Playing JRPG

>Playing JRPG
>God is the bad guy

Getting real tired of this.

Go back to church and quit playing vidya than.

>playing real life renaissance japan
>kirishitans are the bad guys

He still thinks god was the protagonist.

>being a willing servant to a tyrant

>God is actually presented in a fair and normal way

Better just stop playing JRPG's.

Play Radiant Historia, or Chrono Trigger.

>Playing JRPG
>The bad guys are bad
>The good guys are good

>Dog is the bad guy

Quit playing final fantasy garbage

Subtle spoilers?

It's OP's fault. He's the one who requested those JRPG types.

>The bad guy actually has a really good reason for what he's doing.
>Turns out he's not really all that evil.
>There's some interdimensional monster that comes out of nowhere that's the real big bad thing.

>playing jrpg
>the god's power is proportional on how much people have faith in them
>yfw it's like that in real life

>God is good but the church is evil

Do any JRPGs to this?

>play JRPG
>bad guy shouts: 'I AM NOW A GOD!'

getting real tired of disu shitto desu

>butthurt atheist literally shaking

>God is good but the church is evil
>Do any JRPGs to this?
That was the plot of Grandia II.

Spoilers: A long time ago, Granas (God) was fighting Valmar (Evil). Valmar was torn apart and scattered around the world, while Granas died. Main plot involves the head of the church of Granas trying to gather up all the pieces of Valmar to grant himself ultimate power, since he believes the world is hopeless due to Granas being dead.

There's a bit more too it than that, of course, but that's the general concept.

Name 5 jrpgs that actually have a plot that involves the one and only true god in a monotheistic system being the bad guy, and not a false deity that tricked people, or one of multiple gods, or just the church itself, or some being that's worshipped as a god but actually isn't, or a rogue avatar of god, etc.

> God of War
> 3 literal gamed about killing gods
> can flat out assassinate a historical pope in a mainline AAA title
> can kill actual Christian preachers
> multiple western games from Doom to your latest wrpg deal with something decidedly unchristian
> DnD and metal music in top of Harry potter and fucking Pokémon causes christfags to shit the bed and ban/burn them
> christcucks currently not triggered

> out of literally 150+ jrpgs, a third deal with some conflict between deity and man, and only a handful of those at best use any judeo-christian allegory
>christcucks don't even believe allah is the same god, get triggered like sperglord autists when Japan is negative about religion as a whole

will never understand this shit. Ever.

Japan is overwhelmingly not Christian. It's as simple as that. Your religion is window dressing in the same way the entirety of the Norse and Greek beliefs have been for God Of War and fucking Thor. Stop getting triggered you cowardly fucks. God isn't taking your poophole to pound town because a 16 year old blue haired spaceboy one shots a guy named lucifer.

fucking lawfags

>playing JRPG
>kill god
>you're now god