SJWs actually pushing 18+ VNs in Steam and full anti-censorship

>SJWs actually pushing 18+ VNs in Steam and full anti-censorship
>Sup Forums will still try to pretend they're against them

You were the bad guys all along!!

Other urls found in this thread:

Weird considering Valve wasn't happy about the dicks on Rust or Shower With Your Dad Simulator

They push what they like ie homosex VNs
and they ban what they dont like ie nigger jokes

Eventually Steam is going to need a 18+ section

They were never against sex, that was never the issue.

What the fuck is this?..

I fucking hate Christine Love. She acts like whatever she's doing is UNIQUE and AMAZING when eroge and visual novels have been a thing for decades in Japan.
But even worse is how she acts like all the coverage she's getting is because she's worked hard, rather than because she made right friends in the indie clique and with the journos. Her games get constant coverage, while better visual novels and eroge don't get even a fucking article on most sites.

>dat art
>dat writing
>dat UI

Kill it with fire

how have you not gathered by now that one thing a hipster likes more than anything else is being contrarion
they'll say something counter to the popular opinion of their group and then make a big show of justifying their viewpoint and explaining how it was actually something in support of what they wanted all along


She made two good vns with nice characters, why this one has everyone looking like pic-related?

Just like Sup Forums, then?

She doesn't actually do art for her games, the artist is Raide, one of the Katawa Shoujo devs. The reason his stuff is looking so horrible now is that he got fed-up with anime style and is trying to do realistic art, but since he's been drawing anime art for years now, he just can't do it without people looking like potatoes.

lotta journo shilling this morning


>Sup Forums
>banning anything

I wish we had mods

Christine Love is amazing and you're shit.
t. the world

You just explained v.

>tfw you will never get to snuggle with Christine Love

And yes, I know.

>that manface


Guess who else this artist is responsible for.

Men usually have a man's face.

>200k shadowverse threads
>poor sjws are paying shills on Sup Forums
kill yourself my man

In all seriousness, she's probably only familiar with indie flavour in the mouth and mainstream cinematic shit like the last of us. She probably does think she's doing something really are original.

She probably hasn't got out of her comfort bubble to really be aware of H games.

Ironic really considering how shall I articles about how erotic games is 'redefining the game in medium'


This '''''''artist''''''"

Why would you ever pretend to be a girl if you looked like that?

Do not insult the queen.

Who said anything about paying? These faggots are shilling their own articles.

urge to censor rising

Jesus fucking christ that face


Some men are more mentally sick than the others.

>In all seriousness, she's probably only familiar with indie flavour in the mouth and mainstream cinematic shit like the last of us. She probably does think she's doing something really are original.
You what m8 she plays ancient Japanese PC games as a hobby she writes gameboy games on the actual gameboy as a hobby the last thing you could accuse her of being is a casual

Is this a JoJo reference?

>artist is Raide, one of the Katawa Shoujo devs
Wait, did he do only Ladykiller or Analogue and Hate+ too? At any rate, comparing this shit to KS murders me.

Aside from memes and SJWs, how's this game? Unless there's another gimmick to stall progress for three or so days, her games are rather short, so someone's bound to have it completed by now.

It always cracks me up when you dumb niggers think Sup Forums is some kind of hugbox
This isn't reddit
You can post whatever shitty opinion you want here and you'll not be banned or silenced for it

>Everyone who disagrees with me is a shill a virgin's guide to internet arguments


>>SJWs actually pushing 18+ VNs in Steam and full anti-censorship
>>Sup Forums will still try to pretend they're against them
SJWs are only pushing for 18+ visual novels when they are queery and indie. You wouldn't see them covering anything on level of Rance or Euphoria, games with actual female developers.
They won't even talk about Ozmafia, visual novel that targeted regular girls, rather than artsy faggots into indie games.

It has a real time conversation system a lot like the one in The Walking Dead but I don't really like porn games so eh. I feel like Digital was her best game and that she got worse with every game.

How about people who make clickbait threads with links to their clickbait articles are trying to bait people into clicking those links to give them money you fucking dishonest faggot.

>Playing mainstream shit
how plebian gb2 /r/skyrim pls

She's actually former /jp/ poster, but left Sup Forums behind after hitting it big. I'm sure she's totally aware of other visual novels, but is hiding her power level because in the crowd she's currently part of Sup Forums is seen as EVIL.
>or Analogue and Hate+ too?
Yep, he worked on those two as well.

Yeah that's a productive use of your time trick those 50 to 200 users from an internet community known for being full of assholes to go read your article for those sweet dollars and just hope none of them comments.

Or hope they do comment and drum up controversy which draws more attention to the "article" in question, you dishonest faggot.

Is she a woman or not?

>Sites are trying to get trolls to post nasty comments on their articles to generate more clicks, paying moderators to delete those comments is just a ruse
How much money do you think sending 100 people to a site generates? You have no idea how the adult world works.

You can't be a woman if you have a Y chromosome.

Her name is Christine and she uses she/her pronouns. What do you think?

If you have to ask


>tfw not tranny gf with play vidya.

You aren't fooling anyone.

Doesnt even look humane.

>it's a "tranny dresses excessively feminine all the time to over compensate for their masculine features" episode

Why does that man have boobs?

>tfw you're a dude and like having your dick but you have a stupid ugly girl face and this fagboy has a manface but hates his dick

some people just don't know how lucky they are

You are not answering the argument. How much money do you think 100 views are worth? Do you think youtube videos make mad buck per 100 views? Do you think those 100 views for 20 minutes of minimal wage moderating? You're delusional and have no conception of money.

Sell here >>>

is just a woman, a woman with a dick still a woman.

>how the adult world works
Oh, please tell us how the real world works, 22chan visitor!

I'm not interested in playing ball with you. Take it back to your clickbait site.

Well for one posting clickbait on tibetian dogfolding billposts does fuck all when it comes to revenue.


This is plain sad. I liked art in those two, and KS as well. Welp. Hopefully he'll get better at new style by next project.

Eeeeh. Shit art, game system seems overcomplicated for vn - seems like this one will bomb hard.

>have a girl face

But that's a good thing even for a man.

Then stop doing it.

please gib sauce

>I literally have no arguments so I'm gonna screech until you leave
wew lad

Well you are ignoring that those 100 views might ring up controversies and the author goes to multiple sites to shill their crap.
Why not just pastebin the article, that way you get the article and not clicks are made.

>Well you are ignoring that those 100 views might ring up controversies and the author goes to multiple sites to shill their crap.
So, what, you think there is an actual human being paid minimal wage to go shill things on the offchance that it will "drum up controversy"?

>Why not just pastebin the article, that way you get the article and not clicks are made.
Who gives a fuck about clicks other than culture warriors?

Kill yourself shill.

>Who gives a fuck about clicks
people who get money from them

>What is adblock
Are goobers really that retarded?

yeah, I try to not let this shit bother me, but reading that article really pissed me off

can someone please end these special snowflakes?

>autistic screeching
nice argument my man

Isn't this the game where the elite gaming journalist are friends with the developer?
>Christine Love
Oh yeah it is.

I love that gamergate is still the specter that keeps you faggots up at night 3 years later, holy shit


>"Christine" Love
This is an article by someone who is probably friends with him and already ethically questionable.

I don't have a problem with 18+ but it's Steam's platform. If you want to sell adult content, use a different platform.

Literally only dumbfucked goobers care about ads revenue from blogs.

Oh wow, it's another Nathan Grayson article. That's the second one I've seen posted this morning, what a tool.

Sauce on Christine being a male please.

Go cower in your corner you drama queen.



I'm kind of jealous.

I work with my hands for a living and I still don't have such giant honking catcher mitts.

holy shit

that actually better even though its a meme


>SJW's pushing dyke garbage because it suits their agenda
Fucking disgusting.

Or just release a toned down version and link to an official uncensor patch at the top of the steam page.

So is this gay sex or lesbian sex? I'm confused because everyone has manchin.

>product isn't selling well
>guess i should post it every couple of hours on Sup Forums
there's always starbucks if this whole "western visual novel" thing doesn't pan out

SJW also defend pedophlia and other degenerate bullshit,why would they be against sex?


>shill gets called out
>spends the rest of the thread trying to argue that he isn't a shill

The guy who makes these comics is probably very mentally ill

There's a tray brigade that hangs out with each other in California that consists of Christibe, Nina Freemen, and some others I've forgotten. You can find images on twitter. It's hilarious seeing the ones who try to hang out with them like they're the cool kids and not just some third rate geeky t-girls with the most beta of white knight orbiters telling them how cute they are.

Did you add in the stache shadow or is this just even more hilarious than I thought?