Girl joins the guild

>girl joins the guild
>she's a cool person and good at the game

Literally never happened

>girl joins the guild
>she sends you nudes

>girl joins the guild
>she's a cool person and good at the game
>for a week
>she's actually shit at the game and a vapid cunt

Every time. Bonus points for female GMs. Never fucking ever.

Literally never happened

>enter a dungeon with your guild
>dungeon master starts whipping you

>guy trying to find leather club accidentally walks into guild

>good but not great
>a girl though
>give her anons spot on the run

sure it has, OP just forgot the rest of the greentext where she's been cam whoring the guild leader for brownie points and then the guild eventually dissolves because the leader's wife found out

Literally always happened

>guild still falls apart
>not because of girl
>but because of white knights and /r9k/-tier "ROASTIE GET OUT REEEE" users fighting with each other

I wonder if that would happen to a Sup Forums guild

It would only be a true Sup Forums guild if it was a girl (male)

Well, on ffxiv I think I've seen the Sup Forums guild break apart about 4-5 times now.

A man strives to get direct mastery over things either by understanding them or by compulsion. But a woman is always and everywhere driven to indirect mastery, namely through a man; all her direct mastery being limited to him alone. Therefore it lies in woman’s nature to look upon everything only as a means for winning man, and her interest in anything else is always a simulated one, a mere roundabout way to gain her ends, consisting of coquetry and pretence. Every one who can see through a sham must have found this to be the case. One need only watch the way they behave at a concert, the opera, or the play; the childish simplicity, for instance, with which they keep on chattering during the finest passages in the greatest masterpieces. If it is true that the Greeks forbade women to go to the play, they acted in a right way; for they would at any rate be able to hear something. Individual and partial exceptions do not alter the matter; women are and remain, taken altogether, the most thorough and incurable philistines

>girl is utterly mediocre but since it's an mmo filled with betas they worship her and give her everything and anything

Not even mad

>only two blocks away as well

>girl joins guild
>unable to make dent in pure autism and pre-existing drama

ha ha

>playing WoW
>get a random guild invite on my new char
>10 people say "welcome" "whalecum xD" and stuff like that
>all of a sudden guild master says "hey buddy I think you got the wrong door"
what did he mean by that?

>girl joins guild
>annoying and craving for attention
>sudden white knights all over the place
It's not even a single story. The same scenario over and over again. Bonus fucking points if the bitch is GM's gurlfriend. Makes me fucking mad.

to be quite honest theres a girl who is like that. unfortunately shes looks like shit

was it because of that moonfaced vietnamese boy who ran off with an old man to live in hungary?

>Girl joins the guild
>she gets mad you reject her advances so she starts endlessly messaging you and spamming everyone in the team and starting drama
>Everyone tells them to fuck off so they come back and do it again 4 times on alts
>Find out they are really fucked up and like guro and ntr shit
>They accidentally doxxed themselves and angry clan members gave them hell
Gamer "girls", not even once.

>girl in guild is a Wicca
>bully her a lil bit
>suddenly bad luck for the rest of life

Oopsie daisies

>join a guild
>there's annoying as fuck bitch
>constantly complains about getting ganked on a pvp server
>tell her maybe she should reroll on pve then if her life is so hard
>instantly barraged with death threats from white knights

like pottery

She's in my guild, but she has 0 interest in dating so that might be a reason.

>Not begging for protection from the almighty

Suffer not a witch to live

>girls in the guild
>wives of players in the guild
>all garbage except one healer

Makes you tink

>OP is me when i join the guild

>girl forces her way into our tight group of friends in planetside 2
>"don't mind me just keep doing guy talk"
>1 week later
>"you guys shouldn't be talking like this next to women"
>tell her to fuck off and that no matter how much she tries she won't break us apart
>everyone agrees and boots her

what are the gachimuchi approved rpg classes? apart from monk of course

my guild is like 35% girls and they're fine but it's ffxiv so group size is tiny enough that it's hard to make drama happen. Also the rest of the guild is comprised of bitter autists, fags, depressed betas who have given up on even internet girls, and married people.

So if you want to meet internet girls go play ffxiv. Kind of a shit MMORPG though.

rogue for leather gear i guess



>Guild leader's wife play a very poor DPS
>I said something over voice chat, can't even remember what it was.
>She asks me to apologize.
>Repeat this x20
>She logs off and says "Good luck finding another DPS!"
>Instantly replaced
>She stopped playing much after that
>Everyone is relieved

Gunslinger for water gun fights

Scholar you college boy.


>"Good luck finding another DPS!"

i have women in my guild and they're fine, but they're all 30+

younger women are fucking awful

>plays main tank

name 46,7 guilds that do this

>want to play game
>join guild so I can raid
>join teamspeak so I can communicate with my guild
>suddenly everybody doesn't leave me alone when I get online

fuck men, you are the cancer, not us

it happened to me
too bad I don't have enough time to raid with them


>chilling in the dungeon
>friend walks in and deletes me


fuck white knights*

on the same note
>group of friends join up with some zerg outfit for the laughs
>the leader is a 40 y/o female
>gets hyper triggered when i get called jew and kike by friends and respond with smelly gypos
>instantly banned from the platoon
why are women so triggered all the time

>getting triggered over something that's not even directed at you

never understood this shit

>playing GW2
>everyone either buys armour with real world money or is stuck with shit-tier looking stuff
>no good MMO's coming about aside from Revelation Online

God I hope it's good, it looks real blade and souls-ish.

>mom joins your guild and ejects you from your position for being better than you

Fuck you mom I was the best guardian.

> I hope it's good
I have some bad news user

>good at the game

there is no such thing in mmo you just clic

I wish more games did armour like Dragons Dogma

>Everyone in your family plays gw2 and you're forced to play in their wvw Zerg busting guild

Fuck I don't want to play with my grandparents.

is your family autistic?

I might get some flak for this, but when it comes to 'looking good', MMO players on average are bottom tier even for gamers. Both men and women.

explain further

>constantly aware of vagina-kin existing in your virtual space
>sexual innadequacies compounding
>sense of relaxation and comfiness destroyed
>have to quit guild

Name one instance where this happened.

Real life

>be me
>playing wow on a /vg/ guild for a while
>few cool people, kind of fun chats
>50% of the guild were just pure shitposting
>eventually just cant deal with the faggots there
>quit guild and go around searching for a new one
>find guild eventually with a somewhat friendly community
>feel welcome and it's pretty enjoyable, we raid and quest together,
>they have a FB page to organise raids and stuff.
>they have a female gm from sweeden
>rest of the guild refer to her as "QUEEN!!~"
>every time she logs on "QUEEEEEEEN"
>she was actually kind of cool and good at the game
>she played with her bf and would make shit tons of alts
>never had a problem with her, the guild on the other hand...
>everyone seems to suck up to her
>couple months in, another guild member who has been there for longer than i messages me telling me to stop taking to "QUEEN"
>all of my what?
>not even her BF
>turned out the guy had been stalking her for months
>he had booked tickets to go to sweden
>assumes i'm competition
>tell him i have no interest, he doesnt buy it
>"You better stop talking to "QUEEN" or im going to have to get serious"
>he logs off later after telling me this
>later that night as she logs on and the chat is filled with "QUEEN! HI QUEEN"
>message her and tell her about this guy
>decided i've stirred the pot enough and let the situation settle
>He gets all his characters kicked from the guild
>on the FB page he's begging and pleading to be allowed back in
>"QUEEN" is not having any of it and she shuts him down on every of the posts
>get a message from the guy
>"why the fuck did you tell her?"
>my subscription time was ending that day and was going to not resub for an expac
>i send him " :^) " and nothing else (something rubbed off on me from that /vg/ guild
>couple months go on see that the guild is dead
>ask "QUEEN" what happened
>after the guy had confessed his love and she flat out shut him down he went around harassing everyone on the guild with threats and stuff

Nope lol
Most of us are military we just all like video games. Only my mom and me aren't military.

>join guild
>solo most content myself, gear up alone, be self sufficient
>need guild members for group content
>ask them if I can join a run, they tell me they'll explain everything on VoIP
>Join, type hello, listen as we clear
>say "thank you very much" and disconnect
>Flooded with "grill??" whispers
>belittled constantly from then on for not e-dating them or something even though I keep to my own


if that isn't autism i don't know what is
holy shit
and i mean everyone in that guild

You are not female (you)

Only autists enjoy gw2 tho.

not much left, but had to split it

>guy proposed over some messaging app
>"QUEEN"'s BF told him if he ever saw him he'd smash his face in
>people had quit the guild because of the harassment from the beta-stalker
>and i watched the whole thing go down

not sure what the guild is doing now, if it even is still going.
but all i know is that sometimes a girl isn't the problem in MMO's, it's the creepy ass stalkers that follow them.

>woman joins the guild
>acts like a normal human being
I couldn't ask for anything more.

the whole guild saying "QUEEN" was kind of weird, but it was something i could easily get past. i think it probably started one day and everyone joined in. i was able to tune it out anyway so it wasn't an issue eventually.

My guild
Bitch literally ruined the entire guild, caused infighting and tried to sell it off under our noses.

Some of the higher ranking players ransacked the house and took off though, she kicked half of the guild in anger lmao.

God I hope I am or I've been unaware that men have no yank-tube sometimes for 20 years
That and I'd need to change some documents and talk to my doctors


I'm sorry user

I met a guy in an MMO who is a literal male model, got him on facebook. I would pound his boipucci no homo.

You should e-date me instead :^)

>guild finds out you're a girl

> she's a cool person and good at the game
> some guy does something awesome
> everyone cheers and congratulates him
> except the girl, who gets mad and hates him forever because people stopped paying their full attention to her for just a moment

>gl finding another dps

>girl joins guild
>she's super nice and not an attention whore
>she's also unforgivably bad at the game

>join RP guild
>married woman e-dates someone from the guild
>"i-it's jsut RP!"

There MUST have been something from 'QUEEN' that made it so the whole guild called her that when she logged on. That doesn't 'just happen'.

>girls joins the guild
>she's a girl(girl)

user do you know what 'average' means?

Most people on average aren't good looking.

you kill her like the infidel she is?

While true you'll find the average MMO player abysmal even compared to the norm. There's a reason a guy/girl would want to use a virtual persona, user.

Yes I just wanted to share it.

>There's a reason a guy/girl would want to use a virtual persona

Because that's how the game is played? And this isn't 2000 anymore, mmo games today are played by regular people, not basement dwelling neckbeards that would kill each other over loot.

forgot to add

>girl prances about how she just spend 17 hours in a skype call with guildmate
>they end up meeting irl
>girl was planning on spending new year's eve with guildmate instead with his husband

I don't really have the balls to call her out for cheating on her husband

>girl joins the guild
>she's a girl(female(has a vagina(XX(male))))

>girl (male) joins clan
>attention whore
>obvious walls

It's not just biological fellas

This is true, the regular people I meet in games now look like the average person.

Because they're looking to escape their real life in which they're fat, lonely and ugly.

It's also no small wonder that videogames have become more prevalent the fatter America has become.

Are you a female (male)?

>that married couple which were screaming at each other over boss drop and finally got a divorce

That's seriously reaching, especially the part of America. Videogames have become more prevalent in the entire world, not just there, because of how the entertainment industry has developed. And because it's an engaging form of entertainment to a degree beyond books or movies, it requires active user input and displays different results depending on performance.

>girls joins the guild
>"she" used to be a man
>is adored and stalked like the average female in an mmo
Are they normally treated like this or I have I just lost touch?

I mean I don't treat shim any differently because it's a game but I don't understand why they'd whiteknight a tranny so hard.

>Meet a girl in Overwach
>She just played Play Sombra. Mei,Dva,Phara,Mercy and Ana
>I notice she only play girls and joke about it
>She gets serious and told me about how she hattes men and they don´t even deserve been played by her in a vidiogame
>Realize she only get along with me because my nickname looks like girlish in english despite its unisex in my country and my voice is affeminate unlesh i try to aggravete it on pourpose.
>Still playing with her often while prettending sometimes to be a woman. or just ignoring her and shut up my mouth cause shes a very good at competitive

Yeah that is normally the case with autism, empathy just ain't your thing.
I mean you can laugh at pretty much anything, but if some disabled kid falls and breaks their ankle maybe you should hold in your laughter, at least until he can't hear you.

>girl in game with voice chat
>she's slightly annoying, but mostly tolerable
>one guy keeps saying creepy and perverted things
>one guy white knights the fuck out of her
>one guy keeps asking dumb questions like "how old are you lol" and "r u a girl or a boy lol"
>one guy constantly talks to her about normie shit unrelated to the game
>one guy keeps cracking a bunch of sexist jokes
>one guy persistently tells her to shut up for literally no reason

I hate girl gamers because it causes all hell to break loose everyime one joins.