Mass Effect Androgynous

So how many faggots like Kaiden and Cortez are going to hit on me and ruin the immersion?

I really think they should put sexual preference in the character creation options so you don't have to put up with that shit or give paragon and renegade refuse options. Put the faggot up against the wall "Don't you EVER. Do that again." Then drop them slumping against the wall.

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Someone isn't comfortable with their sexuality. It's okay to be gay, user.

>Put the faggot up against the wall "Don't you EVER. Do that again."
that's gay

>I should be able to set my characters orientation
>Stopping other characters from hitting on you

maybe they'll let your character wear a permanent [I AM VERY VERY STRAIGHT] cardboard sign hanging around his neck

I should have other decline responses other than a causal no. It ruins the immersion that I need to be nice and accepting of the faggot's life choice when that's not me in real life. So if I could set my orientation and not even have that aspect of my crew mates addressed then the whole situation is avoided.

Will this have a tranny in it?

why so insecure?

I havent played any Mass erect but, can't you just let all the faggots die/kill them?


>I can't deal with any amount of conflicting ideas and am literally asking for a safe space.

>Put the faggot up against the wall
>"Don't you EVER. Do that again."
>He walks off licking his lips and hiding his massive boner

>can't give garrus the dick

What if they just kept the lesbians?

Everyone dies in ME anyway, so it's a win-win.

>Cortez not being based
One of the only good parts of 3. Motherfucker had bants for days.

Yeah but...Can you murder them before that?

is this triggering you user?

they really should put trigger warnings in vidya for the special people like you so you don't get disturbed or offended

No. They're all there to stay up until major events like Suicide Mission.

>So how many faggots like Kaiden and Cortez are going to hit on me and ruin the immersion?

all of them

BSN is dead, no one misses it

I'll be happy so long as I can file NJPs against subordinates who proposition me.

Like, what the fuck. Have some professionalism for god's sake.

It was a goldmine, I miss it dearly.

This, I only gave in and fucked Miranda on account of being destracted by her ass.

youre gonna get ass raped by gay krogans and youll get space aids but itll be pretty immersive

Mass Effect trilogy got 17 romanceable characters.
Aside from aliens (that's a totally different kind of perversion) we got 10 human romances.
5 normal ones:
>Ashley Williams
>Miranda Lawson
>Jacob Taylor
>James Vega
3 bisexual:
>Kaidan Alenko
>Kelly Chambers
>Diana Allers
And 2 M/F only:
>Steve Cortez
>Samantha Traynor

I've never really thought of this but dammit.. Bioware want's us to belive that 50% of people are gay
PS. With aliens included statistics are pretty much the same, since all of the asaris are bisexual.

>Jacob Taylor
Remember he's a black guy who cheats on you and gets a girl impregnate in less then a year.

>justyifying lack of roleplaying options in a roleplaying game
You're the problem.

If I want to roleplay a fag hater I should be allowed to.


Also his dad abandoned him to run a primitive rape tribe

Isn't Jack Bi? Can't remember.

>dont want gay stuff pushed in your face

>I want this, I should that
No, you are. The lack of roleplaying is a problem, but people like you that think games should cater to them in any way are much worse.

>people like you that think games should cater to them
Roleplaying games should cater to as many people as possible, that's the fucking point.

You should be able to be either a fag hater or lover.

what if i'm a genderfluid pansexual

>hit on gay guy
>gay guy hits on you later

>I'm retarded and can't read

Literally the only gay character in a bioware game that tries to start a romance with you is anders.

Even when you reject him he still crazes over the Hawke dick.

Then maybe you start rubbing your boot against their crotch "You like that, faggot, you make me sick."

"Is this what you want?" Your electro-fly springs open and their tear-filled eyes widen at the side of your half engorged penis taking shape before them.


This game is going to suck worse then all other bioware projects in recent years combined.

how worse can it get than a single player wow clone?


A single player WoW clone that's going to have a transexual member of a species that is literally monogendered.

>Put the faggot up against the wall "Don't you EVER. Do that again."
>Tender rape ensues


I am so disgusted I can't even ave a laugh

I don't know why they just didn't call it a children's coloring book. Like parents give a shit what their kids play.

Imagine how fucking awful The Witcher series would've been had Bioware had the reigns of it.

>I don't know why they just didn't call it a children's coloring book.
Because their fans would get upset.

we need traps, not bloated trannies

How dare you associate Bioware fans with Children

A subtle jab, maybe?

>Handful of BioWare Devs have strongly hinted that the female Turian is actually a transgender Turian

>No anders I'm not interest
>+50 rival points

Source? I call bullshit.
please god don't let it be true

How the fuck would they do that? would the turian cut off part of his exoskeleton/whatever it is?

>Implying bioware would put any effort into explaining it when they can just give you "I was once a man" throwaway line

Just don't question it user.
Just forget that it's a thing.

I want to shoot xenos, indiscriminately.

Not him but in mass effect 2 I would go around talking to everyone as much as possible.
There was no dialogue option or anything, I decide to go see Jacob Taylor and a gay cut scene triggers out of no where with Jacob doing sit-ups and telling me he knows why I've been coming around.
Didn't talk to him after that because I figured Bioware might make me suck his dick or something.

>literally asking for a safe space
>getting triggered by homosex

How do you cope with triggering yourself constantly, prancing la la homo man?

>hey Shephard, you wanna hang out sometime?
>fucking sensitive sjws!

Really makes you think

If by hang out you mean go find a decent bar, drink ourselves stupid and maybe shoot some Space Roaches, sure.
>Shepard, we've been through this. Those are called Salarians.

>Put the faggot up against the wall
>____ ___ ___ _____
>Then drop them slumping against the wall

Ciri and the Sorceress would have a bigger role and Geralt would get pegged at some point in the story. what, it probably end up like MGS2.

You know, I would enjoy that better.

Keep it simple.

>Kaidan Alenko

He wasn't gay.

No, he was bi

They must've changed it in the sequels because according to the wiki, he's straight.

No, he was not.

You can romance him as male shep in ME3

Ah, so they did change it.

Hmm, you homosexuals wanted that boring fuck?

>women get hit on by men

>men get hit on by men
>Y-you're probably gay!

I would literally beat the fuck out of you, you faggot.

They say as they're defending theirs.

Both he and Ash were supposed to be bi but Vanderloo wasn't comfortable with his likeness in this context. Apparently.

Mass Effect 2 EVERYONE was also supposed to be bi but they didn't didn't want another "sex scandal" with conservative parent. Boy, how the times have changed.

Kaiden is the only returnee that got bi'd. No clue why only him.


>Vanderloo wasn't comfortable with his likeness in this context


I thought it was Ashley's actor who didnt want to be bi because of the religious angle

It was actually Tali's

>acts like a faggot
>gets called out for acting like a fag
>posts strawman
Every fucking time.

Word of mouth. Can't find anything on it either. I think these are closer to truth.

Both 1 & 2 had recorded dialog for gay romances for some.

not an argument


kek just try

To be fair, most gays are obnoxious and hit on every man they come across in real life. I just hope there's an option to throw them out of the airlock if that happens.

So she had her head crest (Which is head armor) cracked off?

Aliens at least can be sequential hermaphrodites.

There are Earth animals that change sex on their own.

You can kill wrex in me1

You can romance as a female, even in one
