Why dont PC ever get good anime games like this? I am so fucking pissed

Why dont PC ever get good anime games like this? I am so fucking pissed


wtf is anime game

I like people like OP who are up to video games news and make threads about platforms of choice.

>photorealistic graphics
>anime game

falseflagger retard

Tbh I hope the whole game gets cancelled:
>Sup Forums shilling like cray.
>Look at vids.
>Get hype as shit.
>That schmup, dodgan', Devil-May-Cryin', waifu action.
>Download demo.
>Play through on normal.
>Combat is mashy as fuck.
>Dodge is soupy and shitty with tacked-on Witchtime.
>Demo characters and atmosphere are dull as possible.
>Hype at critically low levels.
>Decide to play through the demo 2x more times at max difficulty.
>Nothing changes.
>Uninstall demo and cancel preorder.

PC is for autism games, prove me wrong.

Good thread

Like what? PC has more anime games
And NIER Automata is going PC

Dude this game has already been announced for PC lol

This game is coming to PC though?

I hope your hopes doesn't come true.

It's fine m8, NieR was never known for its gameplay, it's always been known for its story.

But as a Platinum drone of course you wouldn't know that. This game will be bought by those who care, and the rest will drop out.

But its story is stupid. Is it just known to have a retarded fan base?

>Stop liking what I don't like.

I know this is a bait thread but lemme ask something.
Drakenguard/Nier Fans, I have just played the Demo for Nier Automata and thought it was the sickest shit ever. Will I need to have played the previous games to get the bigger picture of what's going on in the story? From what I understand the stories of each game are only tangentially related as well as totally batshit crazy, but I'm kinda scared that those tangential relations may be a big part of the story.

he's not wrong though

even if you played the other games you probably still won't know what's going on

I've been playing through the first Nier, will Automata have fishing as well?


I dont want to buy it two times.

Yes it will,they already showed it.

It's not a fact though, it's an opinion. Just because you share an opinion with him, that does not make it fact.


afaik it has been stated that hundreds of years have passed since the first nier, and time immemorial since drakenguard,, not that drakenguard is related to nier storywise. Not to a eye catching degree anyway.

Bad gameplay with an edgy story

Now you're ready to take on taro's newest offering

The Red Eye disease, dragon symbols and the Watchers symbol from DoD seem to appear in Automata trailers. The main enemies in DoD are directly responsible for the destruction of Niers world due to the nature of WCS and are teased in trailers. That's a pretty big connection. Not to mention the series includes a time travelling android so anything goes here. Time is meaningless.

I feel like you could get the overall story but a lot will go over your head. Can't be sure till release though.

Question- in some gameplay vids I see 2B being killed in one hit, in others her health bar depletes normally. Is this a difficulty setting?

on very hard everything kills you in one hit

All attacks cause instant death in Very Hard.

I see. Hope that death cam gets extended in the actual game, going to be lots of pantyshot opportunities.

>Decide to play through the demo 2x more times at max difficulty.
>Nothing changes.

>photorealistic graphics

>PC has more anime games
I don't think 3rd rate Steam showelvare counts.

>>Dodge is soupy and shitty with tacked-on Witchtime.
You had me until this, now I know you didn't play the demo


Big emphasis on "LATER". I mean, it's only 2 months left before release and yet we have not had any valuable news of the state of the PC release since they announced it last august. There isn't even a steam page to get people hyped or preorder in advance.

Just wait for the last Dark Souls 3 DLC at this point. It may come out sooner.

That or buy For Honor this February.

feelsbad man

It's a Japanese game published by SE. That means you're waiting anywhere from a few weeks to an entire year.

>Big emphasis on "LATER"
There is no emphasis on later because they've never actually said it. You can pre-order on SE's store if you really want.

We got Metal Gear Rising, didn't we?
It's the very definition of an anime-game LOL

You could read DarkId screenshot LPs instead of dealing with the old DoD godawful gameplay. Drakengard 3 and Nier are OK but not great to play - either read the LP or find a cheap copy.

t. pcfag who did not actually play it

stay salty cuck. you'll never fuckin get it

Isn't Automata being released on PC?

PC release was cancelled because of what happened between platinum and microsoft with scalebound

>reading a videogame instead of playing it

Source you little faggot