Shit so i skipped zestria, why artes attacks not using the arrows anymore?
Tales of berseria PS4 West Demo Out
Why not? Its new.
dont care.
Seem like unnecessary
Like now how am i supposed to differentiate between normal attacks and magic shit? Like i don't even know of spamming the artes attack is even consuming shit
I don't like Tales.
But I was looking forward to this game.
And I hate Denuvo.
But I'm going to download the demo and put my impressions in this thread. If it's good I may buy the game STRICTLY because demos are cool and if it takes denuvo to bring back demos for PC I think I'd be okay with that.
Steam demo where?
I was really looking forward to this. If the port is anything below absolutely on point then Namco can fuck off with this.
on the game's steam page
Can rebind buttons.
>plays like a slightly better Zestria
Yeah. Nah. Not worth the time of day.
Graphics options. Lots of SMAA settings for some reason.
The mouse works in the UI which is a good sign that it's a good port.. Game loaded very quickly and in borderless windowed mode already set.
Starting up the game now.
This character looks like a slut
Game switches between kbm and controller on the fly.
very dangerous enemies
I mean I'd fuck her. She's attractive but she looks like a girl version of jude with Millia's stoicness thatndresses like more of a slut than Millia does.
How the fuck should I take this seriously?
Combat seems bad, whenever you get hit the character just locks up for one second and it looks and feels horrible. Dodging/blocking seemed like it wasn't responsive.
>party members can do mystic artes
Since when?
I don't know if you are out of the loop but there's this thing in action and fighting games that we call hitstun. It's fairly normal to take hitstun when you get hit. If you don't like it, don't get hit
Is Tales good again yet?
Every tales since Vesperia has been pretty mediocre. Is this the change to that trend?
This looks like Xillia 3 electric boogaloo.
Why were people hyping this up again?
Most games if you allow them to in the battle settings
Since awhile.
>Xillia 3
I wish. I'd rather have that than a prequel to Zesteria. I'm glad Baba got fired.
From your webm the only thing bad is your skill.
I have no idea what role the characters play, but based off of their portraits and names:
Velvet - MC with Yuri-esque power level
Laphicet - Healer-esque like Colette or Estelle
Rokurou - Close range beater
Eleanor - Dedicated healer/mage like Raine
Magilou - Pure Mage
Eizen - Spellblade-y like Kratos/Zelos or Jade
Did I get any right?
Next-gen textures.
You can't avoid getting hit, there are aoe attacks and the dodge/block like I said isn't responsive. And I've never in my life played a game with my character getting locked up this hard.
It reminds me of ARPGs where you can get paralyzed temporarily, but this happens for any hit.
>Why were people hyping this up again?
Who knows? Why was Sup Forums sucking Zestiria's dick before it cane out? I'll just wait a couple of months until this game is dirt cheap.
Guess i'll wait for this to get to $30 on PS4.
Which probably won't be very long.
What you mean by themselves? Like i know in the other tales you can just switch mid battle and use it but what you can have them do it by themselves? Does this game give you an option to turn it off?
>Why was Sup Forums sucking Zestiria's dick before it cane out?
Things that never happened.
Laphicet is a support mage
Rokurou is a tanky bruiser with a counter
Eleanor is like Judith
Magilou is an anti-mage
Eizen is a glass canon
From what I've gathered after watching a JP stream
I think I get the combat now, it's more like a 2D fighting game than what I was thinking it was. So you have to read your opponents in advance to dodge them. These guys I'm fighting now didn't do the AOE spam though.
Either way the combat is not good but it would get better with more combos I guess.
>You can't avoid getting hit
Eleanor is more like Kratos/Zelos
>post vesperia
get fucked
Will there be a PC demo?
>not even remotely good since IX
>FF past 7
Read the thread it's out
Don't mind me, I was kinda just.. saying stuff.
I'm mildly upset for no apparent reason other than I think Velvet looks like she takes backstreet orders and specializes in paizuri.
talk about triggered
>I'm glad Baba got fired.
He did?
He got "promoted"
Not really, but he's now in a position where he can't hurt the series anymore.
Please explain the denuvo meme.
I am out if the loop and don't get this.
Promoted alright.
Ha Ha, no. He was working on this project just like all the past ones. He just didn't list his name, hoping it would help sales. It didn't.
Apparently fucks up SSDs.
>can't jump
>can't walk using the analog stick
Pirates can't pirate Denuvo games, so they cry and whine, while people ignore them.
So how much does the demo allow?
Get some taste faggots
>Eizen is a glass canon
From my experience, only actual glass canon in the game is velvet controlled by the AI, she gets really close to dying for some reason.
means you can't pirate it on day 1. Maybe it will get cracked after waiting months or worst case, it will never get cracked and piratefags will have to pay if they want to play.
As bad as XV was
It's still better than this trash
Yeah seriously, why the fuck can't i jump?
>she gets really close to dying for some reason.
She spams the arm thing which drains life and doesn't know how to use it.
this is FUD
I don't like the combat rip.
>game is prequel to zestiria
Why even bother as it's all for naught.
Anzen dude doesn't even turn into the dragon during it.
XV done nothing right
Combat is babby shit, enemies can't even punish healers in the game lmfao
I remember seeing Eizen die extremely quickly to some attacks but I might be wrong.
This is a variation on the more grounded combat from Graces.
I resent publishers or devs adding bloatware or unneeded software on my system
oh hey the demo is up
i'll see how this is. of course since it uses Denuvo it'd probably be smarter to just wait 2 months for when the price come crashing down (thanks Denuvo, you basically guarantee the publisher resorts to a rapid sale discount)
>post vesperia
>This meme will never die
>There is better games in the series that vesperia
>PCfag gets a game, first thing he does is look at rocks
Kind of a weak looking title card honestly.
Sums up my life pretty well
Time for a reminder
>There is better games in the series that vesperia
Holy shit dude learn some fucking english
Agreed. Tales of Phantasia is my favorite.
>fanbases are bad
Great image.
>Can't adjust volume / voices / bgm
I didn't really liked Vesperia, you think I'll like this one?
Sod off. This is why we don't have the general anymore.
Peaceful under the radar threads are the only things that should exist for these games.
I just wake up
Played some and while they changed some things around it doesn't change that the combat will be piss easy button mashing like in Zestiria.
What didn't you like about Vesperia?
What the fuck is this, XenobladeX?
Does it have god awful sound mixing too?
>Destiny 2fags
>There are none
>rock textures and random doodads without collision are the kind of shit pcfats care about in games
>You can't avoid getting hit
master race boys
not him but it sounds okay, the music is kind of annoying though.
Voices sound weird. Like over-compressed maybe. As if you were hearing them through a phone.
Do they say something every single time they use a skill?
Not my fault some Tales fans get butthurt when people point out how obnoxious they can be sometimes.
It wasn't a bad game, but I found the story to be a mess after a while and I wasn't really sure what was really going on.
The combat system was good, but got stale after a while.
I know the full game is dual audio, but can you swap the voices in the demo?
I don't know man it's up to you. Just the demo or wait till it's pissing cheap.
Can you take screenshots without an external program?
where the hell is the demo
demo section in steam.
Doujin when
Fuck this Graces combat. It's such a mess.
I wish they would bring the old style back where your Artes used TP instead of having no normal attacks and having to wait for your gauge to fill up again.
Game is butter smooth at 60 fps.
Still getting a hang with the combat though.