Now that the dust has settled

Now that the dust has settled

Can we agree Bloodborne is a mediocre game overhyped by the fact it's the most important PS4 exclusive, even now?

Also, check my 5

Other urls found in this thread:

It's roughly as good as DaS3

100% agreed. If it were a multiplat everyone would view it as mediocre as DS3 was.

>still no other worthwhile exclusives
Reeeeeeee fuck you Sony, I won't buy your stupid console for one game

It's a damn shame too because BB at least has my interest despite all the bad things I've heard about it because I still love Souls games. Sony just doesn't care about money I guess.

>2 million copies sold on a system with 40 million units sold
fucking lmao

>BB got outsold by Splatoon

Roughly as good? DaS3 surpasses it in every way possible and it's still getting more DLC to boot.

I can't agree, bloodboner has been my favorite game of the past few years

Icing on the cake, really, considering Sonyggers did nothing but shitpost nonstop about Splatoon assuming it would only sell about 300k copies.

Smells like mad PCuck in here.

Great argument
Take a (You) and show it to your friends back in Sonygaf, faggot

No. BB is a fun game.

Can we also agree that Bayo 2 isn't as good as Bayo 1 and is also overhyped by the fact that it's a Wii U exclusive?
I swear every time someone says 2 is better triggers me. It's not better, it's worse in almost every way.
Wii U isn't even the definitive version of bayonetta 1 because it has the shit washed out colors and almost ps3 levels of loading screens. 360 and now the bone is still the best.

TW101 deserves all the praise it gets though.

You are entitled to that opinion, if you enjoyed it that much, good for you.

I'm just saying that if it were a multi-plat, it would come and go, like many other multiplats. But we still have Bloodborn on our minds since it's PS4 exclusive

Grow up, this is a serious thread with serious discussion, not a consolewar shitfest

DaS3 has better bosses but it had shitty weapons until the DLC and even now BB has a few more interesting ones.

If DLC2 gives 4-5 new weapons, 1 boss on the level of SoC/NK/Friede and it gets a patch to fix the ganksquads/makes boss invasions a feature instead of a glitch, it'd be better than BB on every front aside from maybe level design.


>tfw too intelligent not to accept BB as the greatest game of the generation, and by extension of all time

You're an idiot OP

TW101 sucked and I'm glad it bombed.

Daily reminder that the Bloodborne DLC and Demon's Souls were made by Japan Studios and are the gameplay peak of the series.

bloodborne is genuinely the best game i've ever played

and there is nothing you can do about it :)

Fuck you user, you suck.

Nice trips.

How come? Elaborate

>Tfw a massive fan of Armored Core
>Fanbase is constantly at war over which is the best, considering most of them are very unique and many people insist that their gen was superior, despite them all being really good
>Tfw became a massive fan of Souls/BB
>Literally the exact same thing happened again
>Cannot enjoy talking about From's games because they always lead to fanbase civil wars
Metal Wolf Chaos/King's Field are exceptions because nobody talks about them.

>please give me attention and confirm my beliefs that my taste isn't shit!
lmao work on your self esteem and post less passive-aggressive smileys next time faggot

'serious' discussion, like posting a one sentence opinion with no explanation.

Bloodborne had better map, story, character design than everything but Dark Souls. Its also one of the few games that does Lovecraftian horror well. The only glaring flaw is Blood Vial farming and a couple of unbalanced weapons.

Dark Souls 2 and 3 DLC has been shit. BB had one larger, more expensive DLC that genuinely added to the story and game.

My favorite game of the generation, I borrowed my friend's PS4 for 4 months and played the shit out of it

I didn't play multiplayer though because no premium account

If NioH doesn't bomb and Persona 5 is as good as it looks I'll probably buy a PS4 and play the shit out of it again

The only bad things about this game are vial farming, no porting between lamps without going to the dream and 30fps Chromatic Aberration potato quality

>DaS3 better than Bloodborne

>linear as fuck (more so than Bloodborne)
>DaS1 dickriding everywhere
>rehashed areas
>weapon balance is fucked
>Farron keep
>for every good boss there's also a shit boss
>disappointing DLC (though the 2nd could still be good)


>Despite all the bad things I've heard
BB is an amazing game and easily one of the best Souls games. Just because some butthurt xbox/pc fags are mad they can't play it doesn't make it a bad game.
It had the best combat and atmosphere (outside of demon souls) of any souls game and is well worth the price. Also Ni No Kuni 2 and Nioh are also PS4 exclusives.
>inb4 Sonygger
I have a PC but a PS4 is worth purchase unlike Wii U or Xbone

>Also Ni No Kuni 2 and Nioh are also PS4 exclusives.
I don't give a shit. Give me 2 other games as good as BB and I'll buy a memestation

It's not mediocre but sonyggers really do overrate it. A solid 8/10

>Give me 2 other games as good as BB
Well since BB is probably one of the best games of this generation that is a hard thing to do. I think Nioh and Ni No Kuni will be worth the buy though.
I was gonna say Nier:Automata but that has a PC release (which I will pick up)

No matter how good BB is it's still not worth ~$400.
Even if you convinced me with cold hard facts and evidence that it was the greatest thing since sex and toilet paper I'm still not spending that much money on one game. It's unfortunate that Sony hates money so much because I don't want to play it if I have to jump through such a financial hurdle for it.
>inb4 poorfag
I have a full time job, I just have more important things to spend money on like rent and utilities.

Time to go through the numbers. Ahem.
>linear as fuck (more so than FFXIII)
>Lovecraft dickriding everywhere
>rehashed areas that all look the same
>6 weapons
>forbidden woods
>for every good boss there's two shit bosses
>disappointing DLC (though we are not getting a 2nd one)

t. pc/xboxfag who watched 5 minutes of glameplay on youtube

>say you aren't poor fag
>worries about rent money
Wow sorry you're such a poor fag.

It's fun but 10/10? I would give it an 7/10 at best for how short it is.


>paying rent instead of games is THE qualification a poorfag

Bloodborne isn't that linear for a Souls game and it is much better than say DS2 fake open world.
Lovecraft is a great setting, if you don't like it that is your opinion and there are other settings mixed in.
Areas in BB differ greatly from victorian era streets to castles to woods to fucking nightmares
Unique weapons which all feel fleshed out and is the best weapon design in a souls game
forbidden woods isn't that bad and if you don't suck ass you can easily get past it
Most of the bosses in Bloodborne are great.
DLC wasn't disappointing in the slightest and was the best DLC from has released for a Souls game

What difference does it really make to you

>Not just paying rent and buying games
Just don't work at Mcdonalds and get a real job. I can afford my house and pay for a bunch of games.

I agree and I'm a PS4 owner.

Please just leave the PCfags alone. It's not their fault that they don't have any dedicated developers or games after 2004.

Exclusives will always be overrated. It does not matter what platform it is on. BB is no exception.

How sad and lonely of a person must you be to waste your youth like this.

Real talk. Undertale is more enjoyable and worthwhile than Bloodborne. It also has a better overall theme and message to the player.

Nah it was really good, DaS and BB sit snuggly beside eachother, the rest seem pointless, we couldve done without them and lost nothing, well maybe not DeS it had some cool stuff but I felt DaS just did everything it was doing but better.
Idort masterrace. Only wish it were on PC so it had better framerate and to see what it would look like without the CA, but it was a fine game, I wish Sony would pull their finger out of their ass and fund more games instead of blowing it all on their shitty movie departments.

>Own a PS4
>Don't care for Bloodborne

Good thing it still has dozens of other exclusives

Forbidden Woods is the best area in the game my guy.

>he still thinks posting his pathetic reaction images buried under mountains of anime porn is accomplishing anything worthwhile

I swear there were a bunch of Sonygger shitposts in this thread up until now. Did they go the way of PS4 games?

Bloodborne is a souls game in grimdarkness and occassional bullshit only. The faster gameplay also makes the bullshit that much more punishing when it does happen.

Co-op and invading is great in there

I don't like it when people bully Maria-chan.

The mod banned the person spamming them all.

It's one of my favorite games of all time but I still have buyer's remorse for my PS4. I would never recommend someone buy a PS4 for it unless they were so rich that it didn't matter (in which case they're probably an idort anyway).

the edgelord had it comming

I don't care if she's edgy, user!

I haven't had a bloody waifu since Ryuko!

its okay

i admired it more than i enjoyed it. they tried some new stuff and most of it didnt work, worked poorly, or was a dis-improvement over how the souls games did it. but at least they tried some new stuff, like DaS2, except DaS2 was mechanically tight, made sense and had varied aesthetics and more than 1 viable way to play the game

its better than DaS3, maybe as good as DeS (havent played it since it was new), defintely isn't as good as scholar or DaS:60fps edition

I bougt Bloodborne but I just cant enjoy it, the combat is slow still, but it is supposed to be played fast and aggressive with the regen health on attacks

The bosses were cool, but the whole shift into more aggressive gameplay was not for me, I liked DaS more slow paced methodical combat

Its like it wants to go into more action styled combat ala DMC or something, but it cant let go of the slower combat

What are some good games for ps4?

I was thinking of getting a bloodborne box.

>Can we agree Bloodborne is a mediocre game overhyped by the fact it's the most important PS4 exclusive, even now?

No, i think it managed to have a good atmosphere.
It's fun
Has a great Soundtrack
It's dynamic enough to not get bored
Good Art direction
A DLC that it's worth the price
Its story is ok enough to support the game
Doesn't need multiplayer to be enjoyable

A shame that it isn't avaible on pc.

There is a whole library of weeb games but they obviously dont appeal to everyone. Currently playing Digimon: Cyber Sleuth, its alright I guess. Bought a bunch of exclusives during the sales and they all seem fairly good to be honest, but nothing that screams "must play, I have to recommend people play this game and buy this console". Nioh is out soon and it was pretty great, still waiting for a release date for EDF5 aswell, suppose to be this year. I would recommend you wait till some more games are actually out before thinking about buying the console, that said, they are dirt cheap now if you buy preowned.

All of the Soulsborne lore and story telling summed up with the quote
>"Lofty dialogue meaning"

This isn't a very good post

No, we can't agree. I don't even own a PS4 and I enjoyed it. My old room mate had one so when he picked it up I was psyched. The fact that it moved from a Victorian era monster hunt to old god levels of badassery was fantastic, and it had some of the better boss fights, especially in the DLC. It was fucking great, not the best game ever created but far from mediocre.

This is a very good post

>old god levels of badassery

reddit is looking for you, you need to go home

It's a 10/10 game and if you've never played it, you really will never understand

This one isn't bad. I think I could give you a strong 6.5/10 here.

0/10 apply yourself

Thanks chief

shit bullying
shit digits
shit thread

check this 9 though.

>less than 30fps
>chromatic aberration and motion blur everywhere
>texture pop in
>unresponsive controls due to garbage stability

10/10? nah senpai. even if every other aspect of the game was perfect, it would lose at least 2 points for trying to be a fast paced action game with all these stability issues


>most important exclusive
>sold the least

No. Souls games are still niche. An exclusive one more so.

Literally none of that is true, and fb is a fun as fuck zone, git fucking gud.


Meant fw, as in forbidden woods.

Confirmed for never playing