Why is this an eSport?
It literally requires less mechanical skill than CSGO subtracted from TF2.
Why is this an eSport?
Other urls found in this thread:
>my casual and popular e-sport shooter is better than your equally casual e-sport shooter
>Popularity is synonymous with casualness
OW and CSGO are the lowest skill ceiling shooters on the market.
>Why is this an eSport
Because Blizzard forced it to be one because HotS flopped.
>Why is this an eSport?
Its not really. Cant compete with League Dota or CS:GO. Dead like SC2 already.
t. GN3
Their moba sucked, so they had to rely on their only game left that also happened to gain popularity ONLY because of porn.
Higher skill ceiling =/= better esport
Listen to uncle TotalBiscuit, he has the wisdom
What was his reasoning? I don't watch his videos.
Why is competitive FPS an esport at all? It's the most mechanically undemanding and aesthetic/immersive genre of them all, the polar opposite of what competitive gaming is good for.
Yeah, because slot machines make for a really good sport.
Remember when Blizzard was paying pro dota/lol players to play HotS?
good times
Because the people who play e"sports" are the same faggots who jack off to OW porn. To them, if they make it seem like a good competitive game, it validates them rubbing one out to it.
>calling it League instead of LoL like his Tencent overlords command him to
Because Blizzard can afford to throw money at it. It's not organic in the slightest.
>he thinks I play mobas
why does esports exist in general
so when i'm playing dark souls, does that mean i'm playing sports?
does that mean i'm an athlete now?
Nah, I don't play low skill ceiling shooters like CS.
Care to provide evidence to back up that argument, or?...
e-sports is a meme
the only reason it works is because there's tons of money in it
the competitive side/skill-based side doesn't matter at all
as long as someone, in this case blizzard, keeps pumping money into it, it will be an e-sport
>This sport requires less skill than this other sport
>Therefore it's not a sport.
Do you represent an organization and/or play in tournaments and get money through winnings? Yes? Then it's an esport. It's not a hard concept.
Games cluttered with mechanics that make the game more complex aren't necessarily better if said mechanics turn gameplay into a chore.
Don't usually agree with TB, but he's right on this one in general. Don't know how is that relevant to OW though, the game still has low ass mechanical skill ceiling
Because fat virgins who never get off the couch want to feel like special snowflakes for pushing buttons
Not sure you read his post correctly sport
>it's a Sup Forums doesn't understand sports are fueled by popularity and not how much skill they take episode
>not by money
He has asked 3 questions. I've answered the 2 last ones.
It probably applies to CS:GO in a way that there's too much reliance on natural dexterity to simply kill other people/be more consistent with headshots. It's not really something that you can drastically improve through years of experience like any proper esport should be.
money usually follows popularity, but yes money too
>one of the most popular fps games right now
>shit-tier viewer base whose only use it to discuss character viability through pick-rate
the 1 million dollar TI1 made Dota 2 popular not the other way.
The last 2 were obviously jokes so I could only assume you were responding to his real question
>W A V E D A S H I N G
>see this thread
>reminded that call of duty has an esports scene
Just look at these people
Because blizzard wants to
Oh boy can't wait to see tanks vs tanks and their supports as guest stars
>dota isn't popular
are you fucking kidding me? sure League of Legends might be more popular but you have to be an idiot to not recognize dota as one of the most popular games in the world
>less mechanical skill
I don't get this. I like CSGO, TF2 and Overwatch and the "less mechanical skill" in Overwatch confuses me.
How does it have less mechanical skill when it's got more movement options in the form of character abilities?
How can it have less mechanical skill when most weapons can headshot unlike in TF2, so getting better at aiming will hit a "skill ceiling" later than TF2 would, for example.
I do understand that the balance is pretty askew in Overwatch at the moment though
Let's be honest, if a fucking memestone could become an e-sport, that means anything can.
Where is mine minesweeper league?
not only that but there are plenty of games that the developers injected large amounts of money into that just didn't pan out
Killer Instinct for one; money might work in the short term but popularity will almost always make your e-sport succeed
>Why is this an eSport?
It's not.
>hey dude let's time our Q together
sick game
And any legitimate esport that has come before such as Quake and UT.
The problem with shallow games like OW is that you reach the ceiling fairly fast and you can only get worse after that.
i'm already a pro and have won multiple tournaments, its getting really boring
why does esports exist in general
its fun for the viewers and money for the hosts. just like any event.
i was on the fence until i went to the boston major. i'm hooked. it was more fun for me than most traditional sports events (except honky). if you have the chance to see a big tournament live take the opportunity.
Warcraft 3 dota was small time mate. Valve made E-sport big with Dota 2.
Because in TF2 I have to learn how to pull off the crazy movement that comes with soldiers and stickyman. In OW I just press a button and my character goes on auto-pilot.
because memorable character designs & play style variety
>le mechanical skill meme
The real question is rhetorical one, don't know how you would answer that other than with the obvious "Because people want it to be". So he's either dumb if he asks this seriously, or it's a rhetorical question
>Warcraft 3 dota was small time mate
jesus christ how many newfags are on this board
>Valve has turned DOTA2 into a multi-million dollar business
>the multi-million dollar prize pools are a fraction of what Valve is raking in from their compendium
It just prints money, valve didn't open up a gold mine, they figured out how to turn lead to gold
>play style variety
>LoL sounds dumb as fuck
>call it league instead
Where's the problem with that, faggot?
>War 3 DoTA
>small time
Yeah bruh, Blizzard didn't hold tournies for it at Blizzcon or anything.
>"Sup Forums told me that OW has no variety so that means it's true!"
They are fuelled by how much they can circulate in a society. The more something circulates, in a broad sense, the more you can intercept and make money off of it. Sports circulates because they circulate in everyman-imaginations easily, and the whole thing is the site of a social exchange that almost anyone could participate in and enjoy. People identify with their team and buy shit to consecrate it, so on and so on, it's just wacko.
The e-sports slime is simply taking games, which have been dreamworlds of competition and sport from the very beginning, and adding an additional layer of competitive energies through leaderboards and shit. All of it adds up to revenue streams, and they integrate whatever gives them more revenue. This is where this "game culture" is coming from.
I'd say that the fact that people only call a few games "competitive" shows how little appreciation there actually is for the games themselves. Specifically, the subtle examples of competitive illusions within them (like you'd see in a painting or read in a story). Because they're subtle and not retard-level, more energies are flowing towards this grossly accountable form of competition, which doesn't extend past whatever shows up as a number (this is connected to "pro gamers" turning down graphics to give themselves an edge).
>pale meta thrash instead of real balance
Reddit, pls.
don't get what's so funny about that, sure you can reduce it to "hit ult to win" but you can reduce any game's gameplay in a similar way. it's not like you're literally just standing around until you can hit Q
Unfortunately tank meta isn't just a meme. It's a true failure.
>confusing meta with play styles
meta changes over time although i dont personally see what's wrong with 3 tank meta. it's fun
In LoL and OW you are playing the meta, not the game.
And this disproves his argument how?
Literally everybody in Overwatch plays the same way.
Nice fallacy.
literally everyone who plays games plays the same way wow owned
Street Fighter takes less technical skill than pretty much any other fighting game on the market right now, but it is the top competitive fighting game.
every hero is only good at 1 thing and forces you to play around it
>go competitive in OW
>pick whatever I like
How am I not playing the game?
It sucks to play it and sucks to watch it.
what does this even mean? who cares
>meta changes over time although
So what? It doesn't change the fact that each moment of time game have very poor variety in comp scene since most of the characters is unplyable.
>i dont personally see what's wrong with meta. it's fun
That's a fair point senpai sorry
Because Blizzard pushed it that way.
Esports aren't grown organically because they're good games anymore, user. They're grown artificially through publishers feeding events money to feature their game.
You have a choice between meta champs that can guarantee you a win or you can go with the 'variety' that you are talking about and get shit on.
Variety doesn't mean anything if it's a choice between a cookie and trash.
Because Valve are idiots and never helped develop a proper TF2 competitive scene, it's all grassroots and kind of bad. Why the fuck they don't prioritize the third most played game on Steam is beyond me.
So Blizzard took their shillions of WoW money and poured it into the most retarded shooter ever made and created an e-sports scene floating on casuals who think "I can do that too!".
>hero is only good at 1 thing and forces you to play around it
BWAHAHA say it Rein, Soldier, Ana and Widow, Hanzo, Bastion, Junk from the other side.
esports became popular when direct tv got into the deal with counter strike teams (the original counter strike, not css) setting up and airing tournaments on tv in non peak time. They saw the potential it had and invited the top 4 teams in the world to play in its invitational in San Francisco sometime in 05 or 06. Everyone else followed suit when the ball started to roll slowly-but-surely. All in all I enjoy esports and its just up to the viewer and the hosts whether it lives or dies just like other things that are considered sports but are technically not (poker)
this game will always be shit competitively, heroes have limited kits and similar roles so there's always going to be heroes just straight up better than others.
Because you are gimping team if you don't pick according to the meta.
It means that from all of the characters and combinations only a handful are viable because the developers say so.
I dunno, if I want people to watch my esport I wouldn't have the teams play the same archetypes against each-other. It's literally just a mirror-match.
When people are debating whether a game should be an e-sport theyoften fail to understand that its succes is often defined by how appealing it is to watch for low-tier players and people who don't even play the game.
Overwatch has a ton of personality so it seems like it should be relatively easy to appeal to the masses, but it turned out that pro play is currently too cluttered with particle effects from ults to really get a grasp of what's going on in a fight. They toned down the speed of characters getting their ults, making the game slower and more understandable to layman.
The game still has to change some things before it can get some decent succes because as it stands now it's not up to top 3 games yet.
Well OW is definitely a shitton more fun to watch than CSGO.
TotalBuscuit has just as many fucking retarddd opinions to share as novel ones. High skill ceilings are literally mandatory for something to be a sport. Else the olympics would include shit like coin tossing and hopscotch.
Because of how blizzard they handled the alpha and beta of the game. Only making it accessible to ecelebs and twitch streamers.
Their entire marketing strategy at the start was to make it a eceleb scene with twitch communities on top of what was already said that they keep pumping money for the tournaments and advertising.
>Low skill ceiling
Come on now. Just because you don't like a game doesn't mean it's unskillful.
I don't think they could have desu. The competitive players were too fixed on 6v6 and cp_badlands to consider anything else. They even lost to a bunch of pubs when the map was switched to badwater.
because it's popular and blizzard is putting the money behind it
if you thought esports was anything but a popularity, and who has the most money contests you're dumb
What are you on about? No, "they" didn't.
Connecting trite little truisms to esports as much as possible =/= wisdom.
Not to mention that all he's saying is "complex games aren't necessarily good ones", which doesn't even apply to specifically e-sports, but to game design in general. I'm going off of that one user's summary of his "point", though.
>only the game that requires most skill should be esports
People like to watch what they understand, and what they can play. Its not really weird that you only start watching esports of a game when you are heavily invested in the game already.
>Listen to uncle TotalBiscuit, he has the Blizzard payroll
explain how csgo is skilled
>Listen to uncle TotalBiscuit, he has the wisdom
I can't believe mentioning TB is now tolerated, let alone positively
It's not, it's just marketed as one.
I still don't get how people can find OW fun for more than a few hours. The skill ceiling is so low shit just gets boring so goddamn quickly
Not even TF2 was this casual
>I've never played Quaker or Unreal Tournament
November shit you'd have that opinion if you were raised to associate FPS with spunkgargleweewee like CoD and your average console shooter.
normies don't play much.