>Tfw women will never understand this scene
Tfw women will never understand this scene
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That's one ugly beard.
Fucking Suzy
Women are just as capable as men, you virgin.
Just because no girlfriend of yours can understand you, doesn't mean you are mysterious, just that you had no girlfriends ever.
>Crying when Luna dies
>Are completely numb of emotions during this scene
Give me a reason why I shouldn't be gay
>t. redditcuck
I felt bad for Luna dying, but I didn't cry because they just pulled an Aeris. This scene though, it hit me hard.
You are the cuck because you have no gf and will never have one.
No girl wants a misogynist cuck bf like you.
t. mlady
do you even know what that word means?
You can't be a cuck if you're alone.
It's called being a bro or a brother. No woman or girlfriend can surpass that relationship.
You can you find another gf but not a bro.
Once Chapter 9 started, and shit went down, I pulled an all-nighter playing the game to it's story conclusion.
I was more devastated when the team started to fall apart. Then the catalyst for the event.
The world itself is cucking you.
Same here, I felt like shit when iggy turned punished and the rest of the group were giving me shit the entire dungeon
>You are the cuck because you have no gf
Nice logic you hacve there.
>that beard
Same. Granted, I pretty much did all the side missions I could tolerate (Like 35 hours worth) then started Chapter 9 and played it through to the end.
I might go back and play some of the additional content once shit gets patched more.
Why is Final Fantasy fujobait one of the only games that really get the brotherhood feeling down so well?
>look mom, I said the work cuck again
>that means I won the argument!
Projection 101
SJWs always project
>takes dick in
>it is too big to fit in his butthole
Yeah, girls have their orafices so far stretched that they would have felt nothing
I love this board. I get so many spicy screencaps that I post on r/justneckbeardthings for delicious karma and gold.
Women don't understand art period. It's a weakness of the sex.
This is why the Mary Sue phenomenon became a thing, because women don't understand that a protagonist must go through some kind of struggle and earn our respect as an audience.
Think of the works that defined and created genres, that spawned imitators. Less than one in ten were made by women and to be quite honest I think those were flukes.
why are girls so shit