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What is so great about Skyrim?

I Fucking hate reddit so much

Notice the post doesn't actually say what's so great about Skyrim. That's the joke. It's a joke because there is nothing great about Skyrim.

I'm waiting

Lol us gaymers amirite upboat this please

The guy forgot his last sentence.
Me: Nothing.

>*shuffles notecards*
wouldn't your explanation not be synced with what your presenting on the power point?


Doesn't matter.
All of them are blank.

some faggot in some shitty facebook group tried to argue that Skyrim was better than the Final Fantasy series.

Holy shit was I furious

But the FF series is shit with some good flukes in them.

XV is lightyears better than Skyrim

why would you need a slideshow to explain why a game is good

Person: "Witcher 3 is better than Skyrim
Me: Never should of come here, FUS ROH DA

Sup Forums is the same shit, it's just that the question would be "What's so bad about Skyrim?"

And the skyrim is bad with no redeeming features.


Made me chuckle

oh no the bad guys won

It's good to have notes so you can go into more detail without making your audience read too much

Smart people would say "everything"
Dumb people would tell you everything.

>eyes widen
>powers up projector
>opens folder
>prints out documents
>starts up powerpoint
>clears throat

I'm glad you asked user...
its fun

Couldn't agree more friend. Can you believe that the legendary edition is only 40 dollars?

>should of

How about instead of trying to discuss topics that are CLEARLY above your intellect, you go back to elementary school and learn grammar?

What an amazing job Todd did. What's not to love?

I got it for $25 on PS4, joke's on you Todd.


I hope this is some reverse double bait.

oh ym fucking god, not again


Apples and oranges, m8.
And no matter how much the local contrarians bash it, it doesn't make it a a bad game.
Sure, it has a lot of flaws, like braindead ai and simplified rpg element compared to it's predecessors, but it has a very solid exploration element, decent situations variety and is a good adventure experience for the first wakthrough.
The staleness of the mechanis can be fixed with mods, so that's also a plus.
Final Fantasy is a whole different game.

I got it for free on PC. :)
Thanks Todd.

I can understand liking Morrowind the best because of nostalgia and it's different enough to have its own feel. However, anyone that thinks Oblivion is better than Skyrim needs to be in a mental hospital or just tested for severe retardation. Skyrim is literally Oblivion with everything improved minus spell creation plus gear crafting/improving. I know getting rid of spell creation is pretty bad but that's the only thing that went backwards.

If you do not proceed with a sarcastic list of its "achievements" it is you who is the ignorant in this situation.

The guilds are better in Oblivion.

Those notes would be predicated on the power point slides, which are in a set order, and by shuffling the notes they would be out of order making explanations more tedious due to searching for the proper notecard

Illiterates get out.

The fact that Sup Forums is so obsessed with shitting on Skyrim already proves that it's a great game.

Where's the "You can use it as a high fantasy h-game through mods" line?

Well user just play whatever you want and have fun. You deserve it.

Oblivion quests are far better than Skyrim's

There are better games and Skyrim has plenty of problems but it's still a very good game.

Why are people saying reddit? This is obviously from Tumblr

Me: Do you have a moment to talk about CHIM?

I'd buy all your Elder Scrolls games if they were all on Steam (Arena and Daggerfall)

They are literally fucking free on the TES site.

It's not the same
You just don't understand my autism

You can add non-Steam games to the Steam interface. google it

because someone is posting most-upvoted images of reddit on Sup Forums

its kinda an easy way to bait and we all fell for it

what the fuck do you need notecards if you have a fucking powerpoint right in front of you?
>yfw skyrim fags need visual guidance for everything in life

Skyrim is absolute trash. A decent overworld doesn't matter when the game has ONE fucking dungeon that isn't garbage and all the loot is level scaled so exploration is pointless. There aren't even any good quests to discover because every fucking quest in Skyrim is garbage. The UI is borderline unusable, the RPG mechanics are dumbed way the fuck down, in spite of culling "redundant" skills (IE getting rid of variety so the game isnt too complex for dudebros) they still have shit like lockpicking being its own skill even though lockpicking is a skill-based minigame and you can clear the game with a handful of lockpicks while never touching a single perk for it because it's braindead easy.
>b-but mods
Modded Oblivion is better because it has a lot less fundamental flaws than Skyrim does

Oh I misunderstood your post

Maybe they meant shuffle them into a neater pile, not shuffle them like a deck of cards


What's so great about Skyrim?

We live in a society where the number 1 escapism hobby, video games, is growing exponentially. Many people are miserable or, at the very least, plain unhappy with their lives at different points. The number one escapism fantasy is venturing to a world steeped in Tolkien-esque fantasy, with wizards and swords and dragons and all that is encompassed under high fantasy. Just look at how well the LOTR/Hobbit movies did or how popular Game of Thrones is.

Skyrim (and its predecessors) are the answer to this question when asked facing video games. No other game (at the time, and still, pickings are slim) easily allowed the player to immerse themselves in such an open world that allows them freedom. Games like Witcher 2, Dark Souls, Gothic, etc are all great games but they're either too difficult for the average joe or they simply just don't allow you true freedom to go where you want. When Todd is made fun of for the infamous Mountain comment, I get it, you can't climb every mountain, but there sure are a lot that you can.

Skyrim is a game of achievement. It allows you to venture all over the world in any manner you please, completing any tasks and quests that you feel you should. It lets you use any weapon you find and allows you to train that skill no matter what you were doing before. Again, it's not a difficult game at all, but the gameplay and combat is serviceable enough that normies can accept it and enjoy it.

Is it full of bugs and glitches? Oh yes, they all are. To be fair, that's the price they pay when making a world as huge as it is, even if many of the dungeons are just copy and pasted mazes. With every quest, every character, every trigger, bugs are inevitable and are much harder to contain than a linear game's bugs.

At the end of the day, Skyrim is an easy, casual game that serves the high fantasy escapism that many people simply look for. It's not a 10/10 game, but it is a great one.

Because he hasn't played another RPG in his life

tl;dr: it's great because I didnt play the previous games

I literally wrote
>Skyrim (and its predecessors)

You should try learning some reading comprehension.

>doesn't list any reasons
top kek


Well, what's this then?



I love this post


Can I have the template for the hand?

top kek

Nothings great. I honestly hate the Elder Scrolls. The gameplay in those games is god awful, the worlds are dry and bland and I've just never understood why they caught on with so many people.

They just plain suck. But I guess its because its a game made to appeal to the least common denominator.

You don't have to worry about quality if you can get a bunch of mindless idiots to buy your big adventure game


Got this on my facebook feed from some Deadpool-loving normie.

Normal fags everyone

why'd you leave out
>me: It's garbage

>that font
>that font color choice for the last panel

My fucking autism.


Watch the edge there m8

>Destiny pic for "they let us have fun"
Yeah, no.

This is factually true though.

FF is a pretty shit serious for the most part.

casuals are dangerous

Lol, awesome meme mind if i use it?

>can't find destinations without a marker
>thinks he can find a convincing argument for the game


i may not have gone overseas, but i've seen the desert of the sahara and the jungles of cambodia. i've been to hyrule, kyrhat, pandora, vietnam, and everywhere in between. you know why? because i'm a GAMER.

woah.......really fires the neurons......

I only say normie because he's not your typical geek-looking dude like you'd imagine from the pic, he was a pretty athletic dude when we were in high school. Didn't think he'd end up like this.


>call of duty

>They teach us to face our fears
No they don't that's why there are so many neets on Sup Forums

>They teach teamwork

Not him but the problem with the ones on the site is that they take like 3 minutes to launch do to the amount of things you need to configure every time. The Gog versions fix this though and they launch with one click.

u mad lol

Why compare them?



is anyone else tired of these ironic posts?

*eyes widen*
*clears throat*

excusez moi?

Childhood is thinking reddit is the villain
Adulthood is realizing Facebook is the real bad guy

The mods make it good. Otherwise it's the 3rd best TES game, and a pretty low tier RPG.
Morrowind > Daggerfall > Skyrim > Oblivion > Arena

You can save it, it's all your my friend.

I literally just opened up DoSbox, typed in 1 command and Daggerfall started up in 10 seconds.
lmao 3 mins

who is that semen demon?

But Facebook just steals from Reddit.
