I'm trying to find some shitty FPS that let you dual wield stg44s
Do you know what it's called?
I'm trying to find some shitty FPS that let you dual wield stg44s
Do you know what it's called?
>not Stg 45's
uhhhhh goldeneye?
timesplitters series had many many dual wieldable assault rifles
no stg44 tho
Jesus no, far from it.
I don't think that's it the graphics were worse and the maps were literally flat at some points and I think there were no headshot bonuses either.
Wolfenstein the new order
what kind of fps was it? wwii?
what platform?
I don't know if it's set in ww2. I only remember there being nazis, nazi scientists and stuff. It had a really cheesy/edgy title too.
actually i'm pretty sure now that you're talking about timesplitters 2 and misremembered the dualwieldable AK:s as sturmgewehrs
My guess is time splitters 2
i don't think ubersoldier had dual wielding
hell naw
this feels really close
hey, you're right
are you sure they were STGs?
Wolfenstein: The New Order?
stg44 or mp44 it's the same no?
also there were these elite nazi soldiers in later levels who were dressed in black trenchcoats and you couldn't kill them with headshots
stg44 or mp44 it's the same no?
It sounds a lot like Ubersoldier or Wolfenstein but i don't know.
Borderlands 2
Rise Of The Triad?
I really want to say Wolfenstein 2009 or ubersoldier 2 but it's not either
>it's not the same
what are you trying to say there were no russians in the game
Wolfenstein 2009?
what the heck i got confused and tought the mp44 was an mp40. I'm dumb.
>stg44 or mp44 it's the same no?
Actually, yes they are the same aside from the name. The name MP44 was only used because they didn't think Hitler would approve of something like the StG44 so they sold it off to him as another machine pistol.
No the game was literally noname shitty level design, nowhere near wolfy
Doesn't anyone have a list of FPSs with nazis? Seems too generic a subgenre to be missing a list.
i already looked through games with stg:s and nazis and didn't find anything, maybe it's a obscure shovelware
time period?
too old
If I had to guess second half of 20th century so after the war
It's either shovelware or a mod...
i think by time period he meant when you played the game/what year it released
dual wielding stg's and nazis make me think of doom because there's so fucking many nazi mods for that game and there might be one with dual wielding stgs
I'd say 2010 but I only watched gameplay a lot didn't play because of how cheesy it was
Definitely without STG44 because it's in WW1 setting but it OP made me think of Necrovision.
its not Ubersoldier is it
I can't find a good gameplay video where I could see the dual wielding in action
It has to be Wolfenstein: New Order
>released 2014
or some of the other random shit games in the related videos. maybe the hud will help remembering what game you're after
I've been looking around the last two hours but haven't seen wolfschanze yet. Kudos but it's not it
For all the anons thinking ubersoldier it's not it there were no comic-strip style drawings