Well, Sony might not ever do another Gravity Rush game again, but at least they're having fun with sending out review copies.
Well, Sony might not ever do another Gravity Rush game again...
And yet Gamespot's review basically flat out shows footage of Kat being confirmed royalty.
The first game couldn't hint at it any harder than it already does.
Inb4 someone spoils the whole story
Is that supposed to be a spoiler? I was waiting for that moment in GR before the story just abruptly stopped.
Don't they literally call her a queen at several points throughout the game? How is that even a spoiler.
Oh shit
That was too obvious
nice graphics and draw distance lad.
is this the power of the PS4+ shovelware?
You take that back motherfucker.
Hes right though.
Nice Microsoft word font and ms paint circle being used too. Was the budget that low?
If I remember correctly, time that passes at the top is a lot faster than lower in the tower, right? Could be cool if she spent like months there, then come back and Syd is like "where have you been? I've been looking for you since yesterday".
Also we better get to that damn apple tree.
>Hes right though
yeah I think so.
I never really thought about how cool Gravity Rush's world actually is.
I hope she lives in the end
>the fucking bloom and fog
Do I get anything for preording the physical version?
You get a physical copy of the game.
I think gamestop has some costume or something
>doesn't see the obvious heaven allegory
You know theres more than one post in this thread, rigtht?