Why do people trust in this kind of company?

Even Capcom produced better games in a smaller time period than Platinum

back to bf1

High quality shitpost


Did Microsoft deploy people to shitpost Platinum Games into oblivion to damage control after Scalebound?

Just give up. MS is in the wrong here. They're canning the whole line up.

Kamiya's is just big news because he's a big guy in the industry.

the truth triggers neo/v/.

You never know....

>let's not use this opportunity to discuss because it might hurt the reputation of a company that I like

Literally neogaf tier.

Fuck off, Microshill.

>actual microshits in defense mode

thank you for the laughs, please continue

Not really, no. Even your shitpost is higher quality. OP is far below average.

>L-let's not talk about Platinum b-because they are going to release a PS4 game in March and I don't want to damage their reputation xDD

Yes, that's it exactly. It can't be the rest of us just enjoying seeing you guys try your best to defend your shitty console/brand.

>Showing Platinum shovelware list
>Defending Xbox


Don't try and pretend that you aren't trying to make it look like this is Platinum's fault.

Why are you so edgy?
>We vs Xbots
>Platinum vs Microsoft

It's this shit that kills this board.

Edgy? Ok, that's a new one.

Just take your licks, I'm sure another big scandal will happen soon and then you can have your fun. For now, be a big boy about it.

shut the fuck up for a second you filthy numale

Again, thanks for making me laugh this morning. Good luck with your thread, buddy.

Seriously though, it looked like ass, ran like ass, had an ass of a protagonist (and not in a good way, he wasn't charming, he was donte tier), had this weird looting and battle system that are not present in other Kamiya games and feel more like ARPG. And when the b-team is capable of producing much more consistent games than Kamiya I really have to question whether he lost his touch.

>Infinite Space

What the fuck? How could that obscure-ass game ever be considered a meme?

>he wasn't charming
it's just a video game not a movie