Remember to get up and have a walk every now and then Sup Forums. I don't wanna lose you

Remember to get up and have a walk every now and then Sup Forums. I don't wanna lose you.

Other urls found in this thread:

>12 hour gaming session
Im pretty sure that wasnt his only problem

Ignore him, Sup Forums

Stay sat down, we need to thin the herd around here.

>12 hour gaming session on a platform with no games


>dies after 12 hour session

He also looks thirty and is a fat fuck.

De ras clot tek di bwoy

>Implying I'm not on bloodthinners right now

fuck man.
did he just sit in his own shit and piss and have the diet of Snack foods at arms reach?
Chances are he is a fat fuck with no common sense or mind for sanitation.

>Implying he didn't just sit down with a scowl on his face staring at his xbone from hearing the news Scalebound was cancelled, one of the extremely few exclusives he could own.
Xbox off.

>computer games

Fucking casuals

>not taking blood thinners so you can game without having to stand
what the fuck?

Only 12 hours?

I do over 24 hour gaming sessions nearly every week and I haven't died yet. Been doing it since 2009.

>xbox off

That was beautiful.


12 hours, lul. I do 36+ at a time every couple of weeks and I have never died.

Reminder to change positions every hour so you don't become the stupidest fucking 20 year old and die to sitting.

come at me

>Sonyggers winning
Let them dwell in their own delusion

>"Xbox Off-yourself."

I would but you're to fast

Nintendo and Xbone certainly didn't win.

Years ago I did 2 days straight, passed out in the chair. Fucking mmorpgs

gg ez

Good thing I go to the kitchen every hour or so.

Any wheelchair anons out there? How do you get around blood clots?


Fuck stop reminding me, I keep getting cramps in my thighs from sitting too long. I'm scared to even sit down & get invested in games anymore yet here I am shitposting on Sup Forums 8 hours of the day anyways.

Oh, that's why this article is awful.

>Implying anyone won
There's literally no games.

The best games have been multiplats.

If we must choose a winner I'd guess PC won.

I don't even understand how someone could go an hour without moving. The reason DVT is only found on shitty flights is because there's no legroom, it's not an issue for ANYONE capable of moving their legs.

>computer games
>12 hours

I smell bullshit maybe he weighed 300 pounds

There you go guys. Now you won't die for the stupidest reason.

>tfw im on a cocktail of unregulated underground drugs that give me superphysiological muscle gains and fat burning effect and still end up healthier and outliving basement dwelling virgin incel gamers

kind of sparks the neutrons, innit?

Yeah, I change leg positions atleast every 20 mintues or so, just to be comfy.


Being the winner of this gen is like being the smartest kid with downs syndrome

It's an American thing.

>There's literally no games.
Then I guess you are either blind or jaded.

>If we must choose a winner I'd guess PC won.
With what? The Thousands of shovelware titles flooding the Pc market last year? The same Multiplats you criticized the Ps4 for?

don't get me wrong The Pc still wins overall due to having years of games under it's belt but just putting the years of this generation under scope Pc is 90% shovelware. 9% multiplats and 1% worth a shit exclusives.

Enjoy your chronic stomach cancer.

ill still outlive you, bloodclot boy.

>all that shit

Enjoy your heart popping before 30.
I'm sorry.

Where do you get your gear from

i need some test

Not pictured: Fifteen cases of Soylent green

lad ..

The only thing people need to remember is to beat their kids.

There's not gonna be any deep vein thrombosis if the fat fuck is being chased around the table with a belt.

I'm too chuuni to not get up to walk around and do silly shit happening in my games every couple minutes

>Unironically ingesting TestoJect 400

This shit sounds like porn robot.

>I don't wanna lose you.
Why do people say things like this on the internet, especially on places like Sup Forums?
Let's face it.
No one here cares about anyone else.

i am genuinely surprised this has not happened to me.

>Then I guess you are either blind or jaded
There's 3 exclusives for PS4 and Xbone. Which retard buys a console for 3 exclusives unless you want a weebmachine and import weebshit from japland.

>With what? The Thousands of shovelware titles flooding the Pc market last year? The same Multiplats you criticized the Ps4 for?
Yes, apart it having some neat exclusives it runs multiplats tons better than consoles do by deafult. Besides, I never criticized the PS4, stop projecting.

You could've just agreed with me without going off on a rant.

It's the numbers that matter, not the percentage

>pumping drugs into your body means healthy
>implying organs won't evaporate by 40 if lucky
never browse /fit/ pls

1 user died while reading this message
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Nothing would make me happier than just straight up dying without me knowing beforehand.

I'm a lightweight, the longest ice ever played a game was like 7 hours and I had a massive headache afterwards.

12 hour gaming session hahahahahah the koreans regularly used to play broodwar for 16 hours a day YEARS on end, great job main stream journalism

you don't "ingest" that user...

Knowing I'll die in the short term would make me happier than just dying.

You wouldn't be happy though because you'd be dead.

>Bloodclots are quick and painless

Not nearly as often as you'd hope. Even worse, it's a clot in the brain and leaves you braindamaged.

my boss had one of these and she fell on it during a big conference call, highlight of my career

Lucky bastard.

I always remember to stretch my boy.

Why would you seek oblivion when the soul doesn't exist?

us nolifes gotta look out for eachother

>I don't want to lose you
What are you trying to say?

Only 12 hours?

He died for being a pussy.

He waited all of that time for games. RIP

Fuck Oblivion. Morrowind is better.

do you usually do these?

Then go out, have a walk, and use your phone to shitpost on Sup Forums.

>Dying after 12 hours


Video games were basically founded on weebshit.
There are more Japanese console games than there are western ones.
There are more Good Japanese games than there are good Western ones.

Now I can see why you believe consoles are shit. Because the Japanese games market is on it and you are such a xenophobic fuck that you can't find a Japanese game the least bit enjoyable regardless of how good the game actually is.

If you didn't know From Soft was a Japanese developer than you would like their games.


>12 hours

I care about you user


I'm not going to go diving for scraps of gold in a lake of shit and you wouldn't either.

This. Nothing of value was lost.

o i am laffin

ask zyzz how his roiding went.

>from the dangers of playing COMPUTER GAMES

Fat fuck


That's a nice sentiment and I've certainly felt that way towards anons, but...
Whenever I stop to think about it the implication hurts. Rather than genuine concern most of the time the reality is an attempt at satisfying the desire for connection by play-acting camaraderie.
I understand its all some people have and sometimes it can actually be very significant, but still.

I study a lot, many times 10 hours or more and rarely get up. I do, however, bounce my leg a lot and am not fat. Am I in danger?

I think the worst thing is the guy is labeled as an addict for having a 12 hour gaming session at fucking 20. Normies do that sort of shit with binge drinking at that age or even watching sportsball all day on a Sunday later on in life.


I mad. Jimmies rustled. I'm salty. Use whatever stupid ass meme you want

>Besides, I never criticized the PS4, stop projecting.
So I guess you have rampant memory loss too.
>Sonyggers winning
>Let them dwell in their own delusion

How do you function being unable to remember anything and being a jaded blind fuck?

No, what happened to the OP's dude is what happens if you literally don't move an inch.
Also see

See here: I wonder. I've said the same thing before to other anons.
Was it genuine or selfish of me?
I guess I still appreciate the sentiment.

That sounds like a personal problem....

>dies after 12 hour gaming session
>not playing vidya while laying down on your bed
>not propping your head up on a fat stack of pillows
>not drinking liquids through a long straw and getting saline pumped into you
>not having a mattress that massages your muscles to give them the illusion of movement
>not dying a comfy death caused by inactivity and obesity

>Because the Japanese games market is on it and you are such a xenophobic fuck that you can't find a Japanese game the least bit enjoyable
I enjoyed the DMC series, Dragon's Dogma and Vanquish among a few others. I just think Final Fantasy, turn based games, anime style art and loli shit is fucking gay.

I also own a few previous gen consoles. The reason I didn't buy a PS4 or xbone because this gen is shit and Sony and Microsoft are becoming more and more anti-consumer.

And you're just a massive faggot. Go back to riding your dragon dildo while fapping to loli porn.

>I'm not going to go diving for scraps of gold in a lake of shit and you wouldn't either.
then why do you browse Sup Forums?

Isn't it caused from being immobile, not just sitting?

I don't want to defend sports fans but they don't sit on their ass for 12 hours straight.
They tend to Jump out of their chairs and fidgets and move about in anger or excitement when their team fucks up or does good.

I'd be better off dead anyway

>you will never be this lucky

fuck living

I like the way you think user.

Because I'm stuck here like you.

Sup Forums is a prison with no bars.