>bad ending is canon
Bad ending is canon
Other urls found in this thread:
>best ending is a cuck ending
>advanced guardian heroes
>begins with a bad outcome that didnt exist in the original
dungeon traveler 2
>you and your party got defeated by final boss
dungeon travelers 2-2
>you turned shota while your pure female companions got corrupted and they all turn sexy sluts.
>you must hunt down your corrupted party members in the game
>Joke ending is canon
Literally never happened
Metro 2033 and Silent Hill 2
Metro 2033 bad end is canon
Joke ending is canon in Drakengard, which leads to NieR
>Game has 5 endings
>They're all canon
Xcom Enemy Unknown/Enemy Within canon ending is literally that the player lost you retarded faggot.
Why DS2 was bad.
What games handle this like Mother 3 where halfway through the game is the fucking bad end and you have to fight from there?
pure samurai girl
the bad ending IS canon, it just happened in another dimension and she'll be back to conquer others
The entire story of that game is a bad end
thats some garbage animation
>non book retards
corrupted samurai
I never played the sequel, but I thought the player was supposed to have won but it all turned out to be a dream or something?
True, but I'm referring to reaching a point where the villains just straight up win and have total victory for a time.
>Game has multiple endings that cause significant change in the world
>None of them are canon because of the next game
Most anything by Yoko Taro, seriously fuck this guy.
>tfw betraying her and getting her literally pulverized
You lost the base attack in EU/EW and everything past that was just a simulation manufactured by the ayyys.
>Bad ending is the best ending
>not canon
Melty Blood comes from the Saii-chan route which didn't exist
Blood Omen. Bad ending is not only canon but is the basis of the sequels.
>tfw making a rpg
>tfw there is no good ending
Get cucked.
This a board for videogames not books you pretenious cunt.
We are referring to metro 2033 the game.
>game never ends in the first place and will never get a sequel because the first will never be finished, even after it becomes a legit artificial universe simulation with its own sentient life
>your only two options are girls you hate
>you can't pick the girl you want and you have to watch her get with some total loser even though she'd be perfect for the MC
it's just not fair
So you're a cute shota hunting down and purifying your former party members one by one? Sold.
>game becomes more real than real life
>devs make the ending with the most trophies gained canon
maybe you should try reading a book user :^)
I sure as hell hope we read the same book motherfucker, because the dark ones get nuked in the book to all fucking hell too. And it is a bad ending all things considered.
>look at me guys Im a book reader look at how smart I am haha retard game only fags LOL
name 1 game that does this nigger
>implying it will ever progress from tiny map sizes, when a whole world got generated that should be explorable
He's making fun of you for labeling something that is a thrift store book as "pretentious". You're a fucking retard, dude.
>goes from noble samurai sword to gun in corrupted mode
What did they mean by this?
>whole game is not canon
Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen
pure sister of the church
So you get NTR'd? Fuck.
>all endings are canon
The Prinny games on the PSP follow the Disgaea bad ending.
>"I don't know how this battle is going to turn out, but... The day you die, I'll die too."
>three vastly different endings
>they all happen at the same time
>implying (You) didn't post in all caps just to get some (You)s
Here you go fag.
so weeb games then
God Hand
What game?
maybe helping her is the cuck option because you can't romance her
but that cuck shit doesn't mean shit anyways so
>game has three endings based on your choices throughout the game
>they are all the same
>the game asks you if you will accept the main quest
>you can say no and the game will end right then and there
super paper mario
What is this?
Name five (5) games that do this.
>all endings are bad
>game has different girl routes
>one of the girls goes full yandere and calls you out on it if you do her route first
the real world getting fucked up in which Nier takes place
Nobunaga being evil in every adaptation or sometimes a litteral demon should tell you all you need to know about that
That's the one you pull? You're either underage or straight up retarded.
Multiple Paper Mario games. Multiple Megami Tensei games. That's probably over 5 and required no thought.
Warcraft 2, although "bad" ending depends from what faction you were rooting for. It certainly was bad for the Alliance.
>The real ending is just a few extra lines of dialogue with no real exposition despite the extreme potential for it
Seriously, who the fuck is Shantae's mother.
>legacy of kain
are you retarded
The Shadow Hearts trilogy on PS2
no, it's the only one I remember giving you that option at the beginning of the game
why are you so mad about this
>turning pure maidens into sluts is canon
ok, I'm sold
She warned me right in the first half in Red Truth, but I still didn't believe her.
>Game makes you choose between a male and female protagonist.
>Both versions of the protagonist show up in the sequel as separate characters.
>multiple paper mario games
well not the first two, the only real paper mario games
You would be excused for expecting a good one and feeling betrayed tho
The final ending of Drakengard, a medeival fantasy game, has the hero and his dragon being transported to modern day real life Tokyo, where he fights a giant magical god in a rhythm battle
After you kill it, your dragon gets shot down by the Japanese air force, you die, and the world gets infected by magical salt AIDS, leading into Nier
>it's actually the canon choice
Are there any games that do this?
I was gonna say ZX advent but that doesn't really happen actually since they appear in different continuities and never together
>game has multiple endings
>each one can affect how the sequel starts
secret ending is nikon
>Real ending has a bunch of cryptic rules and things you must do in order to reach
>The game barely clues you into how achieving it
I wish that where the case for Infamous
>they where going to make it canon for second son
>but they looked at trophy data and decided to use the good ending
we could have had a post apocalyptic world of super powered people
instead they kind of ignored cole's sacrifice and said conduits survived or came back and now everyone hates them because of DUP propaganda
I was thinking of Ogre Battle 64, which has the male and female protagonist from the first game as side characters.
Pretty sure the game forces you to do her route first.
If you play as the male courier, complete heartache by the number properly and got the NCR ending, she gets drunk and sleeps with a random NCR soldier while she was looking to sleep with you. Give me a minute to find that ending.
>it's just a simple stat bonus and headstart on your alignment
Fuck you InFamous 2 just kidding you were pretty good