Who is next for overwatch
Who is next for overwatch
doomface probably
another gurl with a smug smirk
Another robot/omnic
give me the spaghetti head.
Only the "cartoony" ones are going to be into the final game.
Good. Middle right looks boring as fuck
Why do people want more characters if Blizzard can't even balance what they have right now?
>we will never get black Paz
Nobody in that picture.
Were there seriously that many unique heroes in overwatch?
What happened to uniformity in the military?
How come so many of them get to be special snowflake avengers?
Terry Crews
It better be that robot with really wide hips.
One of those guys is that literally who that shows up in Mass Effect 3.
Why are there so many black characters?
>80% blacks
wow progress Blizzard.
Well it's a private militia, right?
Like diamond dogs except everyone is a different kind of big boss/medic/snake instead of having actual grunts.
cool, I could always use more porn
Because we can have more material for porn
thats some strong white guilt on their part
Because they had to use all of their Anglo designs on release for actual sales
So when will people campaign that Overwatch is one of the greatest porn games of our time?
Because it's set in the future.
All these characters look the same to me.
speaking the truth
They used every caucasian and asian design they had at launch.
diversity amirite
i thought he'd be out by now tbqh
>The Savior just had a spiked knuckleduster
>The Scourge one-upped him with some hydraulic gauntlet
>The Successor had his entire arm kitted out
How long down the line until Doomfist is a dude piloting a fist-shaped battle crusier?
>sell game with 50% of cast white people
>later push diversity
>sell game with presumably straight mascot
>later say she's actually lesbian
What did they mean by this? What else do they have in store?
Why can't the game developers create what they want? You niggas sound like SJWs complaining about "too many white faces :("
God i hope they put in the dark skinned blonde. My dick demands it.
Other than that, i know we are due for a male defense or tank. Give us Terry Crews doomfist i guess.
It's just another tale of lies and double standards and contradictions and everything they like to ignore. I hate blizz and the rest of the liberal game industry.
>"presumably straight"
Is this the new Sup Forums buzzphrase?
pic strongly related.
>if Blizzard can't even balance what they have right now?
Blizzard will never balance heroes, but most likely they could do it.
>It's another "Game developers that only do what I want should be able to create what they want post"
I learned it from their official OW forums. Apparently if you don't specify a virtual character's sexual orientation, it's "assumed" to be straight. This is the way they pushed for "representation". Identity politics as usual.
Oh stfu. This is less about dev freedom and more about pushing political agendas. If there's anything I hate more is being pandered to by someone thinking that they have to shove their political views on me. I play games to play games, not to live a cuck's dream.
That's how things work in 2016. You vote your ideas, your identity, and stuff that's not you can go to hell. Identity politics. Get with the program grandpa.
I don't get why people on Sup Forums are against Tracer being a lesbian when 90% of the images of her on here are lesbian r34.
I can tell you my reason for it. It's not genuine. And it's the kind of lesbianism that men actually hate: the kind made by women who represent the faces of all the man-hating women of the left. Not the lesbians who kiss and have sex for the sake of the man's pleasure.
>Oh stfu. This is less about dev freedom and more about pushing political agendas.
Show me the political agenda, you are just like the SJWs thinking that a skin is a political statement. Fuck off my African child.
>If there's anything I hate more is being pandered to by someone thinking that they have to shove their political views on me.
This isn't like Marvel or DC user, I haven't seen one Political movement by Blizzard in Overwatch. If a few non-white characters trigger you that's on you.
>I play games to play games, not to live a cuck's dream.
What does this even mean? How is a dark skinned video game character in any form the same as letting a man fuck your wife? Is a white man incapable of fucking your wife aswell?
I don't know of any program, I don't get any political message until Sup Forums tells me it's political.
Think the people who are against or care just wanted to know from the beginning that she was lesbian. Them springing it later is kinda cheap, and it reeks of it being a marketing move. 100% nobody would have cared if they added a new character who happened to be gay to the game.
It's going to be a big red armored hero, I'm assuming it'll be soundquake unless they pull one of those sombra/ana design switchups again
>when 90% of the images of her on here are lesbian r34.
So what?
>I don't get why people on Sup Forums are against
Because we don't like Overwatch.
Is that a black guy with a mullet or a Spaniard
>no loli
>No Canadian
>no loli
D. Va
>no canadian
Doomfist and Athena are shoe-ins.
Personally I'd love the Nightwing-looking guy on the bottom left.
Why does everyone think the robot chick is Athena? Was that confirmed or are people just being retards?
as long as it's not fucking Kai Leng
The "A" symbol on her head and stomach does make one believe so.
Son, that's a fucking tramp stamp. It's right on her synthetic pleasure box.
Who did she cuck?
Torbjörn. It's why he hates robots.
Tramp stamps are on the lower back
Because Overwatch is an international taskforce.
Can we agree to ban her from Total Mayhem? She ruins the whole point of the brawl and makes it anti-fun
So what?
Ana isn't on that pic. So why the next character would be?
fuck balance, I want fun
Doomfist 4 is just melee-only D.va
Good. You opened this message. This isn't actually asari military command. They're busy tending to what's left of their planet.
So you survived our fight on Thessia. You're not as weak as I thought. But never forget that your best wasn't good enough to stop me. Now an entire planet is dying because you lacked the strength to win. The legend of Shepard needs to be re-written. I hope I'm there for the last chapter. It ends with your death.
Jaws or the black elf girl I hope
Next is Doomfist, followed by an unknown, followed by Athena.
so many niggers lul
>I cannot learn how to play shooter, so I want OP meta
Back in the day it was more like the xcom project, with all countries chipping in to make overwatch, after them disbanding its just unofficial mercenary work now.
It's pretty much been confirmed that the vast majority of these characters are just filler fake red shirt Overwatch soldiers. The only ones people are expecting to see sooner or later are the ones with a black outline around them, such as big red dude or mono-eye robot, because that's the same art-style used in-game.
A minority from a third world country who everybody thinks is terrible on release until the comp scene makes them part of the meta then everybody complains about how OP they are
I fucking hate OW, but newfags who think they speak for Sup Forums need to fuck right back off to reddit from whence they came, faggot
Terry Crews as Doomfist.
>All of his dialogue is just Old Spice references
I'd be fine with that.
Except for the red guy they all look boring as fuck
the black one
A non-binary genderfluid transnigger
Believe it or not white people are the minority in regards to the whole world
This type of logic is fucking retarded and fits right next to "if you kill the man who killed your daughter you're no better than he is."
There are more skincolors than white and brown.
They all look generic at fuck. Red robot doesn't have no shading. And bottom left is a Nightwing ripoff.
Uh actually no
No there are not
They're too dumb for a real job.
Top left and top middle ones could make some interesting characters I think.
>next hero is revealed
>it's another fucking female
>Blizzard reveals she is gay in December of this year
>sales increase
>adding a male character
>in waifu-watch
Maybe NEXT year.
>she's also an omnic
hazmat suit guy
lobs toxic sludge which can heal or harm
some sludge can be left on the ground for allies/enemies to run over
can coat an ally with some temporary sludge armor
can spray a good frontal cone which also pushes hazmat suit guy backwards a bit for an escape
It's literally the Avengers, dude. This whole fucking thing, from character design to the fucking theme music screams "comic book" way more than military.
They're all black because they don't want to waste good white character designs on filler portraits.
i wanna fuck mercy