Can't even fucking cook eggs properly

>Can't even fucking cook eggs properly
>Can build a spaceship

She learned how to eggs in 4 tries?
...Was it 4 or 5?
4 i think

>can't even get a fucking job properly
>can rule an ancient civilization which lasted for thousands of years


I want to tickle her cute belly button!

>they still don't use this model for porn

She just minmaxed her skillpoints.

because people think turning the stove to 10 is a good idea. At that point you aren't cooking eggs you're burning them.

Because they can't rip it, she was only shoved into prerendered cinematics

Meanwhile most of Sup Forums...

>can't build a spaceship
>can't even cook eggs

most of Sup Forums
>can propably not cook anything either
>can build a PC

Waiting for lewd

beause the only model of her in the game is from the codec, and thats just the head and torso.
the full model you see is from a video.

Well damn.

Cooking eggs is easy, lotsa fat and low temp. She's probably supposed to be some kind of idiot savant though, or I guess these days autism is the hip word

Pls no bully Sunny

She's not, she just had a little stutter as a kid, socially isolated thanks to her dad, and can't cook eggs.

You, being autistic, were just hoping that was the case so you wouldn't be alone.

Im glad you missed my point and managed to retain your stance as an aggressive moron, really I just wanted to talk about eggs

you didn't want to talk about eggs, you wanted to discuss autism.

Fuck off rascist...

make me faggot

>just the head and torso.

You mean "enough"?

i cant

mfw they probably did that so we couldn't use her for porn