AGDQ 2017
Now: Metroid Prime
Next: R A B I R I B I
Later: something autistic?!
AGDQ 2017
Now: Metroid Prime
Next: R A B I R I B I
Later: something autistic?!
Other urls found in this thread:
Fucking boring
A bit early, the other one isn't even in bump limit.
This kills the Metroid series
OP's an actual fag
This run sucks
Mods are awake now
xth for daugherfu
Shoutouts to my boy Miles
Help this questionnaire is playing mind games
Should I post my bunny?
>tfw youre jumping up and down on your butt dildo while speedrunning and you cum just as you get a PB
the best feeling in the world
Weebs fucking everything up because they're desperate for validation once again!
Prime is a shitty series, so of course the runs will suck.
waiting on baited breath
Why is noone running GOTY 2016?
Are they that afreaid of normies getting triggered by 2D girls? Aren't they trying to be more kid friendly? Wouldn't kids like a game like that?
I would name my pet Ferret Miles.
Never ever seen this happen EVER
>Sakura's game ruined by being run by a group of ugly ass trannies.
At least it made me want to go watch the show again.
So is Miles really a tranny now?
When's the next actual tranny run?
Doom does have a run later though user
>tfw no slice of life / comedy Metroid game
Is Miles /ourboy/ ?
They're running doom 2016 though
No one? Anyone?
That would only work if you play as a Space Pirate
Just some ramblings about myself and my thoughts/feelings over the years, some of it feels really embarrassing but I hope it'll make me feel better to get these things out there.
One thing I see commonly asked is if "there were any signs of it as a child". In my case I don't really think so; there are some minor things that stand out, but it's been such an incredibly long time and I don't remember them clearly so I wonder if my mind is just embellishing them or something. I don't know if I ever thought along the lines of "I'd rather be a girl" or whatever when I was that young. I also don't know if I've ever externally showed any signs, given that for a incredibly long time I've tried my absolute damn hardest to not ever act on these feelings or talk about them to anyone.
The main thing is throughout my life I've fantasized/daydreamed a LOT, as a sort of escape I guess, and at some point (at least when I was a really early teenager, maybe even earlier) the 'main character' in my daydreams was almost exclusively a girl. I actually did think that was really weird at times, and occasionally tried to 'make myself' be a guy in my daydreams, only to quickly stop because I didn't enjoy doing so. Over time I've had more and more thoughts like "I'd like to see what it'd be like to actually be a girl", "I sort of wish I could've been born a girl", "It'd be nice if reincarnation existed so I could come back as a girl", "I wish there was some way to suddenly become a girl"... They became more severe and much much more common as time passed. But I had never considered the possibility of being trans (or if I had, I quickly dismissed it because part of me was afraid of not being "normal", which I realize is stupid now), so I convinced myself that "I'm a guy who feels at times like he'd much rather be a girl, but that's not an option, so I'm going to do my best to be happy as a guy".
My man miles.
Why are there so many fucking trannies at gdq
Yes Miles is /ourguy/
didnt read
threads are banned
Then, near the beginning of October, Hazel posted a picture of herself; it was the first time time I had seen a full picture of someone who transitioned that I had met prior. It actually seriously annoyed me at first, as it kept popping up repeatedly for various reasons, and every time I was like "god dammit stop constantly reminding me of how much I wish I was a girl". And then over the course of a few days, it started slowly dawning on me that "uhhhhh, I'm being really jealous of someone that's trans, oh shit does that mean I'm-".
So that led to a mix of incredible happiness and insanely severe stress. It's a massive completely life-changing thing, and I've pretty much had to overcome 25 years of denial and doubt, which is difficult as hell to deal with; plus the fact that it felt like I had been 'lying' to myself for my entire life, being so afraid about coming out to others, how difficult it'll be to transition... But also a lot of happiness because I finally had an explanation to how I've felt my entire life, that I was far from alone with these feelings, that I was wrong and I DID have the 'choice' to be a girl instead. One of the biggest issues to deal with (which still annoyingly pops up sometimes) is fear of being wrong; but the fact that it's not that I'm afraid of actually being a girl, but instead I'm afraid of NOT being a girl, sort of shows how ridiculous this fear is.
To the ultimate question of "how do you know for sure you're trans", I suppose the simplest answer is that I feel so much happier when I think of myself as being a girl.
he means R A B I ______ R I B I
>Pet ferret.
>I fantasize about girls all the time
>Surely this means I must BECOME one
This guy gets it
>when the soy hits u
>mods purging threads
That would be the space horror people pretend real Metroid games are.
>just mind your own business breeding exotic animals and making gadgets
>some mutant bitch comes, wrecks everything and grinds your boss to dust
I've currently made barely any progress towards transitioning. It's only been about a month, and it's been insanely confusing to deal with all of this, so I'm basically not sure where to even begin. I'm kind of happy that I came out a ton earlier than planned, though, as I can go ahead and do a million-times-easier 'online transition', which should hopefully make me a lot happier and make recent events a bit easier to deal with. I do have a name that I've always liked and am about 90% sure I'll want to go with, but I'm not ready to share it generally yet.
This kills the Sup Forums
Guys what is this meme and why is it flooding twitch chat?
Its good they are pruning shit but they are going a little hard on it.
if only they could purge the hobby
>Greetings from Zimbabwe! First time donator long time watcher! A huge shout out to the guys behind the scenes making it all happen we couldn't have this wonderful event without them. My son's wife died of cancer last year after she came out as trans on her deathbed so let's get some HOOOOIIIPPPEE and KILL. THE. ANIMALS. X 3 put this money towards unicorn% in Crash Team Racing p.s. I will donate an extra $15 if the guy in the back does the truffle shuffle
Mods need to purge stupid shitposting OP's who don't care to post accurate schedules too.
The joke is gone, it's getting old
TRANSlator lol
>tfw such a virgin that it would be easier for you to transition into a girl than to fuck one
being this mad lol
Twitch chat memes are too real right now.
>Got a warning for referencing Claris' transition
Uh-oh, our janitor girl just woke up.
the best i can make of it is that either it just sounds like that so lol type it out like that, or there is the emote minglee, take your pick either one is fucking retarded, but thats twitch chat for ya
What crawled up the janitors ass?
Why are you retards so obsessed with the personal lives of runners? Who gives a shit?
The run is pretty good.
trannies need to fuck off from gdq
>good video games kill Sup Forums
accurate enough
This run is pretty boring.
since we all know he has mild autism when will he come out as a Trans Girlâ„¢ (male)?
So many deleted threads itt
he runs metroid prime every year it's boring now.
>janitor girl
Janitor girl or janitor "girl"?
ruh roh
Why did this make me laugh?
wow, nobody in the past 1.5 hours has said that
you are literally the first person to notice
>lol u mad bro
Why are weebposters so fucking obnoxious
Overwatch won GOTY.
>there we go first try!
>after 9 tries
I am new to this, what does VAC mean?
God that fucking breathing. He is like a fucking pig grasping for air.
are dark messiah runs any good?
retard kys
Based Bloodthunder
cant wait for that run
Eat shit.
mods are on a fucking rampage
too harsh for my tastes tbqh
Janitor girl (Male)
The look on her face makes me want to hug her
Also kek
It's going to be boring till the Dark Messiah run at 1:30
Um, that's sow to you thank you very much
Why doesn't the nigger just fucking masturbate or something, Jesus. Not everyone with a TG fetish has mental illnesses, makes me afraid for the future if anyone found me fapping to shit.
I sure do love watching a transvestite having issues going in and out of bounds and looking like they are going to have a panic attack.
Vaginas are cheap.
probably once he starts showing more, he is only like a month or two into it and would be pretty much dressing in drag at this point
Rabi Rabi isn't good. It's shit story, shit visual, a alright gameplay that's overshadowed by bad anime trash.
The best.
I haven't checked, is there a kick%?
because half my mods got pruned despite being quite legit
Well atleast the Ing King and Dark Samus will be entertaining
Right? ;_;
it's a hip term for vacuum, as in get off the computer and go do your chores, kiddo.