What games let me play as a pure evil character?

What games let me play as a pure evil character?

The Republican Party.


Fable games

Dota 2

Have you played Tyranny? Is it any good?

Overlord 1 and 2. It's great fun too, definitely reccomended.

There's some childish thrill in getting all three women happily satisfied and having a big foursome on your massive luxurious bed atop a ridiculously DARK EVIL (tm) castle.

8 years.

I enjoyed it.

>& play-doh

Can't really think of one.
Kotor 2 let's you be pretty evil and your crew tends to follow in your footsteps so they end up evil too.
Truth be told, I didn't mean to be evil in that game but some people are assholes and certain situations pissed me off lol.

To be fair I'd like most of those things even if I voted for Trump.

Someone's gonna say he's just an Anti-hero but the game allows you to do mass genocides on civillians

4 is only guaranteed.

Armored Core: For Answer let's youbecome a truely evil monster

You kill tens of millions of innocents for a shit load of money, they your old comrades set a trap to try and kill you themselves


wtf i hate trump now

welcome to how the entire country will feel 8 years from now

Evil Genius


Any game where you play as a white person

You didnt hate the Freudian Slipper before?

drakengard 3

Kotor 1 and 2 (I personally think the kotor games executed evil beautifully, but that can be argued with Arcanum)
Jade Empire
Fallout series
is the show as good as the anime


>is the show as good as the anime
what did he mean by this?

The show is pretty good desu

i meant manga
please don't embarrass me out of the thread

that's not true and you know it.

mid-november 2016 was golden
