

Here's your (you)

>Sony picks up the remnants of the game
>co-develops it and provides platinum with additional staff
>Sony grabs another exclusive
I don't even care about the game, but the shitposting on Sup Forums would be spectacular.

It's very disappointing news, I was cautiously excited about this.

Honestly though, all the gameplay shown looked pretty lame, except for the very first one which was running at like 15FPS. Which is a shame because I know, and maybe MS do too, that Kamiya can do much better. I mean isn't this the same guy who gave us Devil May Cry and Bayonetta?

almost nobody cared about this game until now


>genericass gameplay platinum game
>this was Kamiya's dream

Yeah it'd be a goldmine of shitposting if the first good PS4 exclusive was a salvaged Xbone game.

And nothing of value was lost!

Drakengard 4, fucking calling it.

Probably because that not a lot of info or gameplay about it got dumped.

Not very subtle, user. But you might catch a few.

I guess you're right. Scalebound looked like shit anyway. Looks like the Crash Bandicoot remaster will be the first good PS4 exclusive.

I'm not joking. PS4 has no good exclusives.

the last guardian

At least we can play killer instinct...

I'll show you an Xboner, you sultry anime whore.

>Not Dual Booting
