>3.5 is one week away

Are you prepared, user?

Other urls found in this thread:


>12 minute GGL Hard run
>In Duty Finder
Shit was absolutely bananas. Killed Strix before he even managed to get to the spot where he summons Behemoth. Even better because the finish time landed exactly on the the daily reset.

Pretty fuckin excited for the story for once.
Zurvan looks nice but I hope the music in the trailer isn't the theme of his final phase.

>another FFXIV thread
I understand being able to make those here on Sup Forums is easier than fixing /vg/, but it's sad to think they are so powerless to do so.

/vg/ is where good intentions go to die as they watch a game general go way past its prime kept alive by basically tripfags and avatarspamming

What happens if you have an offensive name? do you get ding dong bannu?

I guess, but the state of the general makes me speechless.
They are talking about the dicks of the different races and fucking nobody does anything to stop it

It's likely second phase theme as the first phase is always Fierce Battle like the other primals

If you get reported mods will give a warn and get you a free namechange.

Maybe if someone cares enough to report you
this game is full of babies so its not a stretch

Yda looks pissed in the trailer
Papalymo is definitely gonna die

I think she's pissed because they have to work with whats his name

not like it matters when he'll just come back in 4.0

>Dun Scaith will be harder than Wiping City
Oh boy can't wait to heal that shitfest.

>playing a healer to heal

Call me when stormblood rolls around

>Primal Extreme Bird Tier List

>Patrician taste

>Neutral taste

>Questionable taste

>Shit taste

>not playing AST and doing 0.00% DPS
>while also failing to keep people alive
Try hard elitist please go, I pay my sub!

>every catboy ever

I'm gonna idle 24/7 in idylshire on my Kirin bird from week one of 3.5

>mfw i votekick every healer in my roulettes that doesn't dps now that i'm protected by the "different playstyle" motivation

cya suckers

>mfw everything capped

My body is ready

>all DoL on 60 for months
>still hasn't collected a single collectable

timed nodes was bad enough in 2.x

catgirls are shit as well

isnt nearly as common to say every one though
its not exaggeration that all catboy healers are pure garbage
the only exceptions just happen to be people i know
ive never encountered a random catboy healer who wasnt terrible in every aspect

>sexualized male cat whm with skimpy gear that talks with cat noises and puns

dont bulli

into the trash you go

>someone manages to pull of a zettai ryouiki

Source for the image pls

with love, from Sup Forums


it's a modification from this shit, it's basically from Sup Forums

whats the new tails reward

>when you go to Idyllshire just to show off your superior glamour in a sea of shit taste

>Sup Forumsfags are in my game

there's nothing to prepare for

>not using all boards except /vg/ and /mlp/


>doing crafter quests on limsa
>see this
whats with limsa and degenerates

Crossboarding is the worst sin known to man. Man got banned from Eden after Eve went on /ck/ to shitpost about apples with a /an/ crossboarder.

Shortest way between the aetheryte and the glamour dispenser (market board).

>not realizing that true knowledge is crossboarding

my brain has trascended dimensions you fool, I can shitpost through the captcha confirmations, I have seen every poster from every board as they were born

join me

>still no unisex job poses

>Want to farm Sephirot
>Can't do mechanics perfectly on last phase and die
>No one wants me in their farm group
>Don't wanna make a learning group or I'm stuck with people with no knowledge at all

What do

make a fucking learning party, in prospect you are being the same as those people that doesn't want you in their farm group

So I've heard a lot about the game isn't really welcoming to new comers, but I've only played for a week and aside from the large amount of cringe in the chats I haven't really seen any of this. The worst I've gotten was when I died this morning in a dungeon I've never done before because I didn't know spider eggs poisoned you or whatever. The tank told me I should just give up this game and left the party.

I really doubt it, people are fairly welcoming to sprouts

apart from that

>giving up in a game because "ppl told me bad things :("

man up

It's always the tanks.

Dunno about other people, but I always took that as meaning that there's so much stuff you have to do before you get caught up. Stuff between the base game and the expansion takes a while to get through and isn't super interesting.

nah man I'm not gonna give up the game lmao. I was just saying what he said. Please if that made me quit a game, how the fuck would I still be using this website.

>died to spider eggs.

One would have given you poison but not enough to kill you. Did you keep walking into multiple ones or something?. The healer could have helped if you got poisoned.

>going on /xivg/ when people literally self harm when someone they dislike makes the OP.

I was the healer and yeah it was multiple ones at the end boss

>tfw too intelligent to play any healer but Scholar

thats what I plan on being, any tips? ive got the instant cast spell from BLM and im working on getting stoneskin, anything else i should look for?


Rouse + Faerie HoT

>too intelligent

What will the ilvl requirement for Dun Scaith be?

Name two (2) reasons why Diabolos isn't the best server.

>tfw too intelligent to play healer

What are the odds the MSQ is going to cliffhanger on a shock like last time before Heavensward?

whats this icon?



means you're walking instead of running


Same chance whatever "shock" cliffhanger they use will be completely invalidated within the first 5 minutes of the expansion. 100%

RP walk


it means SE has verified your account and actions as a human, and not a bot

is the new system they use to detect spammers or botters

im a real human?

for now

I'm not

funny you mention that server. Theres this crazy guy at my work who goes on there.


Materia system redesign:
>Overmelding/Advanced Melding is removed.
>Characters can now remove individual materia on their gear themselves. This still destroys the materia but it no longer requires an NPC, and prevents other materia in the item also being destroyed.

>Materia no longer gives direct stats.
>Materia slots now only exist on armour and weapons, not accessories.
>Materia is no longer limited based on the stats of the gear. Instead there are overall character limits to how much any particular parameter can be improved by materia alone.
>Red materia boosts a secondary stat at the expense of another secondary stat. E.g. +crit/-det, +skill speed/-crit, etc.
>Blue materia boosts defensive abilities, e.g. +Defense, +Magic Defense, +% Parry Rate, +Healing Received, etc.
>Purple Materia gives supporting bonuses, e.g. +MP Regen, +TP Regen, +Movement Speed, +Enmity Generation, -Enmity Generation, etc.
>Yellow Materia gives a boost to the lowest secondary stat on the piece of gear it's slotted in.
>White Materia amplifies the effect of any materia slotted in the same piece of gear. It has no effect if slotted on its own.

>Additionally, all jobs now have 5-6 additional traits that improve some of their actions. Increased durations, lowered cooldowns, additional effects, whatever.
>These traits are only active when the character has certain combinations of materia in their equipped gear.
>For example say 3 Blue Materia + 2 Yellow Materia = Trait "A" unlocked.
>Not all traits can be unlocked at once due to materia slot limitations.
>A new "Materia" tab on the character menu will show all currently equipped materia, available slots, stat limits, and trait requirements to allow for easier management.

>Lastly, Materia will now "level-up" (i.e. improve in grade) over time as the gear it is slotted in is used.
>As the grades get higher, the exp/time required for the materia to level up increases. Going from grade IV to V takes weeks.

why not materia in accessories? seems arbitrary

the white materia idea seems either pointless or too powerful, because you could use two X materia if the white materia woldn't amplify the effect that much, or always X materia+white materia if the effect was too much

if it was the same, it would made no difference

other than that, your system is cool but overcomplicated and overdesigned

>going from IV to V take weeks


Never post your ideas, thanks.

crafting boots/scouting top

>why not materia in accessories? seems arbitrary
Limits on stacking and to force people to consider combos for traits.

>the white materia idea seems either pointless or too powerful, because you could use two X materia if the white materia woldn't amplify the effect that much, or always X materia+white materia if the effect was too much
It would add like 60-150% of the other materia's effect based on the white one's grade. You might not necessarily always want to use a white one due to trait combos.

>other than that, your system is cool but overcomplicated and overdesigned
Better than what we have now.

>slot in several enmity generation materias as DPS
>bully tanks for not holding enmity

>meld tp regen on dragoon

>enmity materia
>parry %

you should be executed

t. tank player

>play NIN
>meld +movement speed
>go around in a full blue suit yelling SANIC'S MY NAME AND SPEED IS MY GAME

So you'd all rather just meld crit forever?

>tfw mnk plays exactly the same at 70 as it does at 50/60

fuck the tanks who don't bother positioning the final boss properly but instead runs to the other side of the room to dodge AoE's.

Nah, I meld Spell Speed.

>implying im against his idea
some of it is great
just trim some of the retarded buffs

230 most likely

Remove all stats but main stat.

Honestly, it doesn't mean shit.

>reach a certain amount of skill/spell speed
>it resets the GCD back to 2.5sec

Show me your glamours. No sluts.

Here's two (2) reasons why my server is better
1. It's a JP server so I can pug almost anything
2. Don't have to play with (you)


How would this change anything? Defensive materia is shit by default because most content hits like wet noodles and in raids we're already playing as offensively as possible. Until damage patterns change passive mitigation will simply never be a thing. Enmity shit is also useless unless you wanna use it to let tanks stay out of tank stance even more than now, but you can already do that to great extent. Red redesign will also cause people to just meld crit at the expense of det because det is shit right now.

Basically all of those things don't actually consider the current state of the game's design. You're trying to create tools that solve challenges that don't exist.

Speed best stat.

liberation from 2k a haircut

Because you'd be forced to use non-damage materia to unlock traits, dumbass.

Retarded meaning "anything that doesn't boost DPS" I assume.

AST easily had the best AF gear this time around. Wish you could have multiple glamours on one item though. Sucks being stuck with the gears actual look on WHM and SCH to glamour this stuff for AST.

Has it been revealed or mentioned yet what the ilvl for Zurvan Extreme is going to be?

Want to gear up for learning parties and clears as soon as possible for the Lanner grinds to come people are going to be flooding Party Finders with.