Find a flaw

Find a flaw.

Setting wears itself out way too fast.

Necks are too long

Nothing except having to farm for vials and shit instead of something like flasks


There isn't more.

Forbidden Woods

Nothing OP, Irythill is also my favorite zone

It's not on more consoles

gid gud

Not on PC.

Farming for blood vials is a chore until you realize it's much easier to spend your leftover souls from leveling on vials. Ended up over 400 in stock once I beat the game.

Also the lack of armors and weapons is kinda sad. I like the ones in it but I wish there were more.

30 FPS
You have to return to hunter's dream to go anywhere else
Touching a lantern doesn't respawn enemies
Chalice dungeons can be pretty fucking bullshit

Otherwise a pretty fucking good game

the fans
not on pc

It's just time consuming for healing items, I'll farm for echos and chunks or whatever but it would be better to just farm for things to improve your character not a necessary healing items

It doesnt run at 60fps

Chalice dungeons and retarded character creator like in every Souls game.

>lets backpedal on the greatest change dark souls 1 added to the formula, which dark souls 2 further proved was necessary as it sorta messed it up again

Why should touching a lantern let enemies respawn

Can't its perfect.


JESUS FUCK shut up
just don't swallow 10 every single time you attempt a boss, you fucking mongoloids
if you can't learn a boss mechanics then you WILL get your ass kicked and you fucking DESERVE to have to farm blood vials
just learn how to dodge everything first

Why not? It happens for all dark souls game. Plus the only time you are going to a lantern is going to a new area or resetting the current one.

Framerate. No Pro patch. No plans for more dlc.

>this shit you need to farm
>implying farming vials for 5 min is bad if you are this shit

gid gud

It ends.

>30 FPS
Nigger I wish. We all know the game rarely hits 30 and instead averages around 20-25

Lanterns don't have a bonfire mechanic
Hunter's dream in general, having a hub world after DaS is a huge step backwards
The length
Blood vials
Dex builds and R1 spam are easy and the arguably the best
Lack of diversity in playstyle

If you can't acknowledge the fact that Blood Vials are objectively worse than Estus Flasks, you are retarded.

World is fairly linear and the second half of the game is even more so, while also being comprised of much smaller areas than the first portion, the game still doesn't solve the issue of large monstrous boss fights being really fucking simplistic, combat is overly simple, game's a bit on the easy side, and the forest sucks dick.

Very few builds.

It's trash and you all know it!

What is wrong with hub worlds. I love hub worlds. It gives a sense of belonging in a otherwise very lonely game. One of the things I missed in DaS desu.

>game that runs 30 FPS

I find BB to be the hardest souls game desu

And the blood vial farming, when you are a scrub like me, and you die 20-30 time against tough bosses like Maria, or OoK or goddamn NPC hunters ! How come those fuckers have so much health !?

I've played through the game about 5 times as different builds.

In my opinion, the "Easiest" and by far most 'overpowered' build/weapon is the Chikage.

Chikage decimates everything. It's overly fast, overly good reach, overly powerful, and has incredibly useful fast poison for quite a few bosses (looking at you, Ball & Chain giants).

Log's wheel and Stake Driver are cool gimmicks.
Spear, Threaded Cane, Reiterpallasch etc are fun but underwhelming outputs.
Beast Cutter, MLGS, etc are fun but again pale completely in comparison to Chikage potential, moveset, reach, etc.

Compared to Chikage. Chikage is the most broken thing in the game.

If you're going to make a game interconnected and the hub world is going to serve no purpose other than to manage inventory and level up, you shouldn't have to return to it in order to restore health/inventory. I have no issue with a hub world in general, but the fact that you have to frequently return to it is annoying, and is made an issue by loading times.

all those assests wasted in shitty chalice dungeons
gem grinding
kinda linear
no ng+ content
shitty framerate especially when co-oping
sitting through double loading screens to go anywhere

still best souls

>t. retard
Estus Flasks allow you to regain HP 15 times with no negative consequences, so you can go around being a shit player and it's fine.
Blood vials lets you regain HP to but you're eating into your own supply and it forces you to get better otherwise you will eventually run out.
Blood vials teach you to be a better player. Estus Flasks a shit

30 fps with dips
30 hours to finish it 100%
It's just soul in the end, with no real evolution or extra depth

>Not Rakuyo

Rakuyo is fun. Engaging moveset. Not anywhere close to the output, capability or convenience of Chikage.

I get that you're a Rakuyo is my waifu Bloodborne addict. I did a full Rakuyo playthrough. It's by far the 'coolest' weapon.

Doesn't stack up in any way to the Chikage, numbers or practicality wise.

You might have a point if Blood Vials weren't farmable in the first area. They do literally nothing to improve the game, they are a nuisance. They don't make you better whatsoever especially because they are so much quicker to use than Estus.

Boring rehash

Nigga Blood Vial farming is so easy and quick you literally have endless supply.

The best spot to farm is 10 minutes into the game and is only surpassed by one spot in the DLC.

Vials let me restore my health 99 times and they are faster to use

I agree. One of the major flaws of the game. But Hub worlds did serve a purpose in bloodborne, they gave a physical manifestation for chalices. As well as represent the thematic "dreamlands" in the game.

- too few areas
- for a game with boss battles as a focus it hides too many of those bosses behind optional dungeons

>30 fps with dips
>30 hours to finish it 100%
>It's just soul in the end, with no real evolution or extra depth
wrong, kys pcuck

not enough enemy variety. why the fuck are there so many unique enemies for the chalice dungeon though?? except the rolling ogres. the dungeons can keep those.

I hate weapons that are locked so late into the game that they are only allowed to be used for NG+ playthroughs. Would love a Burial blade or Rakuyo run from NG instead of making them instantly +10 into NG+. Another flaw I guess.

this makes me mad

peasants with pitchforks for 90% of the game while chalices have 5 billion different enemies

>30 fps with dips
You must be fucking retarded if you think that never happens.

>having to farm for vials
>still isn't just buying them

>30 hours to finish it 100%
You're either a god-like player, or a liar. I have a strong feeling you're the later.

Hey faggot, guess what, I upload my save state to a usb right outside a boss fight and reload manually if I lose. Instead of git-gud, I got creative.

Reusing of enemies
A bunch of poor bosses
Chalice dungeon design
PVP is shit like always

Let's not forget how god awful PvP is in this game. Even DS3 does it better.

The NPC hunters obviously put all their points in vit

>Let's not forget how god awful PvP is in this game
I haven't seen anyone forget it. It hadn't even been a full minute since someone had mentioned it.

Actually, my problem is that you can go forever without dying cause of the stupid fucking vials dropping from enemies like it's trash.
It was way harder but also less time wastey in dark souls 1, and it even came with a difficulty option for babbies through kindling, as if it wasn't trying to pride itself on being hard for the sake of being hard.

>farm for vials
Are you retarded?

Maybe the game gets harder, but I've just defeated Rom, and I never had to farm for vials. Just playing the game gets you a fuckload of vials. That and spending the excess echos on blood vials. I have almost 500 blood vials now.

Shitty hitboxes. Shitty healing system. Takes way too long to get new weapons and too few are any good. Gem system is shitty clutter. Runes are shitty clutter. They still haven't learned how to do a poison level that doesn't make you want to kill yourself. No real Armour variety. Chalice dungeons are mostly a waste of time.

Depends on what you define as 100%.
Plating the game is pretty simple

Its on the fucking Playstation and I have to pay extra to play online lmao

Can someone explain chalice dungeons to me?

>No real Armour variety
What? You mean Armour is pointless in the game right? Cause fashionborne has plenty of variety

Platinum requires 3 playtroughs, all weapons and the entirety of chalice dungeons. Sure, you can do it in 30 hours but for a first playtrough? I dunno.

Chalice dungeons feel like a waste, and the time crafting them could have been spent putting them in the actual game. The fact that there's so many enemies and bosses exclusive to Chalice Dungeons is retarded.

Most of it looks almost identical though.


Who the fuck actually cares about pvp in these games? It's shit in every single one

Chalice dungeons have one of the hardest boss (defiled Amy), one of the hardest enemy (rolling orge) and all of the most annoying enemies. Chalice dungeon is the real shit.

Oh, and also:
No weight system
Armor literally does not matter
Basically no magic system exists

ps4 exclusive, held back by shitty console hardware

it's the ancient system to protect the queen, breeding superhumans

You can cheap and get all 3 ending on 1 playthrough. I know I did mine roughly 3 hours.

not on xbox

You can do it in 1 playthrough by uploding save data on a USB or PS Plus

>Armor literally does not matter
Except against status effects, which are frequent in late game.
>Basically no magic system exists
Except for that one that does. Are you the same guy who keeps posting this garbage in every Bloodborne thread?

Have fun fighting some of the DLC bosses, jackass. Once you die a few times on Ludwig and Orphan and have to go farm souls or vials for 20 minutes you will see what he means.

Maybe you should finish the game before calling someone a retard, retard.

They have unique enemies, bosse and different variables for weapons.
The "story path" of the dungeons is all pre-made and always the same, but you can create your own chalice, which is randomly generated depending on the offerings (items, ingredients) you use to make it.

They're mostly pretty boring, but the unique boss fights are awesome.

>Most of it looks almost identical
If you are fucking blind. Sure.

I don't personally, but a fuck ton of others do, and it's complete shit with little to no variation or creativity

>Once you die a few times on Ludwig and Orphan and have to go farm souls or vials for 20 minutes you will see what he means
Lmao. What are you? Bad?

Chromatic Aberation

>Once you die a few times on Ludwig and Orphan and have to go farm souls or vials for 20 minutes you will see what he means.
That's more than a few times, since he said he already has almost 500.

If you spend a 500 bloodvial stock on two bosses you just need to git gud.

Every single person wears that set in OP's picture. Sure, a few look a tiny bit different but they are all more or less just bland full black victorian knockoffs.

>It's too easy to just tank damage
>Bosses still suffer the almost-universal weakness to strafing

Except you can use any armor in any area and get by without much trouble.
Also, arcane as a stat does not equal a magic system, it's essentially just gadgets. There is basically no system, I never said there wasn't one.

Bullshit. They are plenty of different outfits. I know my hunter is rocking the Yamamura set. The only point you have is that they are victorian knockoffs, because no fucking shit, that is kind of the theme of bloodborne isn't it?

>Bosses still suffer the almost-universal weakness to strafing
You really enjoyed DS2, I presume.

If you need vials or echoes just equip the runes that give you extra and go to the research hall. Each crawling woman nets about 6800 echoes each.

>Bosses still suffer the almost-universal weakness to strafing
It is almost like all bosses in action games ever suffer from universal weakness of the player's ability to fucking DODGE

Strafing is not dodging, so what's your point?

Dodge is not a fucking button. You are thinking of using dash to dodge. Running away, moving side to side also counts as fucking dodging retard.

And Dark Souls has a medieval Europe theme but manages to have massive variety in armour and weapon design.

>you can use any armor in any area and get by without much trouble
Yes, and the specific armor helps make it even less trouble by providing resistances. I know, who thinks of armor as providing resistances, right?
>arcane as a stat does not equal a magic system
That's why it's Arcane as a stat plus equipment that scales based upon it. If you're going to stretch your explanation further in every reply, get to the whole point and save the time.

>enemies are so retarded they just swing at the ground where you were 5 seconds ago


Every Soulsborne game has done this.