BF1 runs like dogshit!

Just so you know I'm not lying, here are my specs. This was bought from Bestbuy and even setup by a Geeksquad computer expert:

- 24" Viewsonic flatscreen monitor
- Dell gaming mouse
- Windows Seven Ultimate
- Intel quadra processor
- Memory with 12 gigabytes of ram power
- One TERABYTE Hard Drive
- BluRay player
- Foxconn power supply with 400 wattage
- Sound Blaster sound card
- GE Force GT560 video card

So after getting a $1200 gaming computer ($1800 after signing up for the extended warranty and 2 years of Geeksquad protection) the Battlefield game is STILL laggy! Not only that, but it can take up to 40 minutes just to log in if I do it after getting home from work.
I've verified with the Bestbuy salesperson that this computer should speed up my game, and if it's not then it's Battlefields fault.
Nice job EA, you fail at making an FPS.

Guaranteed replies from newfriends

OK, I'll bite.
Your machine is shit. You are a moron. BF1 and EA are cancer. If you want to be too, lower settings.

It's all because of Dell gaming mouse


Ignoring the troll and taking the topic.

I was getting 200fps with low settings in the beta, then I bought retail sometime around black friday and certain maps went as low as 60fps. Refunded the piece of shit, but what the fuck are DICE doing?

Woaah you get 200fps in a desert but not anywhere else woahhhhhh, shit dog my old 970 and i7 2600 get like insane frames on low what a dingus

200fps in both alpha and beta. In retail, those same maps ran at 130 at best. Worst offender was Empire's Edge @ 60 fps. Unplayable.

Ok dude, maybe get a better PC that game is CPU bound get a new CPU, what do you got senpai.

3770k @ 4.5Ghz

Well damn dude i dont know thats a nice processor even mine is worse but i keep my frames huh, try battlefront if you want stupid amounts of frames because the game had like no environmental physics so it runs stupidly well, rip u nigga ill pour a 40 for u

m8 u took the bait XD

OP post it again in new thrad xDD

how it runs doesn't really matter because bf1 is dogshit


Slightly modified version of stale pasta. Here's your fucking (You), keep triggering newfriends.



I am monitoring this thread

What is this? The ghost of Tortanic?

>being this new

Who cares how BF1 runs on PC? Games like this are literally the raison d'etre for consoles