Game Collectors are pathetic

>often times don't play 90% of the games

>quick to whine about scalpers and resellers but do it themselves every chance they get

>hoarding mounds of plastic shovelware

Seriously, I went through a retro phase to actually play the games and the buy/swap communities are fucking cancer. Recently, I was interested in a limited run ps4 release and the forums are full of paranoid "collectors" who want to buy up multiple copies of the games so the "scalpers" don't get em. What kind fucked up logic is that?

Tldr vidya collecting is nigger tier

Other urls found in this thread:

>having money

Sounds like you are a jealous piece of Sup Forumslution, OP. You need to go back.

>I was interested in a limited run ps4 release

>often times don't play 90% of the games
>quick to whine about scalpers and resellers but do it themselves every chance they get
>hoarding mounds of plastic shovelware

So basically (You)?

Jealous of what? Shitting up your mom's home with tons of useless plastic? Normal people don't want to have all that useless shit.

How is it me? I want to buy 1 copy of 1 game that is special to me. These faggots want skus to buy multiple copies of every game and version at once.

Buy/Swap communities are cancer nowadays because everyone is in on them. They were better five or ten years ago. It isn't what it used to be, plain and simple.

Admittedly I don't really have a problem with much of this, though it does bug me that many collectors don't play the games they collect. I feel like if you're in it to simply resell at a profit, you're wasting your time.

collecting things just for the sake of having them is pure autism

>you can resell them

That's a weird way to spell "greed", user.

you should see militaria if you want real autism and greed

>now son this right here is a geeeenuineee nazi army helmet ya see very rare i wont take less than one thousand dollars for it
>now son it dont matta if they made literal millions of these! this one is a GEEENUINE BEYTUUUTE okay son 1000 is my special price just for you

>son this mosin right here is a confirmed natzee killah! this piece has blood on it! 300 bucks! ill throw in a bayonet for an extra 25!
>its actually a chinese mosin from the 50s

I'm thankful everyday for my modest collection

Consumerism is a disease of the planet it causes the addictions and dysfunction in families
collectors are kinda neat though

Some of them do not have anything but the collection
They should be allowed to have that one damn thing that they only like in life

Collecting? More like hoarding.

>be on social assistance
>like Vidya
>buy up shovelware and bargain bin games
>find used CEs on Craigslist/Kijiji
>put them on my shelf
>call it my collection

i-i'm a real gamer, right anons? don't mind the dozens of games on my trophy list sitting at 0% complete.

if you are happy user I am happy.

I get more happy from trying to discover my inner consciousness and try to use it to impact physical change in front of my eyes.

>no friends
>no gf
>shit post on Sup Forums for attention
>spend autism bux on shit I don't use
>sleep most the day

Buying more video games is the last thing a NEET should do.

I am your friend
Become a friend with your inner being.
GFs are cool but they can be annoying.
Best way to get a girl is go to a bar
talk to a girl
walk away
do not pay attention to them
Talk to another girl
same thing
find out their interests

Do this

Feel energy in your head
then you will see purple
then you put hot and cold into your body make yourself sweat and then make it cold as ice.
You will start to feel other peoples pain.
You can exert this heat and cold on others and take their pain out of their body.
If your sick you can meditate and spread this energy and heal yourself in a natural way.
Everytime i get sick I meditate and the next day i feel 100 percent.

If you want to collect something, fine. It's your time / money / storage space, I don't give a shit.

>whine about scalpers and resellers but do it themselves every chance they get
But this pisses me off. I knew a girl who took it way too seriously and was nearly cutthroat when it came to getting her grubby little mitts on a game or console she wanted to add to her collection. Real oblivious "it's fine when I do it" type.

Still managed to get a grope though so fuck it.

>tfw sold all my collection last year bar a couple of games I really wanted to keep.

Feels great.

If you want to see true sadness, install the app mercari. 30 year old men fighting over 16 year old girls pokemon games. They buy them just to resell for a small profit. If they miss a deal, they ruin it for the person that got it. I troll them for fun.

Just out of curiosity, how much?


>tfw compulsive collector
Since I was a young kid I've always liked collecting all kinds of things, never really hoarded much of anything but the stuff I have these days is like a collection of a few items of various different collections I started and then switched to something else.

I still have a pretty big bouncy ball collection though, those were cool.

>bouncy balls
Are you autistic? Do you collect trains too?

If he likes bouncy balls let him like bouncy balls user.

Hey they were cool when I was 7, it's not like I collected them now.

Let this kid have his vacuums too

>I troll them for fun.
But how?

This. Even stuff that isn't collectible but rather utilitarian has gotten expensive and hard to find.
Seems like with the advent of the internet collecting anything has become a pretty daunting task.

List a valuable game for real cheap and watch them buy it within seconds. You can lock up their money for a few days. I'll also tell the seller, usually a poor teenager that they can get much more than they sold it for and they cancel. I rarely do that cuz the other resellers usually do it to each other anyway.

>hoarding mounds of plastic shovelware
You got that right.
Here in France, Nintendo games were sold in a hard plastic shell, the kind you need scissors to open. There's a whole market for unopened NES, SNES and N64 still in their original packaging. For some reason, still having the game in that plastic shell you're supposed to throw away means it's worth 10 times the value of the game with just the cardboard box.
Think of these great games that will never be played. These guys are not collecting games, just plastic and carboard trash.

i like buying retro stuff, but only things that fit one of two criteria:
>i previously owned the thing but it got either lost/damaged (i was a kid cut me some slack)
>a game or console that i never had as a kid but really wanted to play and never had the chance

so yeah basically nostalgia

Fair enough. I just like calling people autistic and the mental image of a grown man playing with bouncy balls amuses me.

No homo.

>the box is worth more than the game

I mean, I kinda get it because people threw away shitty cardboard NES boxes but

>collecting shitty cardboard NES boxes

I think the key is just to stick to one genre or series. It's fun to collect, it's just easy to go way overboard considering the amount of video games that are out there.

This desu. My Ys collection has been really fun to put together

i used to collect when games used to have more sane prices, now i generally play modern games, revisit what i already purchased, occasionally buy something specifically to play through it, or buy another console for pretty much nothing and repair it.

an example is buying this game gear for $5 and it included a shit carrying case and an offical car charger, i paid $9.50 for a capacitor kit as shipping on caps is insane unless you buy in bulk. works now and i have a glass screen protector to replace the heavily scratched one.

>often times don't play 90% of the games
I buy games faster than I can complete them/attempt to platinum them. It doesn't mean that I'll never play them.

>quick to whine about scalpers and resellers but do it themselves every chance they get
People follow Slickdeals for the temporary sales, but so do scalpers and resellers. The difference is that they order multiple copies at the same time, and when hundreds do this, stores go out of stock fast.

>hoarding mounds of plastic shovelware
Microsoft is already looking like they are ready to stop producing games on consoles, and Sony is greedy enough not to honor past digital sales. It's kind of the only future proofing there is for gamers. Also the games are resellable.

For the people that have never experienced it firsthand. A store may seem like they have an large amount of one game. So much so, that you just ignore it and move on to several other games. When you go to buy it, it's no longer in print and now costs $100. After having that happen to me with Final Fantasy Tactics, I started collecting. Almost a decade went by before it became digital. I tried buying it from Funcoland/GameStop but every copy was covered in scratches and gouges.

Basically this. I tend to buy games on discount simply because once Amazon sells out or refuses to restock, people will buy the remaining copies almost overnight. Gravity Rush seems to be the newest game to suffer from a scarcity. Which is awfully convenient since the sequel is coming out soon.

I once found this homeless dude selling a bunch of shit he found on a dumpster at a flea market and he had a bunch of Game Gear games he sold to me for a dollar. Good times.

Nice. Its always fun to find a great deal. I was at a goodwill and found a PSX for five bucks, snagged that shit. Luckily I saved most of my old games.
I think a more casual approach to collecting is best. Its worked for me, but then, I was lucky enough to have saved a lot of things from when I was a kid.

>MLB The Show 15
>The Show 16

Friends can be costly. I bought The Show 16 during a lightning deal only to find out my friends and brother all owned The Show 15.

Keep crying poorfag.
I also recently got into building and collecting Gunpla. You gonna cry about that too?

Not spending my hard earned money on shit that is going to collect dust on a shelf means I'm poor?

>Spent $300+ on vidya soundtracks

>I've yet to listen to them or even rip them


I think this is worse than not playing a game

>or even rip them
I used to collect CDs for better bitrate MP3s, but the physical burners would cause all sorts of problems after a couple disks.

>own my house
>no mortgage
>paid off my car
>no issue with bills
>no kids
>married and sterile
>spend my money on video games and toys because I can and Sup Forums NEETS go full autism with how I spend the money I make

Keep crying tho

why can't you autistic pieces of shit take even the most minute amount of criticism without responding with projection and insults?

Not him, but why do people talk like this on here? Nobody cares or believes you. It just sounds like you're bragging to make your point which is almost always counter productive.


Guess I'll have to go to g to find what the recent method of perfect ripping is...whenever I get around to do so

I want to sell my small collection because I have no use for and I want to get rid of literally anything I don't use in my life, except my dick.

this user is correct

>whenever I get around to do so
Whenever I get bored of shitposting on Sup Forums

You forgot

>10 inch cock
>500k in savings

That would complete your bullshit list

You sound like you're really bad with money my dude

>owns his own house
>can't afford anything better than a twenty dollar particle board bookcase from Walmart

>own house
>car paid off
not him but nailing these two down pretty much means you win at money

No, it means you're not retarded enough to live life like a normal person. That's assuming it isn't a lie, which it probably is.

Not having to pay a mortgage or a car payment easily saves you 1000 a month at least, in addition to whatever money you would make sans taxes, bills, deductions, etc. Even if you spent 500 dollars of that per month on videogames, somehow, that's still 6000 being saved per year, which is far more than most people are saving.

Can't wait 'till those flimsy ass screws fall out and your shit "collection" gets crushed.


Seeing that SM3 like that hurts me in a terrible way. Imagine the joy that would have brought someone

It's the principal of the thing though. Wasting cash on shelf-jockey games you'll never play is retarded. It would make sense if these guys actually played them but a lot of them don't. I just simply don't see the appeal.

atleast you people dont collect pens, hotel soap or other peoples old xmas cards... right?

better man, i post my shit on craigslist
i have shit games and then sprinkle in shit like little samson, pretending i found this "junk" in my attic.

then, i take all the emails after a month and post a BIG list of "assholes who are trying to rip you off" list on CL.

That's normalfag collecting.

Rich people are rich because they wasted away their money on stuff they barely use, in all stages of life.

stampfags are the worst though

I want a earthbound cart, but fuck me if Im paying out the ass for one

I keep birthday and christmas cards sent to me for like 6 months because it reminds me that people actually think about me sometimes

its the people who want full collections that are retarded. NES, SNES, genesis, PS2, Wii. i see so many gamer goons on youtube now with their COMPLETE COLLECTIONS and its just fucking sad.

i wanted that shit too when i was a kid, then around 2000 when i had a lot more games, i was like "yeah, im never gonna play most of these shitty games" and sold them.

i still have a fuck ton of games, but its ALL good, timeless shit. i have 2 fucking holders for my games, about 10 systems from nes and TG-16 to PS4 and XB1 and another one for systems, wires and controllers.

i don't display my shit, who the fuck cares?
i stopped showing my "collection" when i realized EVERYONE had the same shit and no one had anything really rare or anything.

this is the rarest thing i have
never seen another one posted

that is what i consider rare or worth showing

That's pretty rare, user. Encase that shit in plastic and make neets dance for it

>I keep birthday and christmas cards sent to me
I merely use them to see which old relatives are still alive.

This, plus which relatives are presumably still alive but don't want to send me a card because of the great mass falling out of 2014.

Tip for anyone sitting on a ton of games.

>sell every game you genuinely have no interest in ever playing

All collectors have these

>make an effort to play the remaining games one by one and selling each game you are done with
I started last year and it has paid off bigly. I'm playing games I thought I never would and have made over 3k. Not to mention, my collection now is games that I enjoy and will return to.

collecting anything is stupid as we all die in the end and death could even take us at any moment.
Collecting is pointless.
If you are collecting something to hope it increases in value I can understand, but collecting for fun, or that "I will play it later" is stupid.

Me I trade in/sell games as soon as I am finished with them, I keep some games because i know I will play them again in the future.
I have played 1000's of vidya and if I had kept all of them I would have no space to move.

there is still a 360 in my cupboard even know I most likely will not play it again, the only reason I have kept it is that the digital products on my account cost more than I would get for the console itself.

>'le we all will die XD' argument

Then off yourself now, idiot. Everything you do is pointless.


shit dude i have 14 N64 games and theyre worth that much

[spoilers]glad youre happy tho[/spoilers]

I agree that collectors hurt other games economies. A good example for myself is Ogre Battle 64, which came out near the tail end of the 64s lifetime and Atlus ordered a less than normal printing run of it as its publishers. The game now has a scarce supply and people who own it usually hold on to it. Complete copies of the game are super expensive and the game runs awful on emulation. I got my copy for 80 bucks at the time.

Its tough to come around copies these days and 64 collectors hardly ever play them. It jacks the price up terribly.

Thankfully Chinese counterfeits are ruining collectors days and making copies of 64 games. Good riddance. Collectors are losing their minds.

i picked up a few more games after this picture was taken, the mystical ninja games and bomberman.

Or do it like me: only buy what you like.
If you know you won't enjoy it that much, leave it there.
I do it this way and my collection has only games that I play regularly.
Around 300 games, if you consider a loop of 5 years there is no game that I don't play at least once.

Had this shelf since 2002.
Fuck you if you think I'm giving if up. Used to be filled with gamecube games before, but I put all that in storage.

>that shaq fu
you're pretty cool

>selling your games for a measly 3k
Shit. I have 1200 bucks in my wallet right now. Why the fuck would take all the trouble to sell my games for pocket change?

Aren't Mosin fucking 15 bucks in most places?

5 inch cock
33k in savings

>thinking I buy games for my collection just to own them
I don't play them all, but I do have a reason to buy them all. Most I get 2nd hand for a fraction of the release cost except for

>games I'm hype for, but suddenly I'm too busy to play them once they release
>game I want to support in the west by buying the most expensive edition I can (Dragon Quest, Danganronpa, etc)
>games that I got for less than $5 that sorta interest me, but haven't played yet (Like gravity rush and all the Yakuza games)
>games I find in a thrift shop for literally pennies

If you have a problem with how I spend my money though, you can fuck right off the tip of my dick. I'm not struggling to survive and I don't need what little money I spend on video games to survive unlike your poor nigger ass.

>I carry my paycheck in my wallet

My paycheck is in my bank account. I just so happen to have 1200 in my wallet because I just sold 5 Nes classics.

fuck you
SNES ogre battle had the same copies made or less and the cart alone is nearly $100 with a CIB copy hitting $250~

n64 OB is like not even 90 CIB, it came down in price

don't got too much, but i like what i have

fuck you, you didn't make no fucking 1200 selling those. you can't sell them that high anymore you stupid fuck, i know because i sell them too GOIYUM

>drives around buying toys to sell for profit on craigslist


They've been 300 for the past 3 years

I've been selling bootleg retro game cartridges to these fat fucks for years. Never gets old when they think they've got themselves an amazing deal. Wish I could see their faces when they try to resell it in 15 years just to be told it's a chink knock-off bought from Alibaba.

Well, depends what kind of collector.
Whenever I want to play a game, I always go for the physical copy of the original release if I can. I don't care for limited editions. I have a modest collection but I've played all the games I own.
There's nothing wrong with that, OP.

People that spend hundreds of dollars on games they aren't going to play, driving up prices for those people that would actually play them.. those people need to be gassed.
I have to wait with my thumbs up my ass for a good Saturn emulator because NA copies of Saturn games are expensive.

With nothing to say
And no one to say it to

Nothing has changed
You've still got it all to do
Surely you know
The chance has gone by

Think of a boy with the stars in his eye
Longing to reach them but frightened to try
Sadly, you'd say, someday, someday

This shit that only Sup Forums says nigger needs to stop.

i hear that
i managed to pick up panzer dragoon saga at my flea market this year, back in october or november. i was super fucking happy, discs only, but i didn't fucking care.

and then i looked again

only 2 discs were in the case and they were, of course, disc 3 and 4. i went back and looked all over the area were i found them. i asked the guy if he had anymore shit and he said whatever is there is there.

i paid 1 dollar for it, but i can't ever play it unless i buy discs 1 and 2 and they are easily $100~ a piece

we are in luck tho, some dude is making a saturn emulator or some such thing that fits in the expansion slot on the back of the system

>No kids
So you're white? Keep up that sterile shit while we breed you out of existence. You'll live to see the day youre a minority but no one will be there to help you

I tried playing Panzer Dragoon Saga on the new Mednafen Saturn emulator, but couldn't switch to disc 2. Accidentally wiped my save trying to fix it. It was upsetting so I just dropped it, I'll play it whenever everything is fixed