What went wrong?
What went wrong?
I actually played the game at launch by luck and played all the way to cata. You nostalgia faggots need to give it up already, move the fuck on. World of Warcraft was NEVER good. Prove me wrong.
Protip: kill yourselves
I just don't have to play such a slow and unrewarding game. Not in high school any longer.
Well the number of players back in the day sort of destroys your argument
I don't even know why I'm playing this stupid fucking private server
I know it's going to be shut down again, it's a just a matter of when
Well, for starters Nostalrius never was mechanically noteworthy in any way. There was a few features worth mentioning (like pre-1.12.1 itemization) and it obviously had changes to server infrastructure because open source emulators can't hold 10k+ players but the world content for example is worse than it's in open source emulation for WotLK.
Besides that, while there's appeal in playing on an active server, at some point it goes beyond reason. Having ten times more players online (with another 20 in the queue) than what was population cap for retail vanilla servers isn't a recipe for success. I guess that's what happens when you make headlines in BBC and other mainstream media.
>dont have time
>can play literally any fucking time you want
You realize there is no sub fee right? Or are you just retarded?
I played it when it launched all the way up to the highest players online. Can you read?
No, it's more like if I only have maybe an hour of free time between studying/work/life, vanilla wow doesn't do much in terms of fun=time. Everything in wow takes ages to complete, either quest, looking for raids or instances.
In the same time I could play a single player rpg, or a modern rpg built around an adults life, instead of one for highschoolers and neet no lifes.
I remember when I played in vanilla back when I was in high school. I literally came home and played 8-12 hours straight then slept 4-6 hours, went to school, napped during class and lunch, came home and play another 8-12 hours. This was literally all my life for 6 years.
damn, that sounds depressing
Can you? The whole point of my post was to contradict your "It was never good" argument.
That's what addiction and all the time in the world did to me.
Given that people nowadays tend to clear dungeons and raids in timely manner, there's nothing that obliges your play sessions to be long. What's wrong with completing a couple of quests instead of 10 levels in one session for example? Hell, actually this keeps you away from raiding which (besides R14 grind in vanilla) is the one area of the game that could become a timesink depending on how tryhard you want to play and in a sense makes content that players with short play sessions can complete more relevant.
>hmm who's side will I take?
>the nostalgic fags or the retail fags?
>nah fuck that, I am way too fucking unique to pick sides
>better call both sides trash
Protip: ur a faget
>implying I play wow
Lmao hey everyone look at this dumbass kid trying to be a profiler over the internet. Fucking dumbass kid.
chinese farmers give them a proportion of their profits
theres no other reason
>dude bro I can only think in extremes
>lol bro everything is black and white
>holy shit im a faggot
hows 9th grade going?
>taking sides
Spotted the cuck
I was up at 6am UK time this morning and logged in for a bit./ There was still a 2000 queue.
Haven't played wow since vanilla and its a nice nostalgia rush. Actually playing the class i played back in the beta too.
>missing the entire point of my post
Don't call anyone a dumbass ever again.
If you don't like WoW then why the fuck are you wasting your time in this thread?
How's that sub 90 IQ treating you?
You must be extremely autistic to have played that long and call the game bad.
Same for me. During holidays i'd play 18 hours or so. Pretty glad wow doesn't do anything for me anymore. I play ffxiv nowadays but only around 2 hours a day and not every day.
How was the beta for Classic WoW anyway?
Autistic faggot fucks up and now is scrambling to defend himself from looking like the dumbass he is.
>says the one shit posting on Sup Forums
>says the one wasting time even though nobody cares about his opinion
Truly pathetic.
Yeah it was pretty awesome. Massive PvP wars in the northern Barrens and Ashenvale and stuff I remember well.
I'm still playing other even older mmo's right now too. DAoC just had a classic server relaunch the day before this and also with Eve going free to play I'm trying to divide up some time between them all.
All great games.
Lmao now she's double green posting and using an old meme nobody remembers for a pic. Claims others to be truly pathetic despite everyone in the thread ganging up on him already. Hahahah.
Autism is a hell of a drug you dumbass.
Nostbulls bullied us retailbros too hard
I'm LITERALLY shaking right now